Friday, October 31, 2008

Friday October 31, 2008

Halloween. I hate Halloween. The basic premise of asking a stranger to give you a treat is not a good example.

The day was warm and sunny. I went kayaking this afternoon on the Rogue River near Rockford. I was surprised that the leaves are nearly gone. The up side to this is that my visibility is greatly increased. I saw homes along the shore that I had never seen before. Fall kayaking is great because all the boaters are gone. I did not see another soul on my 2 hour paddle.

The kids started at 6 PM. I gave out over 120 treats. I thought we would have many more because of the nice weather. I was pleasantly surprised that most of the kids were accompanied by an adult. Trick or Treating is a 6 to 8 event. At exactly 8 I ran out of tootsie pops and candy bars. Great timing.

I remember the first time we went T/T at 1555. It was 1973 and Tasha, DSL and I went with JK and Mollie. It was very warm. The sidewalks were jammed with Dads and their kids. Moms stayed home to give out the treats. We had been in the house for only a couple of weeks and I was not familiar with the neighborhood. I think DSL, Tasha and Dad were very impressed. This is our 35th year at 1555.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thursday October 30, 2008

The temperature was in the mid 20's this morning. I am still running instead of using the erg machine. I ran 7K this morning. I mailed Nancy's ballot today so voting is complete at our household.

Nancy had a hospital guild meeting this morning. It was a brunch so she brought me home a piece of cake.

After lunch we headed for Costco. We restocked our mouthwash and dishwasher soap supply.

Nancy is an Ottawa Hills Neighborhood block captain, so this PM we delivered the newsletter. After we completed the deliveries it was brass polishing time. We polished the brass table and stool. I washed the kitchen window and the side door windows. We are nearly ready for our Saturday Night dinner.

It was a sunny fall day. The temperature reached the low 50's this afternoon. A one of a kind day. I celebrated by taking a 3 mile walk.

It is Thursday so for dinner we headed to "Great Lakes Shipping". I had a beer (22 oz) and French dip sandwich. Nancy had the sesame chicken salad. With our coupon it cost $19.50, including tip. In these tough economic times, we must watch our pennies.

I am writing this blog from Nancy's computer. I cannot figure out why the Internet is not available on my computer.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wednesday October 29, 2008

At 0730, I headed for the Dematology Center to have a small basal cell removed. It took Dr Mary about 20 minutes to cut out the spot and stitch it up (5 stitches). I had breakfast at Marie Catrib's. I had their world famous oatmeal. It was not very good. I rate it a C-.

I stopped by the office to get caught up on all the projects and future work. It is not as grim as reported by the press. I also answered all questions about the failing UM football program.

This afternoon I loaded up the retro and headed for Riverside Park. I rode my bike to Rockford. The highlight of trip was my near collision with a deer. It takes 1 hour to get to Rockford and 1 hour back ( I timed it).

I use to watch "Hardball with Chris Matthews" but I get very tired of Matthews. Lately I have been watching CNBS. I like Larry Kudlow. He had Jack Welch on his show tonight and Welch gave his opinion of the BO tax plan. He really thinks BO is bad for business. I somewhat agree. The unions are pushing for non-secret ballots in union elections. I strongly disagree with non-secret ballots. I would not like some union thug telling me how to vote. The secret ballot is a cornerstone of our democracy.

I did not watch BO's 1/2 hour commerical. As I mentioned earlier I have already voted. I did not vote for any left hander.

On a lighter note, Nancy and I were very happy when Veronica told us about her being pregnant. I am sure her mother is also very happy. Babies are great.

The earliest presidential election that I remember was the 1948 Dewey/Truman election. My grandmother Hughes was very conservative and thought the world would end if Truman got elected. Every evening she listened to Fulton Lewis Jr on the radio. He had a 15 minute radio show. FL could be compared to Rush Limbaugh. Grandmother thought he was great. Of course he was also very conservative.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday October 28, 2008

It was cold this morning. I had to wear my lined pants for my bike ride to the MAC. I did not go to the Kava House this AM because I had an early lunch with John Kraus. John worked for me at Kent County. He has been self employed for over 20 years. We had a good time.

In keeping with the cold weather I purchased a new snow shovel. It was a cheap plastic model at Meijers. They are the best shovels. You use them for a year and then buy a new one at the start of a new snow season. I also purchased some filters for the furnace. To celebrate the cold weather I took a 3 mile walk.

