Saturday, August 10, 2019

Friday August 9, 2019

Friday August 9, 2019

Blog time 0800 Saturday sitting in breakfast area of Hampton Inn, Terre Haute, IN.

Friday was our travel day.  We got up at 0630.  I had my standard breakfast.  We left home at 0800, stopped at Panera for coffee.

The trip to Terre Haute took us six hours, 330 miles.  Several small traffic construction delays but generally a pleasant trip.  Sun with temps in low 80s.  

Things observed;

Truck traffic was very heavy.  A sure sign of a strong economy.

The pine trees stop at the Michigan border.

Miles and miles of corn fields.  Despite reports, the corn we saw looked healthy.

On US 41 heading south we traveled through a huge wind farm.

At first glance Terre Haute had not changed much.

We had a quick lunch at Wendy’s in TH.

At 1800, we attended an informal get together of the Class of 1959 for both Wiley and Garfield High Schools.  Found out that Nancy’s class at Wiley had 189 graduates.  

Light turnout at event.  It was held at the “Poplar Pub”.  Met some of Nancy’s classmates.  We had drinks and for dinner a pizza.  Back at hotel by 2100.  

Long day, we headed straight to bed.

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