Sunday, July 31, 2022

July 30, 2022

 Saturday July 30, 2022

Blog time 1715 on Sunday, yes a day late.

Saturday Morning we get up at 0700.  This morning Helen, Nancy and I had breakfast at the Gathering Place.  We arrived before 0800 and were able to get a choice seat.

Helen and I had oatmeal and Nancy had a Western Omelette.  As usual it was great.  The place was full when we left.

Today Helen is leaving.  She will have a lunch at noon with a friend before leaving for Gaylord.

This morning I had time for a 5 mile bike ride.  Nancy of course stayed home and did the laundry.

This afternoon Nancy and I are attended a get together for employees of LSE/Scott Civil Engineering Company.  The get together is at the home of Carol Smith the owner.  Carol and her husband John Otto live on Clifford Lake in Montcalm County.  It is a very casual affair.

We left home at 1430.  We did have some difficulty finding the place because I took Sydney Road instead of Stanford.  We spent some time rambling around.  We finally arrived at 1530.

The event was well attended.  It was a prefect day for a picnic.  I had an opportunity to talk to several employees I knew well.

Carol Smith was a great host.  She told me business was booming and they have trouble finding employees.  Carol just opened an office in Gaylord and they are very busy.  I must tell my sister.  

Nancy also had a great time talking and eating.  Everyone was very kind.

We got home at 2000.  Before bed we.  Watched an episode of Shetland.  

As I was checking the Courtyard at 2200 I saw three deer in the bushes across Tahoe from our Condo.  Called Nancy and she was able to see the deer.  

A very busy enjoyable summer’s day.  

July 29, 2022

 Friday July 29, 2022

Blog time 1800 sitting in living

Up this morning at 0700.  It was sunny, temps will reach 80 today.  First thing, I dressed and drove to Panera.  Bought coffee for Helen, Nancy and yours truly.  Panera was empty.

At home I fixed oatmeal to go with my coffee.  Nancy had purchased some muffins from Sugar Momma.  Nancy and  Helen enjoyed the muffins with there coffee.

This morning we are taking a tour of an apartment at Porter Hills at Cook Valley, a retirement community.  Nancy and I have had our name on the wait list for almost a year.  Helen joined us on the tour.  Both Nancy and I were impressed.  A unit might become available in late August.  I think we will take it.

No bike ride or trip to Y today.  I did find time for some reading.

After dinner tonight we drove to Culver’s for a frozen custard.  It was warm and sunny perfect for custard.

Finished the evening with a short ride along the Thornapple River.  

No TV tonight we just sat and talked.  Noted two deer across the street when checked the Courtyard before bed.  Tomorrow will be another warm, sunny day.

Friday, July 29, 2022

July 28, 2022

 Thursday July 28, 2022

Up at 0700.  Checked outside and it was drizzling.  According to my weather app, drizzle all morning.  Bummer, I will drive to Y.

Nancy headed out early for an 0830 class at MVP.  This is her first time at this class.

After calisthenics and oatmeal I put on civilian clothes and drove to Y.  I did my calisthenics.  This morning I walked 1.5 miles.  Tried to walk a 20’ mile.  Almost but not quite.

Today I took a shower at the Y.  First time in over 6 months.

Drove to Panera for coffee and some reading.  As usual Panera was cold and empty.

Comment on today’s news:

Good news President is over his Covid.  Now he can get back to work because he has plenty on his plate.

Looks like the Senate is finally about to pass the President’s big spending program.

Next Tuesday is primary Election Day in Michigan.  We have several contested races.  The big race is for our US representative.  Peter Meijer our present GOP rep voted to impeach President Trump.  So Trump has a lackey running against Meijer.  I voted for Meijer.  

This afternoon I have a 1400 appointment with the Dermatologist.  I have developed itchy skin.  I hope the Doc has a magic potent.

Later this afternoon my Sister is arriving.  She will spent several days with us.