Nancy cooked boneless pork chops with dressing for dinner. It was great. Gas was $2.67 a gallon today.

It is Tuesday night so we watched NCIS. NCIS is the only show I watch regularly. Tomorrow Dr Mary will remove my basal cell spot. I have to be at the DRs office at 0730.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Monday October 27, 2008

Another cool windy day. I had to modify my routine because my spill from my bike has caused some back problems. So I decided to forgo my morning 5 K on the erg machine. It was raining when I headed for the MAC. I wore my super duper Nike rain pants. To satisfy my 40 minutes of aerobics I ran 4.2 miles.

After my morning visit to the Kava House I headed to the East GR library to catch up on some reading, Field and Stream, Runner's World and a bike magazine. Lunch was a peanut butter and honey sandwich, a hard boiled egg and an apple.

This afternoon I cleaned out my dresser. I have a large penny collection. I decided to roll them and much to my surprise I had $10. To celebrate I took a 3 mile walk.

Not much on TV tonight so I am going early to bed. I will read several pages of my current book, "Cold Mountain". I just finished "Shibumi" by Trevanian it was recommended by Esquire as a great summer read. It was terrible. I gave it a F. It was even worse than Grisham's "The Appeal".

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday October 26, 2008

Sunday is swim day. Nancy and I got to the MAC when it opened at 0800. We swam 45 minutes.

The day started cloudy and mild. As the day progressed it because very windy. This evening it started to rain and snow is predicted for the morning.

After the swim we did our weeks shopping at Meijers. Nancy had to buy a lot of stuff for our dinner party on Saturday. We are having seven people over.

After my nap Nancy and I went to a battery store to get a battery (what else) for her garage door opener. We stopped at the mall so I could look for a vest to wear under my coats this winter. No success.

I went for a short walk, 45 minutes. The colors are great but if the wind keeps up the leaves will be gone in a day or two.

We had hamburgers for dinner and then watched the news and 60 minutes. It is early to bed because next week will be busy. Eight more days and the silly season will be over. I think both JM and BO have run out of gas.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Saturday October 25, 2008

The day started dark, cool and rainy. It remained that way all day.

I purchased a NYT at D&W. $1.50 for a newspaper! However, it is the only paper that has good international reporting. The Detroit Free Press is small by comparison. I think all newspaper are feeling pinched. The Grand Rapids Press which has no competition was absolutely tiny today.

After breakfast I headed to the MAC to give blood. After answering a zillion questions, blood pressure tests, the nurse pricked my finger and tested the blood. I was told that my iron level was too low, 34 vs 38. So for the third straight time I cannot give blood. I think my blood letting days are over.

It was still raining after my rejection so I ran a few errands. I have been looking for some warm winter clothes. I had no luck today. I will purchase the clothes online. Online is not in my 1956 dictionary.

My back has been bothering me today and I can not determine the cause. Was it my tumble from my retro yesterday? Did I use the ERG machine improperly? Is my dead lift form wrong?

For exercise I walked around Reeds Lake. It took me 2 hours.

For dinner Nancy and I took a coupon and headed for Russ's. I had the perch dinner and Nancy had prime rib. The entire bill (with the coupon) was $ 10.50.

I am watching the PSU/OSU game. I am pulling for PSU.

Since MSU won today I think my mother would have to prepare my Dad's favorite meals for the next week. Oh, what an idle mind remembers.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday October 24, 2008

It was a cold rainy day in GR. Sounds like I am writing the great American novel. I wore my rain gear for my ride to the MAC. I got careless trying to mount a curb in my retro. I took a tumble. No damage done.

It was pouring when I left the MAC for the Kava House. My rain gear kept me dry and warm.

This PM I stayed up in my office all afternoon and caught up on my reading. It was very relaxing.

This evening Nancy and I went to a neighborhood TGIF. I got the opportunity to talk with all our neighbors and sample some good food. We left at 9. I must get to bed so I will be well rested for my blood letting tomorrow. Go Blue.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thursday October 23, 2008

Today was sunny, windy and cool. The morning routine was normal. I did sign up to give blood Saturday morning.

This afternoon I waited around for the furnace repair man. He arrived around 2 and performed a preventative maintenance check. Everything was normal so we are set for another winter.

Tasha gave me a bike frame and I have been trying to find parts to make me a super-duper city bike. I stopped by my favorite lawn mower and bike repair shop to see about buying a coaster brake assembly.

