Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Monday August 5, 2019

Monday August 5, 2019

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Nancy got up with Ms P at 0600.  I slept in until 0645.

Looks like another great summer day.  Temp at 0800 was 69 with bright sun.   High expected to reach 87 this afternoon.

Nancy headed to her class at MVP and after breakfast I biked to the Y.  This morning I did see a flock of turkeys.

The Y classes were full this morning.  The kid’s camps are still in full swing.

Sure sign fall is coming:

Walnuts and acorns are dropping from the trees.

High school girl swimmers are practicing at the Y.

The young robins nesting in our security light have left the nest.

MVP had several youth football camps at their outdoor facility.

Back to school sales at local retain outlets.

This and that:
Part of my morning routine at Panera is to check the stock market.  Today it plunged on news of POTUS’s new tariffs on China.  Bummer!

The demonstrations in Russia and Hong Kong highlights underlying problems with regimes that try to control free speech.  Everyone wants a voice.

Congress is taking August off.  I think this might be good.

Showered and then a quick lunch.  This afternoon I ran several errands.  

First stop, Meijer’s to buy supplies for my Dopp Kit.  Bought a travel tooth brush, shaving cream and face lotion.  

This weekend we are going to Terre Haute for Nancy’s HS reunion and in September we hope to make a quick trip to Ca.

Stopped at Dick’s Sporting Goods and Gazelle Sports to look at their selection of Keen shoes.  I want a pair of high tops and Nancys wants a closed toe sandal.  Neither store had what I wanted.

At home I took a nap followed by our apple snack.  Spent some time in the office paying bills.

For dinner we had our Monday night standard, Cheerios with peaches.  Fixed Nancy her cheese/pill snack before walking to mail box.  The humidity was oppressive.  Turned on the AC as soon as I got home.

Tonight we watched an Australian crime show on Acorn.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of Outlander.  Turned off AC at midnight.


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