Monday, August 5, 2019

Sunday August 4, 2019

Weekend Update for Week ending 04AUG.

Blog time 1600 Saturday sitting in office.

Saturday Aug 3:

This morning after taking care of our pills and Ms P, Nancy and I walked to Panera.  Perfect morning for a walk.

We were the first folks to sit down at Panera.  I had my standard oatmeal breakfast.  Nancy had coffee.

At home Nancy headed out to get her hair cut (looks good).  I took a 14 mile bike ride.  

When I got home Nancy was doing laundry.  I shaved and showered before lunch.

Spent the afternoon;

Finishing yesterday’s blog
Reading the papers

The shootings at Walmart in El Paso and later at Dayton dominated the news.  Is there an answer to our lone gunman problem?  I am sure we will get plenty of advice during the 2020 election campaign.

Flower Gardens:  Cascade Twp vs Midsomer small villages;

I like watching English mysteries that take place in small villages.  I always comment on how pretty the English gardens are.  Well this summer I have been paying attention to the gardens around Cascade Twp.  I think in a contest we would win.  Local folks must be taking extra care planting their flowers.  Looks great.

For dinner Nancy fixed a stuffed pork chop.  Very good.

Debbie FaceTimed us this evening.  We got caught up.  This week GR was warmer than San Jose.  
We watched several new shows on Apple TV.  We did not like either.

Went to bed with AC on.  Turned AC off at midnight.

Sunday August 4:

Up at 0630.  First thing this morning Nancy and I took a walk around the block.  Nancy showered and I headed to Panera for a coffee.  We left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.

As one might expect for a summer in mid-summer we had a small crowd.  Nancy and I did note that old folks were the predominant attendees.  I sure hope that is because young families are vacationing.

Make a quick stop at Meijer’s on way home.  Filled up the Escape but cannot remember the price of gas.

Dropped off our Meijer’s purchases and then headed to Walmart.  We took back about 70 returnables which paid for most of our purchases.

Read some of the GRP before lunch.  Took my afternoon nap followed by a 1.5 mile walk.  Very hot so I required a shower when got home.  It is 86 at 1730.  Turned on AC.

Today is my good childhood friend Tommy Collins’ birthday.  Tommy is 80 and now lives in San Clemente, Ca.  Each year I give Tommy a call.  Great memories of our youth.

We had Nancy’s world famous scrambled eggs with bacon for dinner.  Nancy cut up at cantaloupe which we had as our dessert.

This evening finished reading GRP before switching to Apple TV.  We watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched an episode of Outlander.  Turned off the AC at midnight.

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