A coaster brake was the only brake system on bikes when I was a boy. They are still being made for fat tire bikes but are hard to find. A coaster brake works by pedalling backwards. The brake is located in the rear wheel hub. The beauty of the coaster brake is that the entire assembly is within the wheel hub with no exposed part. The brake lasts forever. The shop owner said he knows nothing about bikes and the repair man only works mornings. All questions fell on deaf ears.

So instead of pedalling home with a coaster brake I decided to relieve my frustrations with a ride around Reeds Lake. Despite the high winds it was a great day for a bike ride. We are losing tree leaves rapidly. Next week the trees will be bare.

Nancy and I went to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. The place was empty so we got a seat near the fire place. I hope the lack of customers is not caused by the bad economy.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wednesday October 22, 2008

Wednesday is my easy day. I left for the MAC before the sun came up. It was very dark and I stuck to the sidewalks. I have a rear light but not a headlight. I will purchase a new light as soon as the SS checks come in.

Seniors have a water exercise class today so the water was very warm. I swam 1100 yards.

It was such a nice sunny day I decided that I would ride my bike from Riverside Park to Rockford, a distance of about 22 miles. I have two single speed bikes, a road bike with skinny tires and my retro with fat tires. The road bike is faster but I decided to take the retro. I wonder why I would take a bike that is harder to pedal and I concluded:

  • the retro is easier to load in the car.
  • the skinny tires are more prone to flats.
  • the retro has a chain guard so I don't have to wear a sissy pant cinch.
  • I just like the retro.

I note that whenever I go biking with Tasha see takes her fat tired bike and leaves the road bike at home. I think her reasons are the same as mine.

Remember only 13 days until the end of the silly season. I can't wait.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday October 21, 2008

Today was sunny and cool. This was the first day since last winter that I could see my breath. Yesterday we finally turned the heat on.

After my morning routine I decided to complete the winterizing of our house. I installed a 33" x 77" plexiglass sheet where my office screen door once existed. I am such a klutz that a 1 hour job took me 3 hours and 1 trip to the hardware store. The plexiglass is so clear that a stranger would walk right into it. Bob and Nancy are now ready for winter.

The weather report says we are going to get a deep freeze tonight. Snow is expected for next Tuesday. I am ready.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday October 20, 2008

The weekend must have really tired me out, I slept until 0630. I did not get home from my morning routine until 1230. It was cool and cloudy this morning. It started to rain this afternoon.

I completed 1 rainy day job. I hung the curtains in the downstairs bathroom. After the curtain job, I headed to Modern Hardware to get some clips for attaching my new plexiglass door to the frame. It is not really a door, the plexiglass will replace the screen door in my office. I hope the plexiglass will keep the office warmer in winter.

I also bought a bike maintenance book at Barnes and Noble. Tasha gave me a bike frame and I intend to build a single speed 29er.

Flashback: This is the week of the MSU/UM football game. I remember this week as a constant battle between my mom and dad. Mom was a "died in the wool" UM fan and of course dad was for MSU. Dad would promise to do the dishes for a week if MSU lost. Mother promised to prepare at least 3 of Dad's favorite meals if UM lost. I think Mother was the more rapid fan. We did not have TV so everyone had to listen to the game on radio. Helen and I enjoyed the constant bickering between our parents. It was all in good fun.

Sunday October 19, 2008

We all slept in until 0730. Today we head back to GR so Nancy and Bob need a good breakfast to give us strength. Tasha takes us to that famous breakfast establishment IHOP. Nothing like pancakes and eggs before a long trip.

On our way home we stopped at a discount mall in Livingston County. I gave Nancy 1 hour to shop. Nancy purchased nothing. I, however, purchased tee shirts, underwear and head gear.

We got home about 4 and rested the rest of the day. Monday we will start our exercise routine in order to burn off all the extra calories we took in at Tasha's place. It was a good trip.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Saturday October 18, 2008

We all slept in until after 0700. Tasha suggested that we head for Cleveland's west side market. The market was very busy when we arrived. The market sells fresh meats and fruits and vegetables. Vendors rent space and it is interesting to see all the ethnic meats. You can buy pig's feet, goat, all kinds of sausage and fish. They also sell bakery goods. I sampled an apple fritter. It was huge. After my sample I tried another. Tasha and Nancy also had an apple fritter.

After the market we dropped our purchases off at Tashas and headed for more shopping. We visited a local winery and Nancy bought some wine. Then we stopped at Wal- mart, a store I do not like, Home Depot, and Trader Joes. We had lunch at Panera Bread. Our morning shopping exhausted me so I took a nap.

