Saturday, August 31, 2019

Friday August 30, 2019

Friday August 30, 2019

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Boy am I glad it is Friday.  Better yet it is Labor Day weekend.  Nancy and Bob are going to relax all weekend.

Nancy as usual was first up this morning, 0600.  I was up at 0640.  The weather folks say a nice sunny day ahead with temps in mid 70s.  Perfect.

Nancy left for MVP at 0745.  She is having lunch today with several Book Club members.

After breakfast I jump on Bad Boy and head to the Y.  This time of year to sun is low in the sky making visibility difficult.  I put on my helmet’s sun shield and it helped.

My bike is riding great since they installed a new derailleur and shifter.  The jury is still out on my new shock absorbing bike seat.

No school today so traffic was light.  Speaking of school last night AHS lost to Escanaba in its opening football game.  Also our kid’s high school, Ottawa Hills, beat Union.

This and that;

The India and Pakistan conflict in Kashmir is serious.

The Alabama Governor is in hot water because in 1967 she took part in skit wearing blackface.  She apologized but also said she will not resign.  Good!  We should all be capable of forgiving long ago mistakes.  Most critics were not born during the event and did not know what was considered acceptable.

The President says many things that are impulsive and should not be shared especially when national security is involved.  Is there a staff member who can throttle him?

Hurricane Dorian is soon to make landfall.  A major Labor Day storm.  

In the mid 80s, Michigan experienced a major Labor Day storm.   The rainfall exceeded a 100 year rain throughout mid Michigan.  Many bridges and roads were washed out.  For the next year Scott Civil Engineering Company was extremely busy designing replacement bridges for those washed out.  We also were inspecting existing bridges impacted by the storm.  As the saying goes “one man’s feast is another man’s famine”.

Nancy said she had a great lunch. They met at Red’s at Thousand Oaks.  

I did fix our apple snack before a nap.

For dinner Nancy fixed me several poached eggs on waffles.  Very good.

Fixed Nancy her snack.  I took a walk after dinner.

We both watched a show on Acorn.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched a new Russian detective show on Netflix.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Thursday August 29, 2019

Thursday August 29, 2019

Blog time 1120 at Panera

Nancy and Ms P were up at 0600.  It was dark and cool, 53.

Our days are getting shorter.  Today we have 13h 17’ of daylight down from 15h 10th in June.

Critter report.  We have a doe and her fawn living in the neighborhood.  Have not seen them lately but they showed up this morning in the back yard.  I never tire of seeing deer.

Speaking of hoofed animals, elk hunting season is under way in Mi.  The Alpena News has been reporting on successful hunters.  I don’t think I could shoot an elk.  A magnificent animal.

Fall High School sports are underway.  Tonight my old High School, Alpena, is traveling to Escanaba a distance of 242 miles.  About a 4h 20’ drive on two lane roads.  Not many Class A schools in Northern Michigan so schools have to travel great distances.  The closest school is Gaylord a distance of 75 miles.

At least today there is a bridge across the Straits of Mackinac.  In 1955, my senior year, AHS first game was against Sault Stainte Marie, Canada.  We took a ferry across the Straits and then another ferry across the St Mary’s River to get to Canada.  We won 33-0.

Did UK PM, Boris Johnson,  make a brilliant move by suspending parliament or a blunder?  He has two months to get BRexit resolved.  Some times democracy gets messy.

Hurricane Dorian is a real threat to Florida.

I have not heard a Democrat Presidental candidate outline a reasonable solution to the problem of the huge number of immigrants at our border.

The riots continue in Hong Kong.  China has shown some restraint but will it back off?  A lot of face saving involved.

Quick shower at home and then Nancy and I head to Costco.  Thursday is seniors day at Costco, or so it seems.

The West Michigan Surgical Center called this afternoon.  Made a September 26 appointment for a consultation. 

I did find time this afternoon for a quick nap.  After I fixed apple snack.

Tonight we drove to Brann’s for dinner.  It was very crowded.  I had chili and Nancy a burger.  

At home I fixed Nancy her cheese/cracker snack.  Took a short walk, 0.6 miles.

