Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tuesday October 7, 2008

Exactly one month and the silly season will end. I am so tired of all the ads.

Today was sunny and cool. I got a late start because of my new policy of getting up when I wake up, i.e no alarm clock.

After my morning routine I set up the XM radio that I bought for cousin Peg. It works great. I hope she likes it. I am taking it over tomorrow.

I decided to cut the grass today. It really didn't need it but I decided to cut it short and hope that this will be the last time in 2008.

Nancy is helping with a training session at Meijer's Garden. So I have to microwave dinner. It is beans and rice from Sunday. I love beans and rice.


Anonymous said...

I know that Peg will love the XM. Have fun with her tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I love rice and beans too.