Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sunday October 5, 2008

Nancy and I go swimming for the first time in 3 weeks. After the swim we head for Meijer's to stock up for the week.

After my nap I take a 3 mile walk. Nancy trimmed back some flowers in the yard. She did a great job on the flowers this year. Our yard looked great. I also made it through the season cutting grass with no major problems.

Tonight we are having beans and rice. I really like the way Nancy fixes this meal.

Today I finally caught up on my blog. I will have to figure out how to keep up when I am on vacation. I think I can do my blog from a computer other than my own. I will consult with Tasha. We are going to visit Tasha weekend after next.

I have not recently commented on the political or Wall Street problems. Nancy and I have not made up our minds on JM or BO.

I think the congress had no choice but to vote for the bailout. However, I think all the Wall Street types who made over $20 million dollars should be shot, no exceptions.

Goodby for now. Every body keep a good thought.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

they should be thrown into a coliseum, gladiator style. Spectators will pay about $100 each to watch them get devoured by lions. The profit from the event should help pay off the debt. I'll gladly pay to watch.