Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Monday March 30, 2020

Monday March 30, 2020

Blog time 1330 sitting in living room.

Today we start another week of Sheltering in Place.  The temperature this morning was 37 with 20 mph wind.  Not exactly Spring like.

Nancy was first up.  She took Ms P out.  

As soon as I got up headed downstairs for calisthenics.  Dressed warm for my morning bike ride.  Breakfast and then headed out.  Took my 11 mile route.  Encountered several folks walking but no bikers.  Heavy rain the past two days have left many deep puddles.  No critters seen today.

Nancy walked to Panera for her coffee.  Total distance walked 2.3 miles.

At home I showered, dressed, grabbed my iPad and drove to Panera for morning coffee.  Sat outside in parking lot and using Panera’s WiFi read my email and finished yesterday’s blog.  I got my refill and was just finishing up reading a story I fell asleep.  Slept 1/2 hour.  A warm car with heated seats create a great environment for sleeping.

At home I had lunch.  Took a nap and then Nancy and I went on a 1.5 mile walk.  Fixed our apple snack.

We had our standard light Monday dinner.  Cheerios and toast.  Fixed after dinner snacks.  Tonight we watched the news and Jeopardy in the living room before moving to the den.  Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  It was misting when I took Ms P out at 2200.  Low temperature tonight mid 30s.

Missy and Debbie made their nightly FaceTime call to see how the old folks were doing.  We said ok.

Some positive things about Sheltering at Home.  

More family quality time.  We see entire families going for walks.

Air quality in urban areas has increased immensely because no one is using their vehicles.

Less vehicular carbon emissions means the impact on Global Warming is lessened.

I am sure there are many more! 

Monday, March 30, 2020

Sunday March 29, 2020

Sunday March 29, 2020

Blog time 1115 sitting in living room

Nancy was up early with Ms P at 0510.  She went back to bed but had to get back up at 0600 to feed her.  Being the lucky soul I slept in until 0715.

We are still sheltered at home.  For our morning exercise we took a two mile walk following Nancy’s favorite route.  It was a warm 57 with sun.  We saw neither walker or vehicle.

At home I fixed my standard oatmeal with banana breakfast.  I then grabbed Nancy’s thermos and headed to Panera for our morning coffee.  I sat in Panera’s parking lot using their WiFi and read NEWS app on the iPad.  Refilled my coffee (free) and drove home.  

Spent time in living room finishing yesterday’s blog and reading the GRP.  Coronavirus dominates.

I got a little restless so I took a 1.5 mile walk before dinner.  I wore my raincoat because my app said rain would start in 45 minutes.  It did.

This morning the temperature dropped 20 degrees.  Heavy winds, 30mph+, rolled in.

After lunch we grabbed Ms P, put her in the car and took a Sunday afternoon ride.  We took the freeway to Rockford and surface streets back.  

We did make an emergency stop at Culver’s.  We each got a frozen custard. Wicked but good.

I took a short nap and then prepared our apple snack.  Because of our reckless purchase of the frozen custard we had a light dinner.  I had a piece of toast, hard boiled egg and banana.

Today I called Steve and had the opportunity to talk to him (finally).  Everything is ok in Long Beach.  

Missy and Debbie called tonight.  They were checking on their elderly parents.  We told them every thing is fine.

We watched Tiger King on Netflix before turning in.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Saturday March 28, 2019

Saturday March 28, 2020

Blog time 1200 sitting in living room

Nancy, like on most mornings was first up.  She took Ms P out and reported it was mild, 48, and raining.  No walk this morning.

I got up at 0645.  Headed downstairs and did my calisthenics at 50%.  Shaved and showered before fixing an oatmeal breakfast w/banana.  

I did step on the scale this morning and noted a weight gain.  Surprise! Not really.  Sheltering at Home should be renamed Snacking at Home.

Drove to Panera to get coffee for both of us.  I parked outside, drank my coffee and read some email before refilling my cup and heading home.

At home sat in living room drinking coffee and reading the news.  Finished yesterday’s blog.  

 Nancy is doing the laundry.  Kim usually put clean sheets on our bed.  Today I volunteered to help Nancy put clean sheets on.  I really screwed up by moving the box spring out of position.  It took us about 30 minutes getting the box springs and mattress back in alignment.