For dinner we stopped at a sports bar but it was so crowded and noisy with all the Ohio State fans that we had to leave. We had dinner at Pug Mahones. Pugs was not as busy but the TVs were all tuned to the OSU game. We all had a burger. I think Nancy's was a chicken burger.

After a tough day we capped it off with ice cream at Mitchell's. It was great. All in all a good time was had by all on a beautiful fall day.

Friday October 17, 2008

Much to my surprise I awoke with no stiffness from my dunking on Thursday. I had to hurry to get my routine completed by 1100. At 1130 Nancy and I headed for Lakewood, Ohio to visit Tasha. The trip was uneventful. We arrived in Lakewood at 5:30 and were welcomed by Petunia, Tasha's watchdog. Tasha suggested that we have dinner at "The Drink Cafe" a local watering hole. I had blackened salmon on pasta. It was great. Tasha brought us up-to-date on her life. I also expounded on my current political leanings. After dinner we retired to Tasha's for TV and bed.

A historical flashback: On this weekend in 1955, the Alpena High Wildcats played Flint Central at Atwood Stadium in Flint. Flint was rated #1 in the state. The stadium was filled with 10,000 fans. More fans were cheering for Alpena than Flint. Why you may ask? In 1955 jobs in the auto plants were easy to get and men from Alpena headed south for these good paying jobs.

Flint was leading the game 13-7 with less than two minutes to play. Alpena had the ball on their 17 yard line. We marched down the field. The ball was on Flint's 15 yard line with less than 1 minute to play. It was fourth down and QB Hugo Burzlaff threw a pass to Jerry Kendziorski in the end zone that was caught for a TD. Don Witt missed the PAT. The game ended in a 13-13 tie. A player of note on the other side was Don Reigle. Don Reigle became a US Senator. Hugo Burzlaff graduated from UM with a Chemical Engineering degree and later became an attorney. Jerry Kendziorski was class president and is now deceased. At our 50th reunion all the players remember the game and enjoyed replaying the game.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thursday October 16,2008

Today started out cool and sunny. It remained cool all day with a high of 56.

After my morning routine and lunch I decided to go kayaking. I loaded up the boat and headed for Middleville. I put in immediately upstream of the downtown dam. The Thornapple River was beautiful. The colors are full and the water was serene. I noted going upstream the I had to struggle past a log jam. It took some time because the constriction increased the velocity of the stream. I paddle upstream for 1.5 hours and then turned around. When I got to the log jam, I was a little careless making the sharp turn. My kayak got hung up in the jam and yes folks our hero went swimming. Luckily, I had on waterproof boots, a life jacket and a heavy duty armorall long sleeve shirt. It took about 20 minutes to get my kayak free from the logs. The boat was loaded with water so I had a difficult time getting to shore. After I removed the water, I removed my clothes and wrung them out. It took me 15 minutes to get to the car. I cranked the heater up high and headed for GR. This is not an experience I want to repeat. I think I will stay in gentle waters during cooler weather.

Nancy had a wine and cheese party this afternoon and then she had to go to Meijer's Garden to help with an appreciation dinner. I am now getting ready to pack for my trip to Tasha's tomorrow. I will not forget the pooper scooper.

I will be off line until I get back on Sunday. Keep smiling.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wednesday October 15, 2008

Wednesday is my easy day. Today I swam 1000 yards. It was so dark when I left for the MAC that I had to turn my rear bike light on.

For breakfast I stopped at Starbucks and tried their "perfect oatmeal". It was OK but I liked the apple fritter better.

This afternoon I had a GR Building Authority meeting. We have several large parking structure projects that are in the early planning stages. These project will be financed by the sale of bonds. The bond market is currently so shaky that our project might be delayed.

An interesting side note regarding ,Pam Reinstra, the director of Parking Services for GR. Nancy and I met her parents at the Elderhostel in St George, Utah.

I put on the storm doors for the back and front doors. I also took off the screens on the first floor. I think our view outside is better without the screens. Nancy disagrees.

As I write this blog, Nancy is watching the debate. I don't need to watch because I have made up my mind. In fact, I voted today. Us old folks can vote early.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tuesday October 14, 2008

It rained last night. However, this morning it was partly cloudy but much cooler. Tonight the temperature is suppose to drop to the high 30's.

