Thursday, August 8, 2019

Wednesday August 7, 2019

Wednesday August 7, 2019

Blog time 1030 at Panera

Another nice sunny day in GR.  Nancy headed out to her class at MVP.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.

I got up at 0700.  Calisthenics at 50% today because it is my easy Wednesday.  Biked to Panera and had an oatmeal breakfast.

Finished yesterday’s blog before reading the news. I scan the USA news but spend some time on World News.  I usually read any news on China, Turkey, Russia or the UK.  

Statements by the leaders of China or USA immediately impacts the stock market.  I don’t think the trade issue will be resolved until after the 2020 election.

Speaking of elections, Tuesday was Election Day in many Michigan communities.  I was pleased to see almost all library and road millages passed.  Shows folks are willing to pay for quality of life issues.

On way home I stopped at bank to get money for Kim and her daughter, Brenna.  Kim cleans this week and Brenna is house siting while we attend Nancy’s reunion.

Nancy left for the Gardens at 1230.  Shower, lunch and then drove to the cleaners to drop off some shirts.

Normal Wednesday afternoon activities, trash, laundry and nap.  Today I also ironed two pair of pants and packed for our weekend trip.

Light dinner followed by Nancy’s cheese/pill snack.  I took a short walk before settling down for some Apple TV.  I watched another episode of the Outlander.  Most of the show is set in 1743 Scotland.  I can see why my ancestors left for North America.

Took Ms P out at 1000 and saw a foot long Garter snake.  I had to restrain Ms P.  What would she have done if she caught it?  

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