Saturday, August 24, 2019

Friday August 23, 2019

Friday August 23, 2019

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Nancy and Ms P went out at 0530.  I was up at 0630.

Ms P has been having unwanted accidents lately.  This morning she did her bidness in the kitchen.  Age is catching up with Ms P.  Very sad.

Bright sun this morning but the temp was in low 50s.  I got out my new three season bike jacket.  

The Y was not crowded this morning.  The Y is getting ready for their fall programs.  The class rooms are having their wood floors refinished and the pool has been closed all week for cleaning.

Kim is cleaning the condo this morning.  This afternoon Nancy and I are meeting with our financial guy at 1400.

Got home at noon and immediately showered, dressed for this afternoon’s meeting.  Light lunch before heading out.

Our meeting with the financial advisor lasted 45 minutes.  Bottom line! we will make it for another year.

The Polish Festival was going on downtown so we spent some time walking around. We did not dance the polka or eat any Polish cuisine.
Started a nap when Nancy informed me we just got a package from Amazon.  It was our new modem/router.  I called our Computer Guru.  No answer and then was told his voice mailbox was full.  Bummer a weekend with no WiFi.

We left home at 1700 for dinner.  We planned on eating at a new restaurant called Cooper’s Winery.  The place looked empty but were told it would be an hour’s wait.  We left.

Headed for Houlihan’s, just starting to park when the cell rang.  It was the Computer guy saying he was heading to our house.  We headed home.

It took about 30 minutes to get the new box connected.  We now have internet.  

For dinner Nancy fixed me tamales.  For dessert I had an apple.  

This evening we watched Unforgotten.  I stayed up and watched Outland.  It was episode 13.  The show is becoming more like a Soap Opera.  I will finish season 1 and stop.

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