I performed my normal exercise routine this morning but was I dragging. I think it is the change of seasons. It is 80 one day and 58 the next.

After the MAC I stopped by the bank to renew a CD. I got an interest rate of 4.1% for 6 months. I thought this was pretty good. I also stopped by the post office to mail a package to LA in LB. The PO was jammed. What happened to the paperless society?

This afternoon I picked up a large piece of plexiglass to replace the screen door in my office. I then took Nancy's car to the Ford dealer to get the oil changed. We are taking the Ford to Tasha's house this weekend.

I was going to bed early tonight, but I realized that NCIS is on and I must watch. This is the only show I watch regularly.

Tomorrow I have a GR Building Authority meeting. I rearranged a cut and stitch session with my skin doctor to make the meeting at its regular time. The meeting then was changed to my cut and stitch session. Today I called the doctor and they were able to reschedule. I take my civic duties seriously.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday October 13, 2008

Another warm, sunny day. It got up to 80. I think this is called an Indian Summer.

After the MAC I was going to go to the bank and post office. Alas, they are closed for Columbus Day.

Nancy and I went to Costco after lunch. I filled her car with gas ($3.08/gal) and had the pressure in her nitrogen tires topped off. I bought a case of beer and some eye drops. The eye drops were the most expensive. We also bought 5 pounds of red licorice.

The day was so nice I decided to drop the kayak in Reeds Lake. It was a great day for a paddle. The Lake was calm and empty. The homeowners had removed their docks so I got a good view of their homes. There are a lot of nice homes on Reeds Lake. The colors are almost at their peak.

Not much on TV tonight so I read some articles in Vanity Fair and we both went to bed early. Tomorrow it is suppose to get cooler and rain. Good weather can not last forever.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunday October 12, 2008

Yes folks another warm, sunny fall day. The colors are better today than yesterday.

Nancy and I started the day with a 45 minute swim. We followed the swim with a trip to Meijers.

After my afternoon nap I pedalled my bike around Reeds Lake. I noted a steady stream of people either walking or pedalling around the Lake. Everyone wants to get all the outside time before the weather turns bad.

After the bike ride I took a 1.5 mile walk. Tonight Nancy is fixing a pork loin. Except for "60 Minutes" I don't like any other Sunday night TV. I am almost finished with my book, Back Spin. It is by Coben and very good.

Last night I was playing with goggle and goggled Prescott Bush, the grandfather of the current president. I read an article on Prescott Bush owning stock in a bank that financed the German war machine during WWII. I am surprised that some left wing outfit did not publish the article during the 2004 campaign. I am considering voting for a 3rd party candidate instead of either BO or JM. I have major problems with both major party candidates.

Must close now because dinner is calling. See you next week. How come I always misspell because?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Saturday October 11, 2008

Yes folks another sunny, warm day. After breakfast I loaded the kayak up and headed for New Richmond on the Kalamazoo River. New Richmond is about 5 miles upstream from Saugatuck. I paddled 2 hours upstream and 1 hour downstream. The colors were great and the River was smooth as glass. I did not see many critters. The reason may be that this is the first weekend of duck hunting and I heard a lot of shooting. I did not see any hunters.

On my way home I drove through Saugatuck and was surprised at the number of tourists in town. I don't think there was an empty parking space to be had. It just goes to show you that a sunny day brings everyone outside.

When I got home I noted that Nancy had been working in the yard. The three full leaf bags helped me make my brilliant deduction. We took a short 1.5 mile walk.

We had dinner at Russ'. Nancy had chicken rice soup and a salad and I had pea soup and a burger. We also split a hot fudge sundae. Nancy commented that we were the youngest people at the restaurant.

There was not much on TV so we watched the Penn State/Wisconsin game. I have to close now because I must finish my book before next weekend. Nancy wants to read it on our trip to visit Tasha.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday October 10, 2008

Today was one of those special fall days. It was sunny and warm. The fall colors are beginning and life is good, despite the stock market. The TV and newspapers are full of doom and gloom but all the people I talk to are upbeat.

This afternoon I went to Allstar Glass to buy a big piece of plexiglass for my office screen door. I was thinking of eliminating the door but decided it was too expensive. Instead I took out the screen door and will replace it with a single piece of plexiglass. This action should make the office warmer in winter.

I finished up the afternoon with a 3 mile walk. For dinner Nancy and I went to "Great Lakes Shipping". I had the french dip and Nancy had a trip to the salad bar. After dinner we shopped at Bed, Bath and Beyond and Kohls. We bought a bath mat.