I took a 2 mile walk before lunch.  We had over an inch of rain last night.  The rain brought the earth worms to the surface.  Noted a lot of big fat worms.  The robins will have a feast.

Lunch and then spent some time in office.  Our basement is much colder than the upstairs so I have to turn on the electric fireplace.  What I really need to do is get a gas fired insert installed in our existing fire place.  I have several estimates of cost, $5,000 but haven’t wanted to spend the money.  I might have to break down.

I did take a nap this afternoon followed by our apple snack.  For dinner Nancy fixed the several slices of Costco’s chicken pot pie.  We also had lettuce salad.

Missy and Debbie FaceTimed us last night.  Everything is up to date in MI and CA.  

We watched an episode of The Amazing Mrs Maisel before turning.  Rain predicted for tonight.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Friday March 27, 2020

Friday March 27, 2020

Blog time 1300 sitting in living room.

Friday, Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  I was up at 0645.  Nancy headed out for her morning walk before I headed downstairs to do my calisthenics.

After the calisthenics and breakfast I headed out for my 11 mile bike ride.  The temp was 35 with a stiff East wind.  Riding into the wind was unpleasant.  Traffic was very light.  It is weird when I see all the empty parking lots.  

The Coronavirus is an equal opportunity disease.  King, Prince’s, movie stars, athletes and a Prime Minister are all infected.  

The stock market goes up one day and then down the next.  I think most folks are just ignoring it.

At home I showered, dressed and then drove to Panera.  Got my coffee, sat outside in my car and read my email.  Panera’s WiFi extends to their parking lot.  I stayed outside long enough to finish most of my coffee.  Refilled my cup and headed home.

At home, lunch and then headed down to the office.  Finished yesterday’s blog and read the papers.

Afternoon activities;

Nancy took another walk.  Today she got almost four miles in.

I took a long nap.  I slept sound for over an hour.  I don’t think I moved.

Apple snack.

I finished the afternoon with short walk.

For dinner Nancy fixed ham and bean soup.  We also had some of the baguette I bought earlier at Panera.

 Missy FaceTimed us.  She and AJ are doing ok.  Missy had just shipped out some of her hijabs to hospitals around the Country.  During this crisis she does not charge the hospitals.  A very charitable move.

Debbie also FaceTimed.  She is feeling better.  She has been very busy working at home.  Her day starts at 0600 and ends in the evening.  

We started watching an Agatha Christie series on Amazon.  It was so bad we stopped watching about 20 minutes in.  

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched The Valhalla Murders.  Fell asleep and woke up two episodes later.

It was raining when I took Ms P out at 2200.  Rain will continue through the night.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Thursday March 26, 2020

Thursday March 26, 2020

Blog time Friday March 27, 1200 sitting in living room. I still have problems fitting blog writing into my new schedule.

Thursday, Nancy is up at 0550 to take Ms p out.  The temperature was a mild 51.  Nancy headed out for her two mile walk.

Calisthenics, breakfast and then I headed out on an eleven mile bike ride.  With the temperature being in the 50s I thought might be over dressed.  But not the case.  

Everyone I think is obeying the “shelter in place” order.  Traffic was very light.  I am amazed at how much noise heavy traffic generates.  The ride today was very pleasant because it was so quiet.  

The only sounds I heard today were birds.  Robins of course were singing but I like to hear the woodpeckers hammering away.  I hear them all over the neighborhood.  Also saw a flock of about 15 wild Turkeys.

At home I shaved and showered.  Drove to Panera to buy my morning coffee.  

Before lunch Nancy and I drove to Costco.  Nancy picked up at prescription. We bought eye drops, wine and a chicken pot pie for dinner tonight.

Spent some time reading my emails and the news before taking a nap.  After the nap I fixed our apple snack. 

Nancy found time to take another walk.  Every she walks about four miles.

This afternoon daughter-in-law Veronica called.  She wanted my advise about hiring an engineering manager.  I told her what I thought was important.  I was flattered that Veronica wanted my advice.