Tonight on NPR news, Anchor Judith Woodruff interviewed the head of the immigration service about a recent decision regarding the citizenship status of children born overseas.  It is confusing and impacts a very small number of folks.  The Official gave strong reasonable answers to Ms Woodruff’s questions.  In fact he was so well prepared that he overpowered Ms Woodruff.  She came across as ill prepared and rattled.  I cheered!

We watched an episode of Father Brown.  I stayed up and watched episode 1, season 2 of Outlander.  Much too soap opera for me.  Did not finish the episode.  

About 2100 we had a heavy thunder storm roll through.  It just poured for about 60 minutes.  At 2230 when took Ms P out the rain had stopped.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Wednesday August 28, 2019

Wednesday August 28, 2019

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Breakfast Club Wednesday so I am up at 0515.  Took Ms P out and performed some calisthenics before heading to BC.

Good attendance today.  Today’s speaker talked about the hospice organization she runs.  Hospice is not something most members want to talk about but the talk was well received.  Nancy keeps telling me we have to make some decisions regarding our senior years.  Like most men I am reluctant.

Drove straight home after BC.  Changed into bike clothes.  Today I rode my single speed Nakisha bike.  It is at least 35 years old.  Single speeds are fun to ride on flat surfaces.

It was 70, windy and sunny when I headed out.  The wind is suppose to increase all during the day.

Left Panera at 1300 and as predicted the wind was strong .  Shower and then lunch.

Rest of day’s activities;

Did a load of laundry.

Took out trash before a short nap.

Put bike rack on Escape and drove to Ada to pick up my Bad Boy bike.  The bike now has a new seat post that moves when going over road bumps.  Also has new derailleur and shifter.  

Nancy got home about 1700.  Fixed our apple snack.

Light dinner and then fixed Nancy her cheese/cracker snack.

Took a short walk.

Tonight we watched an episode of Midsomer Murders before heading to bed.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Tuesday August 27, 2019

Tuesday August 27, 2019

Blog time 1140 at Panera

We had heavy rains roll through last night.  Nancy said that when she went out at 0600 the rain had stopped.  It was a warm 70.

Nancy headed to her Tuesday swim at MVP.  I put on my bike clothes.  After breakfast I went out and to my surprise it had started to rain.  No bike today to the Y.  I drove.

The sun was out when I left the Y.  Drove home and then biked to Panera.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY NANCY!  I have celebrated Nancy’s birthday for 54 years.  Great years.  The love of my life.  Old men get mushy.

Finished yesterday’s blog before turning to the news.  Nothing I want to comment on.

Shaved and showered before lunch.  After I headed downstairs and cleaned up my desk.

Took a short nap and then fixed our apple snack.  At 1730 Nancy and I headed to Cascade Road House for dinner.  Becky Verker and Phil Hertel joined us for dinner.  Nancy and Phil had meatloaf and Becky and I had the salmon.  We all gave the food an A.  A very pleasant birthday dinner for Nancy.

At home we watched and episode of Wycliffe.  I fell asleep so have no idea how it ended.  

All three kids phoned Nancy today to wish her a Happy Birthday.  Nancy really appreciates the call.

In bed by 2200.  Nice day predicted for tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Monday August 26, 2019

Monday August 26, 2019

Blog time 1150 at Panera

Nancy and Ms P up at 0600.  I got up at 0645.  Cloudy and cool, 60 this morning.  Rain later this afternoon.

Nancy headed to MVP and after breakfast I biked to Y.  My Bianca bike with the internal gear hub was acting up.  I have watched videos on how to adjust the hub but despite my best efforts, no luck.  I hope by Bad Boy Bike is fixed soon.

Today is the first day for local schools.  Encountered many school buses on my morning ride.  The Y was very crowded which I attribute to the start of school.

This and that;

Indonesia is moving capital because of ground subsidence caused by over pumping ground water.  Ground subsidence is common in California’ agriculture areas due to over pumping.

The Indiana sand dunes along Lake Michigan are the USA’ s new National Park.

The Hong Kong riots are getting very serious.  Is there a solution?

Hurricane season is starting.  Big storm heading towards Puerto Rico and Florida.