The weather forecast for tomorrow is warm and sunny. I have to decide where to go kayaking. Such big decisions I must make. I am really disappointed with JM's campaign. He keeps skirting the important issues. BO is not much better. My informal survey of neighborhood signs indicates that BO should win easily.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thursday October 9, 2008

Today was sunny and warm. High temperature was 65 and the sky was blue, blue, blue.

After my morning routine I had to decide if I wanted to go kayaking or biking. I checked the weather and found the wind speed was over 15 mph. I don't like to kayak in winds over 10 mph. I decided to go biking.

I tried a paved "rails to trails" path in Ottawa and Muskegon County. The trail runs from Marne to Muskegon and is call the Muskatawa Trail. The trail head is right off I-96. I biked about 10 miles. It is a nice wide trail through farmland. The parking lot was full. I am amazed at the number of old folks that like to bike the old RR grades.

This evening Nancy and I went with Linda and Tom Moleski to a jazz concert at Aquinas College. It was crowded and well received.

The weather man says is should freeze tonight but tomorrow will be sunny and warm. I have to quit now because my electric blanket has the bed warmed up. What a wimp I have become.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wednesday October 8, 2008

It rained all day today. I started my day with a 1000 yard swim at the MAC. After the swim I headed for Rosebush, Michigan to visit cousin Peg.

I arrived in Rosebush at 1130. I installed the new sattelite radio for Peg. She has a north facing window so I was not sure it would work. It worked great. Peg likes 40's music (big bands, Frank and Bing). The only problem I noted was that the on/off switch and channel numbers on the remote are very small. This makes it very difficult for Peg with her limited vision. If Peg wants to change to another channel she will need help. I will check with the manufacturer and see if they have a remote for the visually impaired.

Peg and I had lunch at the "Depot" in Coleman. Coleman is a small farming village in Midland County. As the name implies, the restaurant is in an old RR depot.

Peg said that she would like to start getting books on tape. Her tape recorder is broken and she has not listened to a tape in several years. I stopped at the Rosebush library located about 2 blocks from Peg's apartment. I was informed that they can get any book I wanted on a CD. The library will pick up and deliver. I was impressed.

Tonight is Nancy's book club so Tom M and I had pizza and beer at Fred's. The pizza was great and the beer was cold.

All in all it was a good day. Gas is down to $3.29 a gallon.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tuesday October 7, 2008

Exactly one month and the silly season will end. I am so tired of all the ads.

Today was sunny and cool. I got a late start because of my new policy of getting up when I wake up, i.e no alarm clock.

After my morning routine I set up the XM radio that I bought for cousin Peg. It works great. I hope she likes it. I am taking it over tomorrow.

I decided to cut the grass today. It really didn't need it but I decided to cut it short and hope that this will be the last time in 2008.

Nancy is helping with a training session at Meijer's Garden. So I have to microwave dinner. It is beans and rice from Sunday. I love beans and rice.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Monday October 6, 2008

We had sprinkles this morning. I wore my rain suit for my bike ride to the MAC.

This weekend while kayaking I tried to use a paddle that would allow a longer stroke. Much to my dismay I awoke today with some back pain which was caused by my stupid paddle technique. I thought that with all my new exercises aimed at my back that I could increase my stroke. No fool like an old fool.

This PM I took some borrowed material back to the office. I spent an hour catching up on office matters, sports and politics.

I started updating our financial material for the quarter ending 30 SEP. I got so frustrated that I took a 3 mile walk.

Tonight was cereal night. I finished the granola. Nothing good was on TV so I decided to finish my blog early.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sunday October 5, 2008

Nancy and I go swimming for the first time in 3 weeks. After the swim we head for Meijer's to stock up for the week.

After my nap I take a 3 mile walk. Nancy trimmed back some flowers in the yard. She did a great job on the flowers this year. Our yard looked great. I also made it through the season cutting grass with no major problems.

Tonight we are having beans and rice. I really like the way Nancy fixes this meal.

Today I finally caught up on my blog. I will have to figure out how to keep up when I am on vacation. I think I can do my blog from a computer other than my own. I will consult with Tasha. We are going to visit Tasha weekend after next.

I have not recently commented on the political or Wall Street problems. Nancy and I have not made up our minds on JM or BO.

I think the congress had no choice but to vote for the bailout. However, I think all the Wall Street types who made over $20 million dollars should be shot, no exceptions.