At noon I left Panera and drove home.  Quick lunch and then headed to the Dermatologist.  He checked me over and prescribed a special lotion for me.

At home Helen had just arrived from Gaylord.  She stopped at a Farmer’s market and bought fresh corn, beans, blueberries, cherries, cookies, banana bread and a chicken casserole.  Enough to feed 10 folks for a week.

Later in the afternoon I drove to Meijer’s to pick up prescription.  The prescription is a two parter.  The actual prescription is a liquid.  I then had to buy a 16 ounce jar of a over the counter moisturizer.  At home I mixed the two ingredients.  It was very time consuming.

For dinner tonight we had the chicken casserole, corn, banana bread, salad and for dessert, cookies.  Very good and filling.

We spent the evening drinking wine, and talking about the good old days.  Very pleasant.

Just before bed I put on the new skin lotion.  Bottom line it worked.  Good news.

Checked Courtyard before turning in.  Everything ok.  Another nice summer’s day ahead.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

July 27, 2022

 Wednesday July 27, 2022

Slept in until 0730.  Today is my easy Wednesday.

Nancy headed out for her Wednesday swim at MVP.

I do light calisthenics (50%).  Before putting on my bike clothes and head to Panera.

This morning I planned on getting my free oatmeal.  Surprise, Panera did not have any oatmeal.  Bummer.

Got coffee and scone before starting my morning read.  

This and that:

The economy is still confusing to me.  All the talking heads on CNBC cannot agree on anything.  The Feds raise interest rates and the stock market goes from red to green, go figure.

War news from Ukraine has taken a back seat to reporting on the shallow Kardashians and Johnny Depp.  

I sure wish NATO would assemble a naval force to escort grain shipments out of Black Sea.  They should also protect the Port of Odessa.  

Congress is ready to pass a bill to help USA chip manufacturers make chips in USA.  I agree we are too reliant on China.  

Speaking of China:  will China ever make a military attack on Taiwan?  Pretty damn risky.

President Biden’s foreign policy is very weak.

Will California ever get any rain.

The lawlessness in major cities is discouraging.  Small businesses are leaving.  The police seem powerless.

Nancy and I took a 0.9 mile walk.  

Nancy had her PT session this afternoon.  

I took a short nap.

For dinner tonight,  applesauce, an apple and an Ensure Protein drink.  We watched the news while eating.

Tonight we watched episode 6, Season 6 of Shetland.  It was the season’s last episode.  The ending left me hanging.  BritBox’s programming is confusing.  

A check of Courtyard before bed was uneventful.  Just dark and humid.  We did have a skunk in our back yard earlier in the evening. Skunks are everywhere in the neighborhood.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

July 26, 2022

 Tuesday July 26, 2022

Start day at 0700.  Cool, high 50s and cloudy.

Nancy heads to MVP for treadmill and stationary bike.

I do my calisthenics before oatmeal breakfast.  Bike to Y, 4.5 miles.  Calisthenics and walk before once again getting on bike and heading to Panera.

Coffee and baguette before reading the WSJ on mini-iPad.

Got home at 1230.  Shower and shave before quick lunch.

Busy afternoon for Bob and Nancy:

Drove to Costco to pickup Nancy’s prescription.  Prescription had not been received from Doctor.

Drove to Dr Kutsche to get a copy of prescription.  We were told Dr Kutsche within the last minute had just sent prescription to Costco.

Drove to Macatawa Bank.  Our purpose was to inventory the contents of our two safety deposit boxes.  No big surprises.  We did find paperwork on the pre-revolutionary musket in our basement.  All Nancy’s jewelry was accounted for.

After the bank we drove back to Costco.  The prescription was ready.  

For dinner tonight Nancy and I walked to Leo’s Coney Island for a hot dog.  Leo’s if about 1/2 mile from Condo.  The hot dogs were good and the price was right.  Got home about 1900.  No time tonight for news.

I saw two Sand Hill Cranes walk by the Condo.  They must  reside in the area.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Shetland”.  Good show.