For dinner we had the chicken pot pie purchased earlier today at Costco.  Fixed our after dinner snack.  We watched the news, Jeopardy before moving to the den.  Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  I fell asleep.

 Missy and Debbie FaceTimed us tonight.  We told them every thing was ok.  Great to hear from them.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Wednesday March 25, 2020

Wednesday March 25, 2020

Blog time 1100 sitting in living room.

Up at 0630.  This is my easy Wednesday.  I did calisthenics at 50% and then showered.  Oatmeal breakfast and then we grabbed our thermos.  Nancy and I walked to Panera to get them filled up.  It was cold, 27, but the sun was up and no wind.  Perfect conditions for a walk.  Today we followed Nancy’s preferred route.  Total distance walked, 2.15 miles.

We are having typical early spring weather.  Cool mornings but the sun soon warms things up.  High today will be in low 50s.  The days are getting longer.  Today we have 12h30’ heading to 15h in mid June.

We are stocked up so no trips today.  Tomorrow we will make a trip to Costco so Nancy can pick up a prescription. 

An upside of the Shelter in Place order is that we have no need for a second car.  We have put off searching for a second car.  When the Y and MVA reopen we begin our search.

Like most Wednesday’s took out trash and did a load of laundry.  I did find time for a nap.  After fixed our daily apple snack.  Finished the afternoon with a 2 mile walk.

This and that;
The President is not getting high marks for his handling of the Coronavirus.  The daily news conferences are embarrassing.

Today both Missy and Debbie FaceTimed us.  They are checking up on Mom and Dad.  We think this is nice.

The Coronavirus in Italy and Spain is frightening.  The U.K. is not far behind in severity.

The Coronavirus does not appear to be serious in Russia.  What is the reason?

We watch the ups and downs of the stock market.  Like most small investors we are confused.

Nancy had a long talk with college friend Karen Horlings.  Karen is still in Florida.  She comes home in late April.  Carol Masten also gave Nancy a call.

Speaking of coming home, my sister, Helen, and Don are flying home to Gaylord today.  Got a message that they arrived safely.

We had a light dinner followed by our after dinner snack.  Tonight we watched an episode of Unforgotten before turning in.

It was 50 when I took Ms P out at 2200.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Tuesday March 24, 2020

Tuesday March 24, 2020

Blog being written on Wednesday Mar 25, 1010, sitting in living room.

Tuesday morning and I am up at 0600.  Took Ms P out.  It was mild high 20s.

This morning we are going to take advantage of Meijer’s new senior hours of 7-9.  Made a quick stop at Panera to get my thermos filled.

We got to Meijer’s at 0650 and already there was a long line of old folks waiting to get in.  Most folks ignored the 6 foot separation rule.  Doors opened at exactly 0700 and all the old folks streamed in.

Today Nancy was looking for Clorox disinfecting wipes.  We bought a year’s supply.  We also bought apples, cookies, dog food, suet and milk.  Our normal weekly supplies.

On way home we stopped at D&W to get coleslaw for dinner tonight.  We also bought Pinconning soft cheese and rye bread.  The shelves at D&W that normally had paper products were completely bare.  Maybe the lack of critical supplies was why D&W was empty.

This morning we learned our lesson.  No more senior shopping.  Too much pushing and shoving.

At home we put up our purchases and then Nancy walked to Panera to get her thermos filled and I fixed oatmeal breakfast.

After breakfast I took an 11 mile bike ride.  We are on a shelter in place order so very little vehicular traffic.  I did encounter walkers.   The parking lot at the Y which normally has over 100 cars was completely empty.  Kind of eerie!

At home I competed my calisthenics before shaving and showering.  Finished the morning in the office completing yesterday’s blog and reading emails and news.

Lunch at 1300.  Activities this afternoon.

Took a short nap.

Granddaughter Alessandra FaceTimed Nancy about 1500 and they had a nice chat.  Alessandra was showing Grandma how she was preparing an omelette for lunch.  She does not yet have any at home classes but her brother Lucas was doing his online Spanish lesson.  We think they are getting Cabin Fever.

Fixed our apple snack.

Nancy took a walk.  I also took a walk to the mailbox.

