Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday Auguat 31, 2008

Yes folks it is the last day of August. Summer is over. Today was a warm sunny day.

Nancy and I started the day with our 45 minute swim. After the swim we headed for Meijers for our weekly grocery purchases. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast.

This evening we went had a picnic with the Ed and Mary Namey, Linda and Tom Moleski and Tim Mast at the viewing area of the airport. It was very enjoyable. Ed Namey knows all the different types of airplanes and he pointed out the differences between the Airbus and Boeing planes.

Tomorrow bright and early Nancy and I are going to participate in the GR bridge walk. A 5 mile walk over 7 bridges in downtown GR. The weather is suppose to be nice. On Tuesday we will start our fall routine. I will spent some time getting prepared for my seminar at UM and Nancy will continue her many volunteer activities.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Saturday August 30, 2008

The last Saturday of summer. Every Saturday I purchase a NY Times. Much to my surprise the price has gone up to $1.50. No more NY Times.

I loaded up the kayak and headed for Sauatuck to paddle around the harbor and look at all the boats. I did not see much activity. Maybe it was because the cost of gas was $4.69 per gallon. I did note that a lot of people appear to be using their boats as a motel. They were spending the weekend on board but did not leave the harbor.

When I got home Nancy mentioned that Circle Theater had tickets half price for the play "Tuesday at Morrie's". We purchased the tickets and saw a very good play. It was very heavy but the word play and acting were good. It was a great way to spend a warm summer evening.

I did watch a part of the M game. They were not very impressive.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Friday August 29, 2008

I went to bed late last night. In keeping with my new policy to wake up when my body tells me, I slept in until 0630. I did not complete my normal morning routine until 1200.

The Detroit newspaper was full of articles on the trials and tribulations of Detroit's Mayor. They also detail the problems in the auto industry. I was surprised that I did not here any comments on BO's speech last night. Most talk was about high school football.

JM sure surprised everyone with his VP selection. I wanted Mitt. I did not even know the Alaska Gov. was under consideration.

I got a call from the UM regarding the upcoming seminar. I give my first lecture on September 18. They think I should use a PowerPoint presentation. I will have to start getting prepared next week.

I found a special launch site on Reeds Lake for only kayaks and canoes. It is uncrowded and has nearby parking. It makes launching a kayak very easy. I spent about 1 hour on the lake.

Tonight Nancy and I went to the Sundance for dinner. After dinner Nancy purchased a small rug for the kid's bathroom. She has also used the Talbot's credit card she received for her birthday.

Tomorrow I must talk to Tasha about some confusing features on the blog. I am also thinking should I take the laptop to the Elder school?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thursday August 28, 2008

The weather man said it would rain today. It hasn't so far (10:40 PM).

I set a PB on the rowing machine for 5K. I will post it on the Concept web site.

This PM I priced an XM radio for cousin Peg. Best buy has the best price. I was disappointed in Sears and Radio Shack.

Tonight Nancy and I met the Linda and Tom Moleski at the ball park to watch the GR White Caps get creamed, 12-1. We did enjoy the pork chop sandwich and $2 beer. Nancy did not partake of the beer. They had a good crowd at the ball game. I was surprised because tonight is the start of high school football. BO also was to give his acceptance speech and the Lions were on TV.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wednesday August 27, 2008

Today is Nancy's birthday. Of course the day was warm and sunny.

This afternoon I had a 2 PM GRBA meeting. The meetings are usually the third Wednesday of the month at 0900, but had to be rescheduled. Meetings in the middle of the day sure put a crimp in your activity schedule.

After the meeting I put the kayak in Reeds Lake and spent an hour paddling around the lake. Time on water is very relaxing.

Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. After dinner we headed for the soft ice cream store at Michigan and Fuller. Nancy had her annual small cone. I had the medium.

Being her birthday it is only fair that Nancy gets the clickee. We watched Bones and Criminal Minds.

Last week I wrote a letter to the Green Well eatery that their gift card had short changed me by $18. They replied and gave me a new $50 card. It pays to stand up.

My experiment with not setting my alarm seems to be working. I wake up refreshed. However, I do go to bed later.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tuesday August 26, 2008

The day started cool (48) but sunny. Jackets and pants were the uniform of the day.

