Saturday, October 11, 2008

Saturday October 11, 2008

Yes folks another sunny, warm day. After breakfast I loaded the kayak up and headed for New Richmond on the Kalamazoo River. New Richmond is about 5 miles upstream from Saugatuck. I paddled 2 hours upstream and 1 hour downstream. The colors were great and the River was smooth as glass. I did not see many critters. The reason may be that this is the first weekend of duck hunting and I heard a lot of shooting. I did not see any hunters.

On my way home I drove through Saugatuck and was surprised at the number of tourists in town. I don't think there was an empty parking space to be had. It just goes to show you that a sunny day brings everyone outside.

When I got home I noted that Nancy had been working in the yard. The three full leaf bags helped me make my brilliant deduction. We took a short 1.5 mile walk.

We had dinner at Russ'. Nancy had chicken rice soup and a salad and I had pea soup and a burger. We also split a hot fudge sundae. Nancy commented that we were the youngest people at the restaurant.

There was not much on TV so we watched the Penn State/Wisconsin game. I have to close now because I must finish my book before next weekend. Nancy wants to read it on our trip to visit Tasha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's got to be an interesting observation being the youngest at Russ'.