Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunday October 12, 2008

Yes folks another warm, sunny fall day. The colors are better today than yesterday.

Nancy and I started the day with a 45 minute swim. We followed the swim with a trip to Meijers.

After my afternoon nap I pedalled my bike around Reeds Lake. I noted a steady stream of people either walking or pedalling around the Lake. Everyone wants to get all the outside time before the weather turns bad.

After the bike ride I took a 1.5 mile walk. Tonight Nancy is fixing a pork loin. Except for "60 Minutes" I don't like any other Sunday night TV. I am almost finished with my book, Back Spin. It is by Coben and very good.

Last night I was playing with goggle and goggled Prescott Bush, the grandfather of the current president. I read an article on Prescott Bush owning stock in a bank that financed the German war machine during WWII. I am surprised that some left wing outfit did not publish the article during the 2004 campaign. I am considering voting for a 3rd party candidate instead of either BO or JM. I have major problems with both major party candidates.

Must close now because dinner is calling. See you next week. How come I always misspell because?

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