Goodby for now. Every body keep a good thought.

Saturday October 4, 2008

October 4th, LA's birthday. It is a sunny day. We had scattered frost around the area. I have breakfast at the Brandywine.

I put the kayak in the Grand River at Saranac. It was a beautiful 3 hour trip. The fall colors are starting.

In the evening Nancy and I head for Russ's for soup and a burger. Just after ordering the power goes off. We only got our soup. We finished dinner at home. I had a turkey sandwich with a big slice of onion.

Friday October 3, 2008

A beautiful fall day. Blue shy and cool temperatures. Today I join a work crew from the neighborhood to plant trees. We planted 18 trees in the Ottawa Hills neighborhood.

I load up my kayak and head for the Grand River. On my way I stop at our doctor's office for a flu shot.

This evening Nancy and I went to the Symphony. Nancy really enjoyed the performance.

Thursday October 2, 2008

Another cool rainy day. I used the Nike golf pants that Tasha gave me over my blue jeans to keep me dry.

Nancy and I go to Costco and purchase some supplies. For a week day Costco was very busy.

Thursday night and we head for Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. It is good being back to normal.

Wednesday October 1, 2008j

Today is sunny and cool. I go swimming at the MAC and have breakfast at the Omelet Shop. In the PM I finish mowing the grass. We have a nice Ash tree in our planter strip. The tree has been attacked by the Ash borer. I am afraid that the tree must come down. I had to rake up all the leaves.

Nancy and I are still catching up from our 2 week absence. It is starting to get cold. I put my electric blanket on my bed.

Tuesday September 30, 2008

Today was intermittent rain. I returned to my normal routine. Ride my retro to the MAC and have coffee and read the paper at the Kava House.

In the PM I mow the front yard. The grass is really long.

Monday September 29, 2008

Today is a travel day. We leave Las Vegas at 1000 and arrive in GR at 8 PM. It is good to be home. Nancy and Bob recommend Elderhostel.

Sunday September 28, 2008

After breakfast at the Dixie College Inn we catch the 1000 shuttle to Las Vegas. We take it easy the rest of the afternoon.

Around 6 we catch the bus to the strip and meet the Namey's at the Wynn. The Wynn is a big disappointment. We walk over to the Venetian to see what is happening. The Venetian is also phony. Can you guess that I am tired of Vegas?

Dinner was at a free standing Italian restaurant. After dinner Nancy and I gamble at little at Caesar's Palace. I lost $5. Tomorrow we head home.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Saturday September 27, 2008

The last day of the elderhostel. We started with breakfast aboard a floating restaurant on Lake Powell. The boat was a double decker. We had the upper deck and a French group had the lower deck. Breakfast and the trip on the lake was great.

After breakfast we headed for the north rim of the Grand Canyon. It was a great bus ride. We rode through high country pine forests, mostly Ponderoso (sp?). Every once in a while we left the forest and entered meadows. During the trip we saw numerous deer.

We had lunch at the Grand Canyon Lodge. The view from the lodge was spectular. We took a short walk to a viewing platform that had great views of the north rim. I rated the viewing platform a 3.98.

After the north rim we headed back to St George, Utah. We had another buffet dinner. After dinner the coordinators for the trip had a slide presentation of our trip. They had some great shots. We are staying at the Dixie College Inn again. I forgot to mention that we encountered some sprinkles today.

Friday September 26, Float trip photos

Friday September 26, 2008

Another sunny, hot day. We had breakfast early this morning, 0600. At 0630 we loaded up our bags and headed for the Glen Canyon Dam. We are going on a 16 mile raft trip down the Colorado River.

The trip started immediately downstream of the dam. The trip was great. Vertical rock walls were located on both sides of the river. At the dam the walls were 750 feet high. Ten miles downstream the walls were 1000 feet high. Our guide and raft driver gave us a running dialog about the geologic formation of the canyon and wildlife along the canyon. We were looking for big horn sheep but did not see any. We stopped at one spot along the trip to view some Indian wall graffiti. The graffiti was over 1000 years old. The termini of the trip was at the start of the Grand Canyon.

After the trip we got on the bus and headed for Lake Powell. Lake Powell is the impoundment created by the Glen Canyon Dam. Tonight we are staying at the Wahweap Lodge on Lake Powell. Lunch was a buffet at the Lodge.

