Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tuesday October 14, 2008

It rained last night. However, this morning it was partly cloudy but much cooler. Tonight the temperature is suppose to drop to the high 30's.

I performed my normal exercise routine this morning but was I dragging. I think it is the change of seasons. It is 80 one day and 58 the next.

After the MAC I stopped by the bank to renew a CD. I got an interest rate of 4.1% for 6 months. I thought this was pretty good. I also stopped by the post office to mail a package to LA in LB. The PO was jammed. What happened to the paperless society?

This afternoon I picked up a large piece of plexiglass to replace the screen door in my office. I then took Nancy's car to the Ford dealer to get the oil changed. We are taking the Ford to Tasha's house this weekend.

I was going to bed early tonight, but I realized that NCIS is on and I must watch. This is the only show I watch regularly.

Tomorrow I have a GR Building Authority meeting. I rearranged a cut and stitch session with my skin doctor to make the meeting at its regular time. The meeting then was changed to my cut and stitch session. Today I called the doctor and they were able to reschedule. I take my civic duties seriously.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sound very busy these days. I hope all goes well with the skin doctor.