Checked Courtyard before turning in.  Everything ok.


Tuesday, July 26, 2022

July 25, 2022

 Monday July 25, 2022

Blog time 1730 on Tuesday July 25

Up at 0700.  Follow my normal morning weekday routine.

Nancy heads out early for a swim at MVP.

Oatmeal breakfast and then biked to the Y, 4.5 miles.  It was cool, mid 60s and sunny.  Perfect bike conditions.

Calisthenics and walk at Y before heading to Panera.

Today I took my mini-iPad.  Got coffee and a bagel before reading the WSJ.

Got home at noon.  Total miles, 8.5.  

At 1330 Nancy headed to her PT class.

I showered and then took a short nap.  Following the nap I had lunch.

I have developed a skin condition that makes my feet and arms itch.  No visible rash.  It appears to be just dry skin.  I have been applying lotion.  It seems to work.  Have an appointment with Dermatologist on Thursday.

Spent most of the afternoon reading news, Alpena and Detroit.  For dinner I had cheerios with blueberries.

After the news we watched another episode of Shetland.  I like Shetland Island scenery.

It was 75 and cloudy when checked Courtyard before bed.  I noted that the days are noticeably shorter.  Bummer.

Monday, July 25, 2022

July 24, 2022

 Sunday July 24, 2022

Blog time 1745 sitting in living room.

We had very heavy thunder storms roll through last night.  Thunder and lightning all night.  My channel 8 weather app said we had 1.5” of rain.  

Up at exactly 0700.  Looked outside and it was still raining.  Quickly dressed and headed to Panera for to get our morning coffee.  Surprise!  Standing in the middle of our drive was a big skunk.  I chased it away.  

For breakfast I fixed oatmeal to go with coffee I bought at Panera.  At 0845 we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  On our way we had another Surprise!  A big fox ran across the road in front of us.

Church was not crowded.  After the service we took our Sunday morning drive.  Drove east on Cascade Rd to Lowell and then returned on Grand River Dr.  Light rain during our ride. We did stop at Meijer’s so I could fill up the Escape.  

At home I read some of the GRP.  At 1300 my weather app said the rain had stopped.  Put on bike clothes and took a 9 mile ride.

Lunch followed by a shower.  I took an hour nap.

Spent the rest of the afternoon reading news both on paper and online.  Not much to report on.

Nancy fixed me scrambled eggs on toast for dinner.  Also had a dish of blueberries.

Tonight we watched 60 Minutes.  After 60’ we switched to BritBox to watch another episode of “Shetland”.

It was sprinkling when made my nightly check of Courtyard.  No critters were seen.  Sunny and cool tomorrow morning, mid 60s.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

July 23, 2022

 Saturday July 23, 2022

Blog time 1645 sitting in living room

Up at 0700.  Our usual breakfast venue, The Gathering Place, is closed this weekend.  We decided that we would have breakfast at “Anna’s” near Woodland Mall.  Perfect timing because 10 minutes after our seating the place was full.  This morning I had fried eggs, hash browns, link sausage, and toast.  It was very good.

Nancy had a cinnamon roll.  She was amazed when they brought her this huge roll.  I had to help her and even then we brought more the half home.  Bottom line, we would return to Anna’s.

After Anna’s we drove to Kohl’s but it was closed.  On way home we stopped at Panera for our free coffee.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I put on bike clothes and took a 10 mile ride.  It was hot, 80, and windy during the ride.  This was longest ride since hip operation.

Showered and shaved and then we drove to Meijer’s.  Nancy picked up two prescriptions and I bought a tube of “Cortizone-10” itch cream for some dry skin patches.

It was 90 when we got home.  Turned on AC.  

Put away my laundry before a quick lunch.

Spent rest of afternoon sitting in living room writing blog.

Sister, Helen, called and said she will visit us this coming Thursday and Friday.  We look forward to her visit.

Missy and I were in constant communication during the day.  I sent her a letter with tracking.  It was due to be delivered today.  Bottom line the USPS screwed things up.  Missy will pick up letter on Monday.