Missy FaceTimed us before dinner.  She was just checking up.  We had a nice chat.

Put out suet we bought this morning for the birds.

For dinner we finished Saturday’s pizza.  Also had coleslaw and Irish Soda Bread.

We sat in living room and watched the news and Jeopardy Also enjoyed our after dinner snack.  

We watched NCIS.  Debbie FaceTimed us after the show.  Debbie has been working at home for about three weeks.  She has a cold that keeps hanging on.  

No Apple TV tonight.  We were both in bed by 2130. 

We still have not established a daily routine.  It looks like we will be under the Shelter in Place order for at least a month.   Plenty of time to establish a routine.  Stay tuned!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Monday March 23, 2020

Monday March 23, 2020

Blog time 1145 sitting in living room.

I got up at 0545 and took Ms P out.  We had an inch of snow on the ground.  Shoveled the courtyard walks.  Temperature was a mild 29.

I did my calisthenics at home this morning.  Showered and then fixed an oatmeal breakfast.

Another Shelter in Place Day.  The car will stay in the garage.  I grabbed my thermos and walked to Panera.  The concrete walks were snow free.  They must have had enough residual warmth to melt last night’s snow.  Panera looks abandoned with no one sitting down.  No wind so the walk was pleasant.  Total distance walked 2.3 miles.

At home I sat in living room, finished yesterday’s blog and read Alpena News and email.  Took a picture of our snow covered back yard and emailed it to kids in CA.

Rest of day’s activities;

Jennifer Dougherty called this afternoon.  Jennifer a great engineer, now has her own company.  Her work presently is not impacted by the Coronavirus.  All her kids are sequestered at home because Lowell schools are closed. Her daughter who attends Trine College is also home.  We had a nice talk. 
Finished reading the WSJ
Took a bike ride around the neighborhood 
Apple snack
Cheerios for dinner.  I had mine with Irish Soda Bread.  Love ISB.

Both Debbie and Missy FaceTimed us today.  We gave a positive report.

Watched news and Jeopardy in living room before moving to den to watch Apple TV.

We watched an episode of Unforgotten. Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched The Valhalla Murders.  Started watching episode 4, fell asleep and woke up in middle episode 5.

All the snow was gone when took Ms P out at 2200.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Sunday March 22, 2020

Weekend Update for WE 22Mar20

Blog time 1900, Sunday Mar 22 sitting living room

Saturday March 21, 2020

Cold and windy so no walk.  I did my calisthenics at 50% before heading out.  We drove to Meijer’s so Nancy could look for Clorox wipes.  No luck.  Next stopped at Panera and bought coffee.

At home fixed my oatmeal breakfast before heading downstairs to office.  Completed several tasks.  
  1. filled out census form on line.  It was easy.
  2. My license plate expires on my birthday.  Wrote a check for renewal?
  3. Read some news and checked email.
  4. Finished yesterday’s blog.

Rest of activities this morning and afternoon.

Nancy did laundry.
Quick lunch.
Nancy talked to her sister, Peg, this afternoon.  Peg is recovering from a broken neck but she said everything was working out fine.
My sister, Helen,  texted that instead of leaving Tucson on April 1 they are coming home, Gaylord, next Wednesday.
Took a short nap followed by 2 mile walk.
Missy called to check how we were doing.  
For dinner I drove to JT’s Pizza to get a medium ham and pineapple pizza.  Tasted good.

Debbie called to check on how we were doing.  We like both the girls making daily calls to see how mom and dad are doing.

We watched the final two episodes of Winter on Acorn before turning in.

Sunday March 22

Nancy took Ms P out at 0600.  I got up at 0630.  This morning we started with a two mile walk.  No church because of the Coronavirus.

Drove to Panera to get us a coffee.  Fixed myself an oatmeal breakfast.  Also banana and toast with peanut butter. 

This morning I shaved my face and head.  First time I used a razor on the head in months.

Drove to D&W to get some bananas.  Also bought gas.  Gas was $1.89 per gallon.

I read the entire GRP before lunch.  Lunch followed by a nap.

Fixed our apple snack.  Nancy took a walk and I took a 7 mile bike ride.

