Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday October 26, 2008

Sunday is swim day. Nancy and I got to the MAC when it opened at 0800. We swam 45 minutes.

The day started cloudy and mild. As the day progressed it because very windy. This evening it started to rain and snow is predicted for the morning.

After the swim we did our weeks shopping at Meijers. Nancy had to buy a lot of stuff for our dinner party on Saturday. We are having seven people over.

After my nap Nancy and I went to a battery store to get a battery (what else) for her garage door opener. We stopped at the mall so I could look for a vest to wear under my coats this winter. No success.

I went for a short walk, 45 minutes. The colors are great but if the wind keeps up the leaves will be gone in a day or two.

We had hamburgers for dinner and then watched the news and 60 minutes. It is early to bed because next week will be busy. Eight more days and the silly season will be over. I think both JM and BO have run out of gas.

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