For dinner tonight we drove to Culver’s for a frozen custard.  Sat in car and devoured this cold feast.  After we finished the custard we took a short ride, pleasant summer evening.  Reminds me of my childhood.  On hot summer evening’s the family would drive to ice cream store and get a sundae.  After  we took a ride around the town.  Some things never change.

Tonight we watched episode 1 of Shetland on BritBox.  Good show.  Shetland Island looks isolated.  Checked on map and it is located at latitude 60.  Pretty far north but the Gulf Stream moderates the climate.

Heavy storms coming tonight.  When checked Courtyard at 2200 thunder and lightning were heading our way.  Stay tuned.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

July 22, 2022

 Friday July 22, 2022

Blog time 1730 sitting in office.

The sun streaming through our slider woke us at 0700.  Another sunny hot day.

Nancy headed out early to MVP.  Today she will walk on treadmill and spend time on stationary bike.

I woke happy because did not need pain pills last night. Third night in a row.  

Light calisthenics, breakfast and then biked to Y, 4.5 miles.  At Y did calisthenics and a walk, 30 minutes, before heading to Panera.

Panera was empty and cold.  I ordered a bagel and coffee.  Spent short time reading before heading home.

It was 80 when I got home at 1130.  Total bike miles, 9.5.

Showered as soon as I got home.  Quick lunch and then an hour nap.  Right now, 1740, it is 90 degrees, warmest summer I can remember.

This afternoon Veronica called.  The Scott team is planning a visit to GR in late August.  We look forward to their visit.  Steve, Veronica and Lucas have never seen our Condo.  Perfect timing because we will be moving soon to Porter Hills.

Looked out slider just before dinner and two Sand Hill Cranes walked by.  Beautiful birds.

Pea soup with blueberries for dinner.  Watched the news while eating.  I am surprised at the number of gun crimes in GR.  Every night the news has a story on several shootings.

Debbie called last night.  We had a nice talk.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Republic of Doyle” one of our go-to shows.  Gave it a B.

Checked Courtyard at 2200. No skunks or rabbits seen.  I was hot 74 and humid.  Rain later tonight. 

Friday, July 22, 2022

July 21, 2022

 Thursday July 21, 2022

Blog time 1730 sitting in office.

Once again no pills before bed.  This is a very good sign.

Up this morning at 0800.  Nancy has an early morning Dentist appointment.  

Morning calisthenics before oatmeal breakfast.  Put on bike clothes and headed to Y, 4 miles.  Got 2 miles into ride and realized I did not have bike lock.  I turned around and headed home.  I didn’t want to leave my bike unlocked at the Y.

At Y did my standard calisthenics and walk.  As mentioned yesterday, my Y routine takes 30 minutes.

My morning plan was to head home after the Y, shower and then take the Fusion to Panera.  My lock diversion put me behind schedule.  I made a quick stop at Panera for coffee and a bagel.  After 30 minutes I headed home for a shave and shower.

At noon Nancy and I drove to Meijer’s for gas and to pick up Nancy’s prescription.  Gas today was $2.45.  Once again Meijer Pharmacy said our Doctor did not give enough direction for them for fill the prescription.  Bummer.  

At home Nancy called the Doctor and asked him to get in touch with Pharmacy.  We also spent some time getting Nancy on the UM patient portal.  She can now leave messages for our Doc and read test results, etc.  Valuable tool.

This and that:

President has Covid.

Breakfast Club will now require members to wear masks.

I think Dave Chappelle is funny.  The stupid, ignorant Woke crowd put pressure on a Minneapolis venue to cancel Chappelle’s show.  He found an alternative venue and the show went on.  The owners of the first venue were totally gutless.  

President Biden’s trip to Middle East was embarrassing to USA.

I see more and more Electric cars in GR.  The five charging stations at Meijer’s are always full.