At home showered and had a quick lunch.

Rest of day:

Drove to Sam’s Club to buy some soft Pinconning cheese.  They did not have any, bummer!  I did buy a bottle of wine.

Got a call from Dr Kutsche’s office.  The results of the ultrasound were received today.  I do not have a hernia but  instead have a swollen lymph node.  They will set up an appointment with a surgeon.

Took a short nap.

Prepared our apple snack.

We had a light dinner.

Watched ABC and NPR news.

Fixed Nancy her cheese/cracker snack.

Took a short walk.

Missy FaceTimed me to help AJ with a math problem.  Also emailed calculations I made using my Apple Pencil.

Watched an episode of My Life is Murder starring Lucy Lawless.  A new episode is released every Monday.

I stayed up and watched the parts of episodes 15 and 16 of the Outlander that I slept through last night.  I have finished season 1.  

Monday, August 26, 2019

Sunday August 25, 2019

Weekend Update for WE 25AUG19

Saturday August 24, 2019

Blog started at 0955 Saturday at Panera;

Another sunny but cool day ahead for us.  This morning I drove Nancy to Kathi’s so she can help her with a purse sale.  The sale is outside on Kathi’s drive.  The sale ends at 1500 and then they will have a swim.  

Maybe we will go to Houlihan’s.  Nancy has a free birthday meal.

Speaking of birthdays, yesterday was brother-in-law Don Crandall’s birthday number 90.  A real milestone.  Happy Birthday Don!!

After dropping Nancy off I drove to Panera.  My goal was to finish yesterday’s blog and check my email before heading home.

First chore at home is to get the Taurus filled.  I will then take a bike ride.  I accomplished both tasks all before lunch.

Today my sister, Helen, is in Alpena for her 60th High School reunion.  She will be Master of Ceremonies for tonight festivities.

I just started my nap when I got a call from Providence, RI.  I thought is was a robocall but decided to answer it.  Good thing I did because it was my cousin Roland Hughes.  I haven’t talked to Roland since 1965.  We talked for about 90 minutes.  Really good to hear from Roland.

Picked Nancy up at 1630.  She was really tired and just wanted to head home.  Half way home she had a change of heart.  Turned around and headed to Houlihan’s.  Nancy  has a free birthday meal.  She had a chicken salad and I had the salmon.  We gave the food an A.

In the past I have purchased an ice cream cone for Nancy on her birthday.  I convinced her that the tradition should continue.  We had ice cream at a small store in Ada Village.  Sat outside on a nice summer’s evening enjoying the cone.

At home Debbie FaceTimed us.  No Netflix for Nancy but I watched episode 13 of Outlander.

Sunday August 25, 2019

Up at 0630 and we took our Sunday morning walk.  The church has only one service today because of the annual pig roast.  We decided to not attend.

For breakfast we headed to Bob Evans.  I had oatmeal and Nancy had eggs/hash browns and a biscuit.  Nancy loves their biscuits.  Today we were surprised by our waitress.  It was sister Helen’s Granddaughter Paige.  Today was Paige’s first day on the job.  She is attending Grand Valley this fall.  

Stopped at Meijer’s for supplies and gas.  At home I read the GRP before a nap.

At 1600 Nancy and I headed to Kathi’s for a birthday dinner for Nancy.  Kathi had also invited Mary Namey.

We sat on Kathi’s screened in porch and enjoyed a nice dinner and wine.  For dessert Kathi prepared a peach upside down cake and a carrot cake.  Nancy blew out a candle and we sang Happy Birthday.  Of course I had to be polite so I had dessert.  It was great.

Nancy and Debbie FaceTimed again this evening.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up to watch episode 15 of Outlander.  I immediately fell asleep and woke up at the end of episode 16 the final episode of season 1.  Bummer!

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Friday August 23, 2019

Friday August 23, 2019

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Nancy and Ms P went out at 0530.  I was up at 0630.

Ms P has been having unwanted accidents lately.  This morning she did her bidness in the kitchen.  Age is catching up with Ms P.  Very sad.

Bright sun this morning but the temp was in low 50s.  I got out my new three season bike jacket.  