Today I drove to Rosebush, MI to have lunch with cousin Peg. We had lunch at Tony's in St Louis. Peg had the hamburger and fries and I had a hot turkey sandwich with mashed potatoes and gravy. Yum. Spell check said I have a Dan Quail problem.

After lunch we visited the cemetery to see if the nursery had put in new bushes. We then stopped at the library to see if Aunt Helen's grandfather clock had been returned to its place of honor. It had. We also stopped at the nursery to see when they would do the work at the cemetery. When we got back to Rosebush Manor I brought in my XM radio boom box to see if we could get any reception in Peg's north facing room. Well ! much to my surprise the boom box worked perfect by just placing the receiver on the window ledge. So I will now buy Peg a XM radio.

Nancy got some bad news today that her college room mate (Bonnie Rogers) passed away in Ohio. Nancy and her Albion friends have sent flowers.

Tonight we watched the Democratic convention. We are also watching the US Open. Tomorrow is Nancy's birthday. We will go out to dinner.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday August 25, 2008

Yes another sunny day. However, it was cool this morning (52) so I wore long pants. As I mentioned on my weekend blog, the trees are beginning to show some color.

My morning routine did not change today. This afternoon I purchased a new hose reel for Nancy and checked up on a XM radio for cousin Peg. I think I will take my XM boom box and see if I can get it to work at Peg's place. Peg has a north facing window and the book says the antenna should face south. We might have to place the receiver on the roof. The management might object to placing anything on their roof. If they object it is back to plan B.

I cut the grass this evening. I can't believe that it had grown so much in just a week.

I had a reader of my blog ask about the Sanborn family. This weekend my sister gave me a Sanborn family history. This huge book is suppose to be the last word regarding the Sanborn family. Alas I left the book at the cottage. Helen will send it down to GR soon. My Dad always said that all Sanborns are related.

I will have to reply to the query. Tasha will have to give me a hand.

The silly season has started so I will watch the Dems on TV this evening. Sometimes the conventions are interesting.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Thursday-Sunday: August 21-24, 2008

Thursday August 21: Nancy and I left for Alpena, actually Ossineke, about 1100. The trip north took us through Cadillac, Houghton Lake, Grayling, Mio and Harrison. In Harrison we stopped at a bakery and got a loaf of home made bread. The total trip took about 5 hours. The day was sunny and the only sad thing we noted were some trees starting to show color. Helen and Don were at the cottage before us. Helen prepared a dinner that included items from her garden. The cottage is on Lake Huron's Thunder Bay about 10 miles south of Alpena. The cottage is in Sanborn Township named after my great-great grandfather Sanborn. Helen, Nancy and Bob took a walk along the sand beach.

Friday August 22: We all went out for breakfast at Connie's Cafe, an Ossineke landmark. After breakfast I mounted my road bike and headed for Alpena. I pedalled around Alpena. I visited the small boat harbor, rode along the banks of the Thunder Bay River and saw the most of the highlights of Alpena. I stopped by RS Scott Associates and talked to Glen Smolenski. All of the employees I knew (except for Glen) no longer work at RSS.

I saw both my mother's birth home at 119 Fletcher Street and my home at 123 First Ave. The high school I attended has been removed and the grounds have been seeded. The vacant property is for sale. Except for new fast food places Alpena is unchanged.

They have created some nice bike trails around town. It is great bike riding territory because the lay of the land is flat. The old park we played in, Bayview Park, has been improved. However you can't go swimming in the park. I did, however, go swimming at the cottage. The water was great.

We all had dinner Friday night at the "Bird's Nest". The old "Bird's Nest" use to be called the "Widow's Roost". It got its name because during deer hunting all the men were at deer camp and the widow's were hanging out at the Roost.

Saturday August 23: We had breakfast at the cottage. After breakfast, Nancy and I headed north to Grand Lake to look for a cottage. There are a lot of cottages for sale. We drove around Grand Lake, Lake Esau, Long Lake and in the PM Hubbard Lake. We saw a lot of cottages but did not see the Cottage that would make Bob and Nancy open their purse strings.