July 6 hearing was on TV last night.  I did not watch.  The DEMS are making the hearing all about politics.  

I am amazed at the number of women of all ages deadlifting more than 200#.

Why do restaurants keep their dining areas so cold.

For dinner tonight I had an Ensure protein drink and blueberries.  We watched the local news.  After the news I read the paper edition of the GRP.  Certainly not much in this paper but what do you expect of a paper that is printed in Ohio.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Crownies” on Acorn.  We gave it a C.

When checked the Courtyard before bed I saw a young skunk near the Condo. We did have a family of skunk living under our kitchen slider porch.  I thought the painters working in the Courtyard scared them off.  Will have to call the Critter gitters tomorrow.  Also noted several bunnies in the area.  Bunnies I can handle.

The heat and humidity continues tomorrow.  


Thursday, July 21, 2022

July 20, 2022

 Wednesday July 20, 2022

Blog time 1100 at Panera.

Good news I took neither Motrin or Tylenol pills before bed.  For first time in 2 months I had a good night’s sleep with no medicines.  Got up at 0800.

Wednesday is my easy day.  Light calisthenics before riding my bike to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.  I had enough point to get free oatmeal.  Read local papers before heading home.

Nancy had an early morning appointment with her Oral Surgeon.  He removed stitches.  Healing going well.

Got home from Panera at 1100.  Started my Wednesday chores.  Laundry, trash, recyclables and a nap.

Nancy had a PT session at 1300.

I finally wrote my monthly note to Grandkids.

For dinner tonight we drove to Downtown Ada.  Ate at Nonna’s in the downtown area.  It was a beautiful evening.  We sat outside.  I had a chicken salad and glass of wine.  Nancy had a bowl of bean soup.  Very pleasant evening.

At home we watched an episode of “Murder in Suburbia” on BritBox.  We gave it B+.

Humid and hot when checked Courtyard before bed.  Hot humid weather continues through Saturday.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

July 19, 2022

 Tuesday July 19, 2022

Up at 0700.  Bright sun and warm.  Temp will reach 90 today.

Nancy headed to MVP.  She will use the treadmill and stationary bike.  

At home calisthenics, breakfast.  Bike to Y a distance of 4.5 miles.  Total miles today 9.

At Y Calisthenics and walk.

Pedaled straight home after Y.  Showered and shaved before taking the Escape to Panera.

Read the Alpena and Detroit News before finishing yesterday’s blog.

Headed home at 1230.

Quick lunch and then Nancy and I ran errands.

First stop was Fox Ford.  The Escape has a Safety Recall notice.  No parts for repair.  Contact Ford in October.

We stopped at Trader Joe’s and made several purchases.

At Secretary of States office Nancy got a permanent Handicap license plate.  The plate will be delivered in several week.

Quick stop at UM Beltline Health Center.  We wanted to see this facility.  Dr Kutsche’s office is moving to this facility on August 1.  Dr Kutsche is also retiring on August 1.  Dr Riley has been recommended as a replacement.  We were given the phone number of Doc Riley and will contact tomorrow.

Last stop Meijer’s.  Nancy is picking up a prescription but it  was not ready.  We also purchased some supplies.

Busy afternoon it took 30 minutes to unload car.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed the eggs rolls we had purchased earlier at TJ.  Also had strawberries and sourdough roll.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We reported our health problems are improving.

After the news we watched an episode of “Death in Paradise”.  This show is our go-to show when we want something relaxing.

Checked Courtyard at 2200.  It was pitch black, hot and humid.  

High winds with heat and humidity for the next several days.  We started the AC at 1800 and it will remain on Most of the evening.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

July 18, 2022

 Monday July 18, 2022

Blog time 1620

Up this morning at 0715.  Checked outside and it was a warm, sunny 70.  High temperature today will be 90.

This morning Nancy instead of swimming is doing the treadmill and stationary bike at MVP.  Her tooth is still giving her pain.

Later today Nancy will attend her first Physical Therapy session.  Luckily the PT place is less than a mile from the Condo.