The Y was not crowded this morning.  The Y is getting ready for their fall programs.  The class rooms are having their wood floors refinished and the pool has been closed all week for cleaning.

Kim is cleaning the condo this morning.  This afternoon Nancy and I are meeting with our financial guy at 1400.

Got home at noon and immediately showered, dressed for this afternoon’s meeting.  Light lunch before heading out.

Our meeting with the financial advisor lasted 45 minutes.  Bottom line! we will make it for another year.

The Polish Festival was going on downtown so we spent some time walking around. We did not dance the polka or eat any Polish cuisine.
Started a nap when Nancy informed me we just got a package from Amazon.  It was our new modem/router.  I called our Computer Guru.  No answer and then was told his voice mailbox was full.  Bummer a weekend with no WiFi.

We left home at 1700 for dinner.  We planned on eating at a new restaurant called Cooper’s Winery.  The place looked empty but were told it would be an hour’s wait.  We left.

Headed for Houlihan’s, just starting to park when the cell rang.  It was the Computer guy saying he was heading to our house.  We headed home.

It took about 30 minutes to get the new box connected.  We now have internet.  

For dinner Nancy fixed me tamales.  For dessert I had an apple.  

This evening we watched Unforgotten.  I stayed up and watched Outland.  It was episode 13.  The show is becoming more like a Soap Opera.  I will finish season 1 and stop.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Thursday August 22, 2019

Thursday August 22, 2019

I got up at 0545 and took Ms P out.  It was still dark and I needed a flash light.  The temperature was in mid 60s and the humidity was gone.  A sunny day is forecast.

Nancy headed out for her Thursday swim.  Later she is having lunch with college friend Karen Horlings.

This afternoon we are attending the Visitation for our old neighbor Dr Larry Burns.  Today obituary for Larry said that he was raised on a farm near Carson City.  Larry had ten siblings.  A typical good Irish family.  

This and that;

What ever happened to fiscal conservatives?  The GOP has abandoned this role.  We need a new political party.

So many “he said, she said” incidents today I wish we had a full proof lie detector test.

Why does POTUS pick a fight with Denmark.  It is childish.

As soon as I got home Nancy wanted me the check our WiFi.  No luck getting online, checked our new box and noted no power was getting to the box.  Called our computer guy and he ordered a new box. Stay tuned.

Nancy said the lunch with Karen was great.  Karen a recent widow is adjusting well. 

Showered and then a quick lunch.  We left for the funeral home at 1400.  A huge crowd was in attendance including several old neighbors and men I see at the Y.  The big attendance was a sure sign Larry was well respected.

Tonight we are staying home.  For dinner I drove to D&W and bought a turkey sub and coleslaw.  Since we have no WiFi I took my iPad and used the store’s.

After dinner, fixed Nancy’s cheese/cracker snack, followed by a walk.  With no WiFi we could not watch Apple TV.  I cleared my stack of unread magazines.  We were both in bed by 2200.  

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Wednesday August 21, 2019

Wednesday August 21, 2019

Blog time 1000 at Panera

Today is my Easy Wednesday.  Everyone up at 0630.  Nancy headed out to a class at MVP.  After her class she is meeting with her friend Kathi.  This afternoon she is working at the Gardens.

Biked the short route to Panera.  Another nice sunny day. For breakfast had oatmeal, banana, bagel and coffee.  Finished yesterday’s blog.

Nancy just texted me saying our old neighbor Dr Larry Burns had passed.  Larry was raised on a farm near Cason City, Mi.  Nice guy.

As soon as I got home I put my bike rack on the Escape, loaded up the Bad Boy and drove to Ada Bike.  I have 1,000 miles on bike and will get a tune up.  Also they are putting on a high tech seat that will dampen road bumps.

At home I showered and had lunch.  Performed normal Wednesday chores: load of laundry, took out trash and recyclables.

This afternoon I am having an ultra sound to check for hernia.  On way to lab I stopped to get a small birthday gift for Nancy.  The ultra sound test took about 20 minutes and was painless.  Results in two days.
At home I took a short nap.  As soon as Nancy got home fixed our apple snack.

