Monday, August 26, 2019

Sunday August 25, 2019

Weekend Update for WE 25AUG19

Saturday August 24, 2019

Blog started at 0955 Saturday at Panera;

Another sunny but cool day ahead for us.  This morning I drove Nancy to Kathi’s so she can help her with a purse sale.  The sale is outside on Kathi’s drive.  The sale ends at 1500 and then they will have a swim.  

Maybe we will go to Houlihan’s.  Nancy has a free birthday meal.

Speaking of birthdays, yesterday was brother-in-law Don Crandall’s birthday number 90.  A real milestone.  Happy Birthday Don!!

After dropping Nancy off I drove to Panera.  My goal was to finish yesterday’s blog and check my email before heading home.

First chore at home is to get the Taurus filled.  I will then take a bike ride.  I accomplished both tasks all before lunch.

Today my sister, Helen, is in Alpena for her 60th High School reunion.  She will be Master of Ceremonies for tonight festivities.

I just started my nap when I got a call from Providence, RI.  I thought is was a robocall but decided to answer it.  Good thing I did because it was my cousin Roland Hughes.  I haven’t talked to Roland since 1965.  We talked for about 90 minutes.  Really good to hear from Roland.

Picked Nancy up at 1630.  She was really tired and just wanted to head home.  Half way home she had a change of heart.  Turned around and headed to Houlihan’s.  Nancy  has a free birthday meal.  She had a chicken salad and I had the salmon.  We gave the food an A.

In the past I have purchased an ice cream cone for Nancy on her birthday.  I convinced her that the tradition should continue.  We had ice cream at a small store in Ada Village.  Sat outside on a nice summer’s evening enjoying the cone.

At home Debbie FaceTimed us.  No Netflix for Nancy but I watched episode 13 of Outlander.

Sunday August 25, 2019

Up at 0630 and we took our Sunday morning walk.  The church has only one service today because of the annual pig roast.  We decided to not attend.

For breakfast we headed to Bob Evans.  I had oatmeal and Nancy had eggs/hash browns and a biscuit.  Nancy loves their biscuits.  Today we were surprised by our waitress.  It was sister Helen’s Granddaughter Paige.  Today was Paige’s first day on the job.  She is attending Grand Valley this fall.  

Stopped at Meijer’s for supplies and gas.  At home I read the GRP before a nap.

At 1600 Nancy and I headed to Kathi’s for a birthday dinner for Nancy.  Kathi had also invited Mary Namey.

We sat on Kathi’s screened in porch and enjoyed a nice dinner and wine.  For dessert Kathi prepared a peach upside down cake and a carrot cake.  Nancy blew out a candle and we sang Happy Birthday.  Of course I had to be polite so I had dessert.  It was great.

Nancy and Debbie FaceTimed again this evening.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up to watch episode 15 of Outlander.  I immediately fell asleep and woke up at the end of episode 16 the final episode of season 1.  Bummer!

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