Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday October 28, 2008

It was cold this morning. I had to wear my lined pants for my bike ride to the MAC. I did not go to the Kava House this AM because I had an early lunch with John Kraus. John worked for me at Kent County. He has been self employed for over 20 years. We had a good time.

In keeping with the cold weather I purchased a new snow shovel. It was a cheap plastic model at Meijers. They are the best shovels. You use them for a year and then buy a new one at the start of a new snow season. I also purchased some filters for the furnace. To celebrate the cold weather I took a 3 mile walk.

Nancy cooked boneless pork chops with dressing for dinner. It was great. Gas was $2.67 a gallon today.

It is Tuesday night so we watched NCIS. NCIS is the only show I watch regularly. Tomorrow Dr Mary will remove my basal cell spot. I have to be at the DRs office at 0730.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i never celebrate cold weather. just mourn its arrival.