Talked to Missy before dinner.  Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I had mine with spinach pie and Irish soda bread.

We ate our after dinner snacks in the living room watching 60 Minutes.  Stayed in the living room and watched an episode of NCIS.

At 2100 Nancy headed to bed.  I moved to the den and watched an episode of The Valhalla Murders on Netflix.

It was snowing when I took Ms P out at 2200.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Friday March 20, 2020

Friday March 20, 2020

Blog time 1130 sitting in living room.

Heavy rain rolled through last night.  It was 51 and misting when Nancy took Ms P out.

I did my full calisthenics routine at home.  Breakfast and then stepped outside to check weather.  It was very windy and misting.  No bike ride or walk this morning.

Showered and made a quick trip to Panera to get coffee for the two of us.   As you might expect Panera was empty.  The manager said the drive thru and walk in business was very slow today.

At home Nancy told me that Staples is suppose to have a supply of handiwipes.  We drove to Staples.   They ran out yesterday.

This morning I sat in living room, read the papers and finished yesterday’s blog.  The sun just came out, 1145, but the temperature has dropped from 51 to 38.  

Nancy and I are now heading out for a walk.  Stay tuned. 

It was sunny but windy, 17mph, when we started.  Sun did not last long as clouds rolled in.  Light snow when we finished our mile and a quarter walk.  BRR!

This and that:

Talked to Debbie and Missy yesterday.  Always good to talk.

Today we received a txt from Veronica asking how we are doing.  Nancy replied every thing was fine.

Just watched a press conference with the President.  Both the press and the President were uncivil.  We turned the TV off.  I think POTUS’s reaction to the Coronavirus has cost him this year’s election.

After lunch;
Took a nap
Fixed apple snack
Took another walk.  This time 2 miles.
At 1800 put out the last of this year’s corn.
Missy FaceTimed us asking how this were going.  We gave a positive reply.

Nancy fixed chicken noodle soup for dinner.

We watched the news and Jeopardy in the living room.  Also enjoyed our after dinner snack.  

On Friday night we always watch Brooks and Shield’s comments on the past week.  Their segment is on PBS’s news hour.  I thought the comments of David Brooks were spot on.  

At 2000 we moved to the living room and watched to episodes of Winter on acorn.  Great show.

Before heading to bed we FaceTimed Debbie to see how she was holding up.  She is still fighting a long term cold.  We wished her well.

It was below freezing when took  Ms P out at 2200.  Temperature will drop to 20 tonight.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Thursday March 19, 2020

Thursday March 19, 2020

Blog time 1745 sitting in living room

Today is the first day of Astronomical Spring.  Not to be confused with meteorological spring which started 01MAR.

Nancy was up at 0600.  She dressed and headed to D&W.  She heard that D&W is open from 0700 to 0900 on Tuesday and Thursday for seniors only.  She was looking for sanitary wipes.  No luck.

I slept in until 0700.  I did my calisthenics at home.  I have been doing the same exercises since the mid 50s.  No weights, the only apparatus I use is a chin up bar.  Of course instead of 19 chin-ups I now am lucky to do 8.

 Breakfast and then headed out for an eleven mile bike ride.  At the same time Nancy walked to Panera to get her coffee mug filled.

It was cool, mid 30s, but no wind so the ride was pleasant.  Passed a number of walkers.  Pedaled by the Y and the parking lot was empty.

At home I showered and shaved.  After made a trip to Panera for my daily coffee.  Panera has switched their 
inside staff to delivery.  No layoffs, which is good.

Nancy and I made a quick trip to Aldi’s.  We bought fruit, vegetables and several boxes of Nancy’s favorite crackers.

Today the lawn folks started spring cleanup of our yards.  Got rid of all the leaves and accumulated winter debris.  I headed out before they reached our yard and picked up all the corn cobs.

I made a quick trip to the Vets to pick up Ms P’s pills.  I parked outside the vets office and they brought the pills to the car.  Overkill?  

Lunch and then some work in the office before nap.  Finished the afternoon with our apple snack.

For dinner Nancy fixed me a Stout Pie with coleslaw and Irish Soda Bread.  We watched the news and Jeopardy in the living room.  Our living room TV did not cut out like the one in the den while watching traditional TV.

