Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Monday August 12, 2019

Monday August 12, 2019

Blog time 1220 at Panera.

Nancy and Ms P up at 0530.  It looks like another nice sunny day.  

I got up at 0630.  Nancy headed to MVP for her class.  After breakfast I biked to the Y. It was warm and very humid.  Calisthenics and a walk, 30 minutes later I biked to Panera.

Spent some time finishing Sat and Sun blogs.  Watching the folks at the Y and Panera this morning I realized that I forgot to mention that at Saturday’s reunion I did not see one tattoo.   

I also did not mention that on our Saturday tour of Terre Haute, Nancy and I stopped by Roselawn Cemetery to visit the final resting place of her Hartmann Grandparents and her mother Louise Patton.  We said a prayer asking God to look after their souls.  Good experience.

This and that:

Conspiracy theories are already surfacing over J. Epstein’s suicide.  I am sure these folks will have a field day.

The riots in Hong Kong keep getting larger and more violent.  Is there a solution that will satisfy both sides?  

POTUS continues to keep making immigration more difficult.  He wants to keep most folks out.  Bad idea, we need immigrants.  Immigration is built into our fabric as a society.  

Quick shower and lunch as soon as I got home.

This afternoon:

I filled up the Taurus.  It was nearly empty.  

Took the Escape to Costco to replenish my wine supply.

Apple snack followed by a nap.

In the office, I renewed several magazine subscriptions.

Light dinner, cheese/cracker snack for Nancy and then a walk to the post box.  We watched the news, Jeopardy before switching to Netflix.  

We both watched a British Cop show.  I stayed up and watched another episode of Outlander.

Took Ms P out at 2230.  The temp had dropped considerably so I turned AC off. 



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