Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Tuesday August 27, 2019

Tuesday August 27, 2019

Blog time 1140 at Panera

We had heavy rains roll through last night.  Nancy said that when she went out at 0600 the rain had stopped.  It was a warm 70.

Nancy headed to her Tuesday swim at MVP.  I put on my bike clothes.  After breakfast I went out and to my surprise it had started to rain.  No bike today to the Y.  I drove.

The sun was out when I left the Y.  Drove home and then biked to Panera.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NANCY!  I have celebrated Nancy’s birthday for 54 years.  Great years.  The love of my life.  Old men get mushy.

Finished yesterday’s blog before turning to the news.  Nothing I want to comment on.

Shaved and showered before lunch.  After I headed downstairs and cleaned up my desk.

Took a short nap and then fixed our apple snack.  At 1730 Nancy and I headed to Cascade Road House for dinner.  Becky Verker and Phil Hertel joined us for dinner.  Nancy and Phil had meatloaf and Becky and I had the salmon.  We all gave the food an A.  A very pleasant birthday dinner for Nancy.

At home we watched and episode of Wycliffe.  I fell asleep so have no idea how it ended.  

All three kids phoned Nancy today to wish her a Happy Birthday.  Nancy really appreciates the call.

In bed by 2200.  Nice day predicted for tomorrow.

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