When we got back to the cottage Jennifer and her 3 daughters had arrived. We had a birthday party Saturday for all the August birthday people. Helen, Don, Nancy, Jennifer and Meadow all have a birthday in August.

Sunday August 24: I drove to Connie's Cafe and bought several huge cinnamon rolls for breakfast. After breakfast Nancy and I headed for home. The drive was uneventful. All in all we had a great weekend.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wednesday August 20, 2008

I know it does not seem possible but it was another sunny day in GR. The morning started cool and I needed a sweatshirt for my morning ride to the MAC. Today in the pool I tried more Mike Phelps moves. On my way back home I noted that my retro bike's coaster brake connection was missing. I stopped by the Fulton Street Mower and Bike repair shop for a quick fix.

This afternoon I wrote a nasty letter to the Green Well eatery. This establishment shorted me of $18 on the gift card. I also stopped by the White Caps office to change our 4 free tickets to actual tickets. We plan on inviting the Horlings to attend the game with us.

I threw my kayak in the GR near Amway for a 3 hour paddle on the Grand River. Tonight I will finish packing for our trip to Alpena. I plan on taking my bike to Alpena. Later tonight Nancy and I will watch the Olympics.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tuesday August 19, 2008

No rain today. While drinking coffee and reading my paper at the Kava House I noted for the 2nd day that Obama volunteers were interviewing folks to help with the campaign. The Obama people were very organized. I have never seen a campaign this organized. All the Obama folks were under the age of 30. If people under age 40 vote the election will be a land slide.

This afternoon was dedicated to running errands. I had to get my bride a birthday present. Stopped at Target to get some trail mix for our trip to Alpena. Also had to stop at the office to run some copies for the neighbor hood association.

I also checked out the price for XM radio. The XM radio will be for Cousin Peg. Today is Peg's birthday so I called. I mentioned to cost of XM radio and she gave me the go ahead.

The Olympics consume our evening viewing hours. I watch TV between 7 and 9. It is now 9:39 so I am signing off.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Monday August 18,2008

We need rain. I thought I would never complain about too much sun.

Today was a back to normal day. I did my daily exercise routine. I did ask a trainer at the MAC about my dead lift exercise. He stated I was doing everything right and agreed that if an old guy does only 1 weight lifting exercise it should be the dead lift. I currently am lifting 100 pound and doing 3 sets of 5. The trainer recommended I get up to 3 sets of 10 and then increase the weight. I gradually will increase the reps to 10 but will not increase the weight. 100 pounds is enough.

The afternoon I ran some errands. I picked up my "go to meeting" shirts at the laundry, got a battery for the Nike stop watch that Tasha got me and replenished some items for my dopp kit.

After it cooled off I mowed the lawn. Even with my new electric mower it still takes 2-3 hours to cut the grass.

Tomorrow I have to purchase some items to take on our trip to Alpena. I also have to figure out how to get my kayak on top of the car.

This morning I did not set my alarm and got up at 0608. My alarm usually goes off at 0535. I was well rested and set a PB on my rowing machine. Tonight we watched the Olympics. I like track but do not like gymnastics.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Fri-Sun, August 15-17, 2008

Friday 15AUG08: After my morning routine I headed for Lakewood, OH. On the way I stopped at Capella's in Durand, MI. The parking lot and store was jammed. I don't see what the attraction is to this store. LL Bean and MC have the same items at the same cost.

Tasha and I had dinner at Sullivan's. We both had the corn beef and cabbage. Later we watched the Olympics. MP's victory in the butterfly was amazing. When you are on a roll you are on a roll.

Saturday 16AUG08. After a big breakfast Tasha had to meet a friend so I loaded up her kayak and headed for the Rocky River. I paddled upstream for about a 1/2 mile until the water got too shallow. I headed for Lake Erie. On my way to the Lake I observed all the big boats in the harbor. Also noted all the nice homes along the River and inlets. The economy might be bad but you could not prove it by what I saw along the shores of the Rocky River. Lake Erie was very rough so I did not venture too far out.

When Tasha got home we saddled up our bikes and went on a 24 mile trip on the Metro Park trail. We saw a doe and her fawn feeding along the trail and later 2 bucks with full racks. It was a great bike trip. We had a burger at the West End Taveren. We finished a great day by watching the Olympics.

