Thursday, August 22, 2019

Wednesday August 21, 2019

Wednesday August 21, 2019

Blog time 1000 at Panera

Today is my Easy Wednesday.  Everyone up at 0630.  Nancy headed out to a class at MVP.  After her class she is meeting with her friend Kathi.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.

Biked the short route to Panera.  Another nice sunny day. For breakfast had oatmeal, banana, bagel and coffee.  Finished yesterday’s blog.

Nancy just texted me saying our old neighbor Dr Larry Burns had passed.  Larry was raised on a farm near Cason City, Mi.  Nice guy.

As soon as I got home I put my bike rack on the Escape, loaded up the Bad Boy and drove to Ada Bike.  I have 1,000 miles on bike and will get a tune up.  Also they are putting on a high tech seat that will dampen road bumps.

At home I showered and had lunch.  Performed normal Wednesday chores: load of laundry, took out trash and recyclables.

This afternoon I am having an ultra sound to check for hernia.  On way to lab I stopped to get a small birthday gift for Nancy.  The ultra sound test took about 20 minutes and was painless.  Results in two days.
At home I took a short nap.  As soon as Nancy got home fixed our apple snack.

Light dinner followed by the cheese/cracker snack for Nancy.  About 1900 Ken Lotterman of PC Specialist arrived.  Ken removed our internet router and modem.  He replaced it with a single new box.  He spent some time getting us connected.  

Ken also explained the benefits of Comcast over Direct TV.  We are disappointed with Direct TV.  We have not had our local NBC Channel for six weeks.  The big obstacle is that Nancy does not want to change her email address.  

I finished the evening watching an episode of Outlander.  The humid weather should end this evening.  

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