In the PM we visited the Visitor Center at the dam and had several lectures on the dam and surrounding area. I rate the raft trip at a 3.92. The trip through the canyon was a first for me.

In the evening we visited a Navajo culture center and had a Navajo meal. We saw native dances and had several lectures on Navajo life. I rated this part only 2.5. I cannot get photos to this page so please see Float trip photos.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Thursday September 25, 2008

Hot and sunny. We had breakfast at the hotel (Shilo Inn). We loaded up the bus and headed to Bryce Canyon. This was my favorite day. We hiked 3.5 miles to the bottom of the Canyon. In some areas the trail was very narrow and it was 1000 feet straight down. Bryce Canyon is spectacular.

We had lunch at Ruby's. It was a very good buffet. In the PM we took several short walks.

We returned to Kanab and had dinner at Frontier Movie Town. The entire group dressed up as cowboys and Indians and had a hokey movie made. Dinner was ranch style. Just what a boy from Alpena, Michigan enjoys. Beer was available. Bryce Canyon is 4.0.

Wednesday September 24, 2008

If you notice mistakes in yesterday's blog, please ignore. I did not edit. Wednesday was hot and sunny. (what's new)

We had breakfast at the Dixie College Inn. We loaded up the bus with our bags and headed to Zion National Park. Immediately after arriving at Zion we took a 3 mile hike. We saw waterfalls, spectacular geology, and huge rock canyons. We had a box lunch at the Visitors Center.

In the PM we took a short hike up the Virgin River Canyon. I graded both walks as 3.95. The scale of Zion is hard to describe. You have to see it first hand.
After the walk we headed to Kanab, Utah. We stayed at the Shilo Inn. Dinner was at Fernando's. Beer was served.
Nancy and I and the Nameys walked around Kanab after dinner. The town's claim to fame is that many western movies were filmed here.

Tuesday September 23, 2008

The adventure continues. It was a hot sunny day. We had breakfast at the Dixie College Inn. After breakfast we were given a very enjoyable lecture about the founding of St George Utah by the Mormons. The lecture was given by Dr Alder, the retired president of Dixie State College. We visited the courthouse, civic theater and a Mormon Tabernacle.

Later on in the morning we visited a dinosaur track site. The was my least favorite activity. We had lunch at the Dixie State College's "Red Rock Cafe".

In the afternoon we took a walking tour of Snow Canyon State Park. It was a walk about 2 miles. See photo top. The walk and tour and lectures along the way were a sample of things to come. I rate this hike 3.5.
Dinner was in St. George at the Palms. Still no beer. Stay tuned.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Monday September 22, 2008

The day started hot, clear and sunny. We had arranged for a shuttle bus to take us to St. George, Utah the starting and ending point for the Elderhostel. St George is a city of about 28,000 people. It is one of the fastest growing areas in the US. Old folks like to retire in St George.

We got in early so we walked around town and had lunch at the Bear Claw Inn. Our lodging was at the Dixie College Inn. This Elderhostel is affiliated with Dixie State College. Dixie State is a 4 year public college. The area around St George is called Dixie because the early settlers tried to raise cotton (just like in Dixie).

The Elderhostel (EH) had 40 people. We had husband and wife team directing the EH. Dennis Miller was the geology expert and Linda did all the coordination. They were a great team.

We all piled into a bus and headed to "The Palms" a local eatery for dinner. Like most eating places in Utah The Palms was dry. After dinner we had a lecture on the geology of the places we are going to visit. I found the lecture interesting. A lot of folks did not like all the technical terms.

After the lecture we retired to our room. The room was clean but lacked a TV. Luckily Nancy and Bob brought reading material.

Sunday September 21, 2008

We got up at 0300. Our flight for Las Vegas is scheduled to depart at 0515. The flight to LV via Houston was smooth. We got into LV around 1100. We stayed at the Hampton Inn. The first thing Bob and Nancy did was to take a walk along the strip. The strip was located 4 blocks from the Hampton Inn. The last time we were in LV was 2004. Nothing had changed much. I think in order to enjoy LV you must visit it only once a decade.

Ed and Mary Namey who are going on the Elderhostel with us arrived in LV in the late afternoon. In the evening Nancy and I, along with Mary, took the shuttle to the MGM Grand. Ed Namey had a bad cold and stayed in his room. The evening was hot. LV was crowded. We walked through the Bellagio and had dinner at their food court. I grade LV a C.

We retired early because Monday starts our Elderhostel.

How come spell check highlights Las?