Sunday 17AUG08. After a good breakfast we stopped at a local grocery and got some world famous cheese to bring home to Nancy. Also stopped at Trader Joe's and got some tomato soup, $2 chuck and cookies. The trip home was uneventual. My mileage was 25.9 mpg.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thursday August 14, 2008

Yes I know it sounds repetitious but today was warm and sunny. After the paper and coffee at the Kava House, I got on my retro and pedalled to the office. Today was the last day for one of our summer interns. Pizza and cake was served. I also got caught up on all the engineering gossip.

After lunch I picked up the shears and drapes from Master Cleaners. Nancy and I spent the next hour hanging said drapes and shears. We had one section that had to be returned to the cleaners because of a spot they missed.

I packed my bagged for my trip to Tasha's house tomorrow. I will leave about 0900.

Tonight Nancy and I attended a meeting of the Ottawa Hills Neighborhood Association. A movie company run by Samuel Jackson wants to use the middle school for a movie. The filming would take about 3 to 4 months. All in attendance were in favor of allowing the movie people.

It looks like the middle school will be sold to the Christian School people for use as an elementary school. All the neighbors think this is a good use for the building.

Today I made a big decision. Since I am retired why do I need an alarm clock. I have informed Nancy that I will get up when my body tells me. I don't know how long this will last.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wednesday August 13, 2008

I lost my blog for today so I am starting over. Boy do we need rain. Another warm, partly sunny day. I have been watching so much swimming in the Olympics that I want to spend more time in the pool. Today I swam 1000 yards. The new chemicals in the pool are great. My nose and skin appreciate the MAC's investment in new chemical equipment.

After swimming I had my Wednesday oatmeal at the Omelette Shop. Today is chore day. I took shirts to the laundry, tried to get glass in the screen doors in Stephen's old room, and purchased dog bones and skin lotion at Meijers. The glass for the screen doors was a bust. I now have to figure out how to keep the room warm in the winter.

I did have time to throw my kayak in the Grand River. I spent 1.5 hours in the river between Riverside Park and the 6th Street dam. The lack of rain has resulted in very low water levels in the river.

Tonight is Nancy's book club so of course the boys had pizza at Fred's. Tonight we spent most of our time talking about the Olympics.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tuesday August 12, 2008

Out of the rack at 0530, preform a modified exercise routine and head downtown to be at the City Attorney's office by 0815. Today was my day as a member of the Grand Rapids Building Authority (GRBA) to attend a "Facilitative Mediation Hearing". The GRBA is suing the architect and contractor over a leaking roof at the museum. The court asked to City to try the facilitative mediation process (FM) before resorting to a trial.

The Facilitator is an attorney hired by GR to try and resolve the dispute. It is not arbitration. The facilitator puts the 3 parties in separate rooms and moves between the 3 rooms to see if an agreement can be reached. After 6 hours the facilitator stated that we were at an impasse.

It was an interesting day. 12 people attended the hearing. 5 of the participants were attorneys. My immediate observation was that all lawyers wore either a gray or blue suit. All men (11) except for yours truly had a full head of hair. 4 people were left handed. My opinion is that the architect made a design detail error and should pay the most. We were asking for $270,000. The architect was out of St. Louis and was not interested in paying anything.

All in all it was an interesting day. A nice diversion from biking and kayaking. Tonight we are watching the Olympics. I still have not seen any rowing or kayaking.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday August 11, 2008

Yes folks it was sunny and cool. However, it was also a typical Monday. We had a bulb burn out in our new backroom ceiling light. I have never changed this light so I did not know how to get the globe off. After much searching I decided that the connection was hinged. I was wrong and thus I broke one of the three connections. I also did not have a halogen bulb.

My next job was to hang the curtain brackets. After a close inspection I found that the existing brackets would not work with the new windows. Another trip to the store.

I did wash the outside surface of five new windows. Then I decided to cut the grass. Cutting grass like shoveling snow are two thing I can do satisfactorily.

Nancy and Karen H drove to Lansing to have lunch with my sister and Mary Ellen. A good time was had by all.

