Thursday, August 15, 2019

Wednesday August 14, 2019

Wednesday August 14, 2019

Blog time 1220 at Panera

The alarm goes off at 0530.  Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.  Took Ms P out at 0600.  On way to BC I stopped at Panera for a quick cup of coffee to take me.

Sure sign fall is coming, it was dark on my ride down town.  The days are getting shorter.

The Speaker did not show this morning so we had a short meeting.  On way home I stopped  at the Y for some calisthenics and short walk.  After, I made a quick stop at Meijer’s for paper napkins, tonic water and carpet cleaner.

At home changed into bike clothes and rode to Panera via the shortest route.  Finished yesterday’s blog.

This and that;

Hong Kong’s riots continue.  Do we know what the Dem presidential candidates would do?

The stock market drops 800 points.  The bed wetters on the business channels are beside themselves.

The nuke explosion in Russia has alarmed some defense commentators.  Were the Russians testing a nuclear powered missiles?  Such a missile would be a major threat.

The shooting of Police officers in Philadelphia should call for an assault rifle ban.  If I were King I would ban all automatic, semiautomatic and and pump rifles.  Citizens could own bolt and lever action rifles.  Their magazines could hold no more than 5 cartridges.  The only legal hand gun would be six shot revolvers.  Vote for me for KING!

I got home after Nancy had left for her shift at the Gardens.  Showered and had a quick lunch.

This afternoon I:

Took out trash, load of laundry, nap and fixed apple snack as soon as Nancy got home.

Light dinner, followed by a walk.  This evening we watched “My Life is Murder”.  Both Nancy and I fell asleep at the end.  We had to replay the last 10 minutes.  

Nancy headed to bed and I watched another episode of Outlander.  

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