I did early morning calisthenics before breakfast.  Breakfast and then put on bike clothes and headed to Y.  Difficult time deciding what to wear because the temperature outside will be in high 70s during ride.  

Today I added two miles to my morning ride.  At the Y calisthenics and a short walk today.  My normal routine at the Y takes about 30 minutes.  Put bike clothes back on and headed to Panera.

Temperature was in mid 80s when arrived at Panera.  Ordered coffee and baguette.  Finished yesterday’s blog and read the Alpena and Detroit News before heading home.  

Tomorrow I will change my morning weekday routine.  I arrive at Panera hot and sweaty.  Panera is super cold.  Sitting is this environment in wet clothes is not healthy.  Tomorrow I will head home after the Y.  Shower and then drive to Panera.

Summary of afternoon activities:

Quick lunch and then headed to office for more reading.

Missy FaceTimed.  We had a nice talk.

Headed to Ada Bike Shop to get some hardware for my bike rack.

Stopped at D&W to mail a letter to Ca.

Today is son Stephen’s 49th birthday.  We did not connect on first call but will call again around 1800 EDT.

We had a light dinner.  Cheerios with strawberries.  Very good.

Steve called us after dinner.  Nancy and I wished him a happy birthday.  I still remember vividly the day he was born.

Dr Kutsche called this evening.  We wanted advice about Nancy’s headaches.  Dr Kutsche prescribed a medicine for Nancy.

Watched the news before switching to Acorn.  Watched another episode of “Crownies”.

The temperature was near 90 when checked Courtyard at 2200.  It was dark.  

The days are getting shorter.  We now have less than 15 hours of daylight compared to 15h21’ on the Solstice. 

Monday, July 18, 2022

July 17, 2022

 Sunday July 17, 2022

Blog time 1730 sitting in office

As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog thought I might have trouble sleeping after sitting several hours in an overstuffed chair.  I was right.  Spent a miserable night.

Up this morning at 0700.  Dressed and then drove to Panera to get our coffee.  I also got a bagel.

Fixed oatmeal for breakfast to go with coffee.  At 0845 we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Very small crowd for today’s service.  Too bad because Pastor Dan gave a good homily.

After church we drove west through downtown GR, then along the Grand River to Millennium Park and finally Riverside Park before heading home.  We drove along Chicago Drive which is in a heavily industrialized area.

Before lunch I took a 7 mile bike ride.  It was sunny and warm, 80.  Today was bird sighting Day.  Wild turkeys were seen in several areas.  The geese in our area have been forming large gaggles of 50 or more.  When feeding they move from one side of Tahoe to the other, always in single file.  The cars back up while waiting for the geese to pass.  It is an interesting sight.

This afternoon spent some time on my iPad writing blogs.  Also helped Nancy fill out a questionnaire for her physical therapy company.  She has her first session tomorrow.  

We are suppose to be living in a paperless society but every time I see a Doctor I have to fill out a questionnaire.  I keep asking this data is suppose to stored on a master site.  However,  the databases of different health systems are not interconnected.  This is a major failure of the health care system.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed two fried eggs.  I had mine on a frozen waffle.  Very good.

Tonight after the news we watched “Silent Witness” on BritBox.  It must have been a popular show in the UK because we watched episode 1 of season 25.

When I checked the courtyard at 2200 noted three deer watching me from across the street.  Tomorrow will be a warm day with temps near 90.


Sunday, July 17, 2022

July 16, 2022

 Saturday July 16, 2022

Blog time 1130 sitting in office.

Up at 0645.  Dressed, took our pills and drove to “Gathering Place” for breakfast.  We arrived at 0755 and the place was empty.  We got our favorite table.  Oatmeal and egg for me and Western Omelette for Nancy.  We both had raisin toast and coffee.  Very good.

As we were leaving we noted that the place was 90% full. 

Today we headed south on a short drive around the airport.  It is amazing the amount of new industry near airport.