Tonight is an Olympic watching night. I would like to see some rowing and weight lifting.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday August 10, 2008

Surprise today was sunny and cool. Highs in the low 70s. Nancy and I started the day with a 45 minute swim. I practised my Michael Phelps stroke. Not much success.

We have been watching the Olympics all day. I took my Sunday nap and then went for a 2.5 mile walk. This evening we continue watching the Olympics.

Goggle has photos of all the streets in GR. I am going to see what our house looks like. To get to the web site you go to "". Type in GR, the street name and click on Street View. It looks easy. I will let you know tomorrow.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Saturday August 9, 2008

Saturday dawned as a warm sunny day. Isn't every August day in GR warm and sunny.

After breakfast at the Brandywine I loaded up the road bike and headed to Montcalm County. My goal today is to ride the Fred Meijer Heartland Trail. Most of the construction work on the trail was designed by our office. I started in Sidney and headed northeast for Edmore a distance of 12 miles. It was a pleasant trip as was the return trip. I also traveled southwest about 5 miles. Total travel today = 34 miles. The nice thing about the old RR grades is that they are flat and have no autos.

The Detroit Free Press on Friday had nine full pages on the trials and tribulations of the Detroit mayor. Today the paper had all the details on John Edwards. The GOP does not have a lock on bad boys.

The Olympics are very interesting. I am having trouble getting my computer to give me the streaming reports. I will have to play with it some more. I hope Mike Phelps does not experience the SI curse.

Friday August 8, 2008

08/08/08 that is all everyone talks about. How about 07/07/07 or 05/05/05? Today is Mary Helen's birthday. I called and we talked about her advanced age. Helen says it has been cold and wet in Gaylord. In GR it has been warm and sunny.

The painter for the new windows arrived at 0800 and he finished all work. The windows look great. Monday I will pick up the drapes and curtains from Master Cleaners and then we can put all the furniture back.

Friday afternoon I took my 15' kayak and put in the Grand River at Johnson Park. I paddled upstream to the Plaster Creek outlet. Total time on the water = 2.5 hours.

Last night Nancy and I met the Nameys at the Green Well for dinner. The food was good but when I gave them my $50 gift card with $18 remaining they said no money remained. I have not yet figured out how to get my full use of the card. Perhaps I will have to start writing letters?

We left the Green Well and had dessert at the Nameys. It was good.

When we got home the opening ceremonies for the Olympic games were still on. China put on a great show.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Thursday August 7, 2008

Another sunny day in GR. The window installer started at 0800. They had the windows (10 total) installed by 4:30 PM. The windows look great.

Last night the group Los Lobos played at Meijers Garden. Nancy and I worked attaching arm bracelets to those who wanted the purchase beer or wine. We started checking every ones ID, until we realized that no young people were attending. Los Lobos must have an older audience. I was amazed at how wrong I was when checking the age of women. I would be a total failure if I worked an age guessing booth at a fair.

It was a beautiful evening. Nancy and I worked until about 1/2 hour after the concert started. We then had our picnic dinner and watched the concert.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wednesday August 6, 2008

Wednesday is my easy day. During the winter I do 1/2 of my normal exercise routine and instead of running I go swimming. In the summer I only kayak or bike.

I slept in to 6 AM and then I got on the retro and headed to the Cheri Inn for pancakes and eggs. I also read the Detroit Free Press.

Today the new windows were delivered. The contractor did not tell us the time of delivery. I just got home when the phone rang and the windows were to be delivered in 15 minutes.

While waiting for the windows I assembled my new electric trimmer/edger. I trimmed and edged the lawn. The machine works great.

I decided to kayak Spring Lake today. I got on the water at 1400. Spring Lake has a lot of beautiful homes on large lots. The economy in Detroit might be on the rocks but on Spring Lake the number of beautiful new large homes was impressive. I think Spring Lake has more fancy homes than Reeds Lake in East Grand Rapids. I spent 3 hours on the lake.

The price of gas in Spring Lake was $3.64 per gallon. Has the bubble burst?

