Saturday, October 25, 2008

Saturday October 25, 2008

The day started dark, cool and rainy. It remained that way all day.

I purchased a NYT at D&W. $1.50 for a newspaper! However, it is the only paper that has good international reporting. The Detroit Free Press is small by comparison. I think all newspaper are feeling pinched. The Grand Rapids Press which has no competition was absolutely tiny today.

After breakfast I headed to the MAC to give blood. After answering a zillion questions, blood pressure tests, the nurse pricked my finger and tested the blood. I was told that my iron level was too low, 34 vs 38. So for the third straight time I cannot give blood. I think my blood letting days are over.

It was still raining after my rejection so I ran a few errands. I have been looking for some warm winter clothes. I had no luck today. I will purchase the clothes online. Online is not in my 1956 dictionary.

My back has been bothering me today and I can not determine the cause. Was it my tumble from my retro yesterday? Did I use the ERG machine improperly? Is my dead lift form wrong?

For exercise I walked around Reeds Lake. It took me 2 hours.

For dinner Nancy and I took a coupon and headed for Russ's. I had the perch dinner and Nancy had prime rib. The entire bill (with the coupon) was $ 10.50.

I am watching the PSU/OSU game. I am pulling for PSU.

Since MSU won today I think my mother would have to prepare my Dad's favorite meals for the next week. Oh, what an idle mind remembers.


Anonymous said...

Very cute about the MSU\UM rivalry and how she would have to cook his favorite meals.

Anonymous said...

I went to the Westside market this morning and bought an Apple Fritter. (and 3 lbs. grapes, 4 lbs. apples, a butternut squash, and a pound of smokies.)