Dropped Nancy off and took the Escape for a fill up.  I cannot remember the gas price but it cost nearly $50 and the tank was half empty.

It being Saturday Nancy did the laundry.  A large one today.

Now that the painters are finished I cleaned our deck and put furniture back.

Also cleaned the downstairs concrete slab which is located beneath the upstairs wood deck.  The painters left it a mess.    

Today I took a 6 mile bike ride.  The entire ride was south of 28th and required no stop for traffic signals.

Shaved and showered after the bike ride.  Lunch and then spent most of the afternoon sitting in a nice living chair working on my iPad.  I have a small portable computer stand that fits under the chair.

Bad news after several hours in the chair my hip really began to hurt.  It might cause pain tonight when sleeping.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I drove to the frozen yogurt shop.  I bought a big cup of the vanilla yogurt.  Nancy had a smaller cup of mixed flavors.  We sat in the car and savored this treat.

At home we watched a new show on Prime.  It was called the “Terminal List”.  This show is a guy show.  Dark and violent.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We reported on our health which we hope will improve over time.

It was warm and humid when checked outside at 2200.  I scared several rabbits eating our flowers.  We are overrun with bunnies.   

Saturday, July 16, 2022

July 15, 2022

 Friday July 15, 2022

Blog time 1930 sitting in den.

Up this morning at 0715.  In yesterday’s blog I mentioned the difficulty I had installing a new toilet seat in a congested area.   I thought some pain might result.  I was right.  Last night was the most painful since the hip surgery.  However, once I got up and moving around the pain was gone.

This morning Nancy had an 1100 meeting with a PA working for our ENT Doctor.  Nancy said the PA determined her headache pain was not the result of her ear.  Bottom line Nancy will need an appointment with a neurologist to find out what caused the headaches.  Probably easier said than done.

I did my morning calisthenics before my oatmeal breakfast.  I use to put bananas on my oatmeal.  I determined that the bananas caused constipation. Lately I have been putting 5 dried prunes on the oatmeal.  Problem solved.

Today I biked to the Y a distance of 2 miles.  Calisthenics and short walk before dressing and biking to Panera. 

Panera as usual was cold.  I ordered my coffee and a bagel.  However, Panera was sold out of all bagels.  Bummer.  I substituted a baguette.

Read the Michigan news, Detroit and Alpena.  Detroit News had big article on several men running for Governor.  They were big Trump supporters, which means they immediately lost my vote.  I am voting for the only women on the GOP ticket.  

Left Panera at noon.  Total bike miles today, 7.  Quick shower and lunch.  

This afternoon I ran errands.  First stop was the Y.  My work out clothes in my Y locker have not been washed in two months.  I emptied the locker.

Stopped at Meijer’s for supplies.  Cookies, yogurt and dried prunes were purchased.  Meijer’s was jammed.  It was raining during my visit to Meijer’s.  Rain stopped at 1800.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to “Bagger Dave’s Tavern”.  The restaurant is located less than a mile from the Condo.  I had a hamburger and wine.  Best hamburgs in town.  Nancy had toasted cheese with coleslaw.  We took the scenic route home.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.   We told her that our health keeps getting better.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Crownies”.  Like that show.

All was quiet when checked Courtyard at 2200.  Temperature in low 70s.

Friday, July 15, 2022

July 14, 2022

 Thursday July 14, 2022

Blog time 1130 on Friday sitting in Panera.  I am a day late.

Up at 0700. Another nice day ahead. Sun with a high near 80.

Easy day for Nancy.  Most of the pain from the root canal surgery is gone.  Motrin and the antibiotic prescribed by the Dentist are helping.  Noted several black and blue spots on face.

I do some calisthenics before breakfast.  After I put on bike clothes and pedaled the 2 miles to Y. 

It must be summer vacation time because the Y was empty.  Slowly I am getting some strength back.  I am now doing my calisthenics routine a 60%.  Several folks asked where I had been.  Gave my standard reply.

