Sunday, October 19, 2008

Saturday October 18, 2008

We all slept in until after 0700. Tasha suggested that we head for Cleveland's west side market. The market was very busy when we arrived. The market sells fresh meats and fruits and vegetables. Vendors rent space and it is interesting to see all the ethnic meats. You can buy pig's feet, goat, all kinds of sausage and fish. They also sell bakery goods. I sampled an apple fritter. It was huge. After my sample I tried another. Tasha and Nancy also had an apple fritter.

After the market we dropped our purchases off at Tashas and headed for more shopping. We visited a local winery and Nancy bought some wine. Then we stopped at Wal- mart, a store I do not like, Home Depot, and Trader Joes. We had lunch at Panera Bread. Our morning shopping exhausted me so I took a nap.

For dinner we stopped at a sports bar but it was so crowded and noisy with all the Ohio State fans that we had to leave. We had dinner at Pug Mahones. Pugs was not as busy but the TVs were all tuned to the OSU game. We all had a burger. I think Nancy's was a chicken burger.

After a tough day we capped it off with ice cream at Mitchell's. It was great. All in all a good time was had by all on a beautiful fall day.

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