At 2000 we switched to the den.  Using Apple TV only we continued watching an Australian detective show on Acorn.  I can’t remember the show’s name but we both like it.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched a crime show filmed in Iceland.  Most of the show was filmed in winter.  Iceland in winter looks very cold.

It was 51 when took Ms P out at 2200.  It will be warm and rainy most of the night.  Temperatures will plunge during the day tomorrow.

This and that;

We are establishing a stay at home routine.  My biggest problem is setting a time to read the news and write blog.

On my bike ride I passed a lot of folks walking.  Walking is now the go to aerobic exercise now that gyms are closed.

I put out corn for deer at 1800.  At 1900 we had seven deer in the backyard.  I have enough corn for one more day and then no more corn this year.

WW II had a major impact on the lives of all citizens.  I think the Coronavirus might be second.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Wednesday March 18, 2020

Wednesday March 18, 2020
Blog time 1445 on Thursday sitting in office

I got up first this morning at 0550 and took Ms P out.  Temperature was below freezing.  Went back to bed and slept until 0700.

Today is my easy Wednesday. I usually eat breakfast at a restaurant but with all the restaurants closed I had oatmeal w/banana, toast and peanut butter at home.

The Gardens is also closed so Nancy does not have to work.  We are slowly adjusting to staying at home.

I did reduced calisthenics at home before going on a 7 mile bike ride.  Noted a lot of walkers but few bikers.

Took a quick shower before making a quick run to Panera for coffee.  We can walk in to Panera to buy our coffee but just cannot sit down.

Lunch and then Nancy and I headed to Meijer’s.  I bought some tonic water and Nancy looked for sanitary wipes with no luck.

Rest of afternoon activities:


Trash and recyclables 


Apple snack.

For dinner tonight we had cereal.  I also had several slices of Irish Soda Bread.  

We settled down in the den to watch the news and Jeopardy before switching to Apple TV.  Lately the TV in the den keep cutting out for 20 seconds.  It is frustrating.  

When watching TV in living room the TV does not cut out.  We called Direct TV and their solution did not help.  We have no problems when watching Apple TV.

At 2000 I turned off our cable box and watched Acorn using only Apple TV.  It appeared that with the cable box disconnected the picture was much sharper.  

We watched a new show on Acorn whose name escapes me.  We both liked it.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched a show filmed in Iceland.  Good show.

Below freezing when took Ms P out at 2200.  Warmup and rain starting tomorrow afternoon.  Looks like I can get my bike ride in.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Tuesday March 17, 2020

Tuesday March 17, 2020

Blog time 1900 sitting in den


This year with all restaurants and bars closed St Patrick’s Day will be very quiet.  It is a big hit for all our Irish pubs.

Today is also the birthday of my Great Grandfather James Lee Sanborn.  GGF Sanborn was born in 1856 in Sanborn, New York.  I love reading his 1938 diary.  Of course as all reader know I was born in 1938.

Nancy was first up.  It was mild with temps in Mid 30s.  I slept in until 0700.  Did my calisthenics and then breakfast.  Oatmeal, banana, toast with peanut butter.

I headed out for a 12 mile bike ride.  During this time Nancy got her hair cut.  Arrived at home at 1030.  Shaved and showered.

Nancy and I then headed out for some errands.  First stop was Panera.  We bought our coffee using the drive thru.  Next we stopped at Lake Mi CU so Nancy could make a deposit.  Once again we used the drive thru.  Next was Great Harvest Bread.  Nancy bought two loaves of seven grain bread.  Also bought a loaf of Irish Soda Bread for me.  Final stop was Costco.  Bought Cheerios, wine, meat loaf dinner and a Mac and cheese dinner.

At home had a quick lunch.  Took nap followed by our afternoon apple snack.  Finished the afternoon with a mile walk.

Nancy fixed the meatloaf with mashed potatoes that we bought at Costco.  I also had peas.  Very good.

This evening we did our usual evening activities which included snack, news, Jeopardy and then switched to Netflix/Acorn shows.  Clear sky and mild when took Ms P out at 2200.