After the Y I pedaled to Panera.  I was looking forward to coffee and a bagel.  Panera was sold out of all types of bagels.  Bummer, I bought a baguette.

Today I took my mini-iPad because it is easy to carry in the back pack.  I just read the Alpena and Detroit News before leaving.

Today Kim cleans.  She was almost done when I got home.  The house looked good.  

Showered and shaved before lunch.  Quick lunch before Nancy and I drove to Porter Hills retirement community on Fulton.  Porter Hills has two campuses.  The main campus on Fulton and a new location called Cook Valley Estates on East Paris.

Today we looked at two apartment at the Fulton Campus.  They were both two bedroom and liveable.  However, the community spaces leave a lot to be desired. 

Nancy and I told the Sales Manager we only want Cook Valley.  An apartment might becomes available in late August.  At that time I think we will commit.

On way home we stopped at D&W.  Bought coleslaw for dinner and Motrin to help with Nancy’s pain.

This and that:

Got a call from my Sister.  She has been facing some health problems.  However, being Helen she is shouldering on.  Will visit Grand Rapids later this month.

We called Missy after listening to her sad comments during her morning beach walk.  Missy’s Condo building is falling apart, she has no gas, the utilities are not up to code.  Looks like she faces a big assessment to bring everything up to code.  On top of the problems Missy learned this morning that her web site manager died in his sleep last night.  Not a good day.  But we said things will improve.  

Before my surgery I was given a cushioned toilet seat.  The new hip joint cannot tolerate a hard seat.  Now that my hip has healed I put on a new seat.  What I thought was a simple job proved to be difficult.  Hope with all the squatting and time on knees didn’t re-injury the muscles around the joint.  Stay tuned.

For dinner tonight we finished the rotisserie chicken.  Also had peas and coleslaw.

After the news we watched another episode of “New Tricks”.  “New Tricks” is our go to show for relaxing viewing.  

Bright full moon when checked Courtyard.  I even took a short walk.  My watch said it was sunset but had enough light to feel safe walking.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

July 13, 2022

Wednesday July 13, 2022

Blog time 1630 sitting in office

Today is my easy Wednesday.  But it will be anything but easy.  Nancy has two Doctor appointment.

I did some calisthenics before breakfast.  After breakfast we headed to our 0930 appointment with our family doctor, Dr. Kutsche.  We did stop at Panera for a quick cup of coffee.

Dr. Kutsche is retiring at the end of the month.  He has been our family Doctor for years.  

He has prescribed medicines to help with Nancy’s memory loss.  The pills are helping.  We want to know if Nancy should upgrade  before he retires.  

Dr Kutsche said upgrades are not available.  We thanked him for the service he has provided, Bob and Nancy.  He did recommend a replacement Doctor for which we are grateful.

Our next Doctor’s appointment is at 1215.  Nancy has been having some headaches which our family Dentist thinks might be caused by infected teeth.  Today Nancy is having two root canals.

We headed to the Root Canal Specialists.  The total procedure took less than an hour.  The Doc said he thinks the root canals will solve the headache problem.  

Nancy is in considerable pain.  She is now on pain killers.  When we got home I made a quick trip to Meijer’s to get an antibiotic prescription.  

In addition to the medications Nancy is icing her cheek, 30 minutes ice, 30 minutes off, until bed time.  Then we are done with the icing.

We were provided instructions of what must be done for the next 24 hours.  We applied to the letter.

This afternoon I took out trash and did a load of laundry.  Typical Wednesday chores.

For dinner tonight I had some of the rotisserie chicken we purchased at Meijer’s.  It was good.

Watched the news while eating.  We then retired to the den.  Tonight we watched both an episode of “Murder in the Suburbs” and “Crownies”.  

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We brought her up to date.

Before bed Nancy took all her meds.  She is still groggy but the Doctors said it will take exactly (his words) 24 hours to get her system back to normal.

Noted a big bright Full Moon when checked Courtyard.  Another nice day ahead.