I will repeat my plan for the USA.
  • Drill, drill, drill. The country was made great my using our resources. My grandfathers never saw a tree they did not want to cut down.
  • Place a $40 a barrel tax on imported oil (except Canada and Mexico).
  • Bring back the draft.
  • Get out of all foreign countries including Japan, Korea and Germany.
  • After 2 years of military service a 4 year college education is awarded.
  • Start disposing of nuclear waste in Nevada. The hell with Harry Reid.
  • Divide CA into 2 states. I am still thinking about this one. Do we need another Senator Boxer or Respresentative Waxman?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tuesday August 5, 2008

Another hot humid day. Today is election day. Nancy and I performed our civic duty and voted.

Tomorrow our new windows for the living and dining room will be delivered. Nancy and I spent a couple of hours moving furniture, removing curtains and drapes. Nancy called Master Cleaners to see if they can clean the curtains and drapes. They said yes. We will probably need a loan to pay for the cleaning. The house is ready for the installers.

This evening our broker had a picnic at the zoo. We attended and enjoyed the hot dogs and tour of the zoo. The AC is still running but we expect a cold front to move through tomorrow.

Monday August 4, 2008

The day started very hot and muggy. I got stranded at the MAC because of a heavy thunder storm. The storm lasted about 45 minutes. However, the storm did not stop me from my coffee and paper at the Kava House.

August 4 is Tom Collins birthday. Tom Collins was one of my best friends growing up in Alpena. I have not seen Tom since 1958. I try and call him on his birthday. Tom is retired and lives in the LA area. When I called, Tom was baby sitting his grand kids. He is in good health and enjoying life.

The grass keeps growing and I did not look forward to cutting it on such a hot humid day. I gave in and bought an electric lawn mower. It cuts great and is easy to push.

Nancy and I are back to normal. Monday is cereal night. We read the paper and watch TV. Bed time is about 9 PM. We have the AC working full blast.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday August 3, 2008

Another warm and sunny day. I almost want a rainy day so I can play on my computer without feeling guilty.

Started the day with our Sunday morning swim. Nancy still has jet lag and only swam 30 minutes. I swam 45 minutes (1500 yards). The new pool chemicals are great. I can swim with no nose problems.

We had a lot of groceries to purchase at Meijers. I also returned 80 bottles for refund and filled Nancy's car with gas ($3.82 per gal).

I had Nancy's world famous poached eggs on toast for breakfast. After my afternoon nap we went to Costco. Nancy got some pictures printed from her LA trip. All the pictures had LA in them. We also went to Staples for supplies. The place was crowded with the back to school crowd.

We are having grilled steak with baked potatoes for dinner. I hope I spelled potato correct. How come my spell check does not alway work?

Saturday August 2, 2008

It is Saturday already, Nancy comes home. I had breakfast at the Brandywine. Instead of my usual pancakes and eggs I had the corn beef hash and eggs. I was hungry by 1200. My grandfather always said that pancakes were the best food for breakfast. When he had lumbering camps in Mn he would always have the cooks make pancakes. The lumberjacks could have as many as they wanted. Grandfather said that this breakfast stuck with the lumberjacks and only a sandwich at lunch was needed. It has been my experience that indeed pancakes stick with me the longest. A good pancake breakfast lasts until 3 PM.

I picked up Nancy at 1015. Her red eye flight from LA to Clev was smooth and she slept through the movie. She had coffee with Tasha in Clev.

In the afternoon I put my 15' kayak in the GR at West River Road. I was trying to see if I fixed the rudder in a permanent position if it would allow easier paddling with a canoe paddle. The trial was a failure. I unfixed the rudder and everything went smooth.

For dinner Nancy and I went to GL Shipping. It good having Nancy home.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday August 1, 2008

I made a mistake last night and did not turn the AC on. It was hot and humid.

For breakfast I pedalled to the Cheri Inn. I determined that all the people in the place before 0800 are over 85. However, breakfast was great. Pineapple upside down pancakes with eggs.

Loaded the road bike into the Aztek and headed to Montague. I rode the Montague-Hart trail with no problems. Total mileage = 45. This is the longest bike trip of my life. Trails that were old RR grades are great. They are flat.

For dinner I pedalled my retro to Marie Catrib's. Had a salmon sandwich, it was great. For the week that Nancy has been gone I have eaten out 2 times a day. All my trips to the eateries has been by bike.

Tomorrow Nancy comes home and it is back to normal. What is normal for a retired person?