Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Monday August 19, 2019

Monday August 19, 2019

Blog time 1125 at Panera

Nancy and Ms P were up at 0600.  I followed at 0630.  Nancy headed to MVP for a class.  After breakfast I bike to the Y.  Sunny with temperature in mid 60s, but very humid.

Youth classes at the Y have ended and the pool was closed for cleaning so not much activity.  

Some area schools start today but not the Forest Hills district where we live.  I expected to encounter a lot of school buses but not today. 

I think Panera has finally solved their AC problem.  Folks have been complaining for weeks on how cold the place is.  We kept getting the “we are working on it” answer.  Today it was pleasant.

Showered and shaved before lunch.  After lunch I started errands.

Stopped at bank to get bills for $129 in coins.

Doctor’s office I had two things that I wanted the NP to look at.  She confirmed that I have a hernia and external   Hemorrhoid.  She will schedule an ultrasound for hernia and medicine for hemorrhoid.  Nothing serious and no changes in activities.

It takes weeks to get in to see our General Practice Doctor but can get to see either a NP or PA within a day or two.  So far I have had good experience with both.

Final stop for the afternoon was Costco.  Bought sandwich thins, vitamins and prunes.  I was disappointed that Costco no longer carries Cetaphil moisturize cream.

At home fixed our apple snack before a nap.  Light dinner tonight.  Fixed Nancy her cheese/cracker snack before a walk.

It being Monday we watched an episode of My Life is Murder.  A new episode is released every Monday.

I stayed up and watched Outlander.  No AC today but the humidity is unpleasant.

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