Light dinner followed by the cheese/cracker snack for Nancy.  About 1900 Ken Lotterman of PC Specialist arrived.  Ken removed our internet router and modem.  He replaced it with a single new box.  He spent some time getting us connected.  

Ken also explained the benefits of Comcast over Direct TV.  We are disappointed with Direct TV.  We have not had our local NBC Channel for six weeks.  The big obstacle is that Nancy does not want to change her email address.  

I finished the evening watching an episode of Outlander.  The humid weather should end this evening.  

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Tuesday August 20, 2019

Tuesday August 20, 2019

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Nancy and Ms P up at 0600 and I follow at 0630.  Nancy swims today so she left early.  Breakfast and then at 0800 I headed to Y.  It was sunny but very humid.  I did see a flock of wild turkeys.

Calisthenics and walk before heading to Panera.  Just sat down when I got a call about scheduling my ultrasound for hernia.  It will be tomorrow afternoon.

Finished yesterday’s blog, reading the Alpena News and my email before reading Apple’s News and WSJ.  

This and that;

The Epstein scandal is running out of steam.

The Plague is considered a Medieval disease but Prairie Dogs in Colorado have been found to carry the disease.  The disease has not yet reached humans.  We have to be constantly on guard.

Russia had a serious nuclear accident at a missle testing site.  Guess what!  the nearby international monitoring sites were off line so no reliable data is available.  Not surprising!

Nancy and I sometimes stay in Carson, Ca when visiting the LA area.  I always observed RV vehicles parked along the nearby streets.  It looked like folks were living in them.  I guess this is a real problem.  With housing costs so great folks are forced to use an RV as their permanent residence.  It is getting to be a real problem.

I got home at 1300.  Showered and shaved before lunch.  Nancy has a 1400 appointment with our ENT doc.

After lunch I dropped shirts off at the laundry.  I also got the Escape washed.

Took a short nap and then got ready for tonight’s neighborhood dinner.

Nancy said the ENT tested her hearing.  Everything is ok.  

We picked up our old neighbor Sonya at 1800 and headed to Noto’s.  25 neighbors showed up.  We spent 45 minutes before dinner socializing, best part of evening.  The main course, chicken, was good.  Pleasant evening.

We got home at 2100.  Nancy headed to bed but I stayed up and watched Outlander.  The muggy weather should end tomorrow.


Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Monday August 19, 2019

Monday August 19, 2019

Blog time 1125 at Panera

Nancy and Ms P were up at 0600.  I followed at 0630.  Nancy headed to MVP for a class.  After breakfast I bike to the Y.  Sunny with temperature in mid 60s, but very humid.

Youth classes at the Y have ended and the pool was closed for cleaning so not much activity.  

Some area schools start today but not the Forest Hills district where we live.  I expected to encounter a lot of school buses but not today. 

I think Panera has finally solved their AC problem.  Folks have been complaining for weeks on how cold the place is.  We kept getting the “we are working on it” answer.  Today it was pleasant.

Showered and shaved before lunch.  After lunch I started errands.

Stopped at bank to get bills for $129 in coins.

Doctor’s office I had two things that I wanted the NP to look at.  She confirmed that I have a hernia and external   Hemorrhoid.  She will schedule an ultrasound for hernia and medicine for hemorrhoid.  Nothing serious and no changes in activities.

It takes weeks to get in to see our General Practice Doctor but can get to see either a NP or PA within a day or two.  So far I have had good experience with both.

Final stop for the afternoon was Costco.  Bought sandwich thins, vitamins and prunes.  I was disappointed that Costco no longer carries Cetaphil moisturize cream.

At home fixed our apple snack before a nap.  Light dinner tonight.  Fixed Nancy her cheese/cracker snack before a walk.

It being Monday we watched an episode of My Life is Murder.  A new episode is released every Monday.

I stayed up and watched Outlander.  No AC today but the humidity is unpleasant.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Sunday August 18, 2019

Weekend Update for Week Ending 18AUG19

Blog time 1930 on Sunday August 18, sitting in Den

Saturday August 17, up at 0600.  Today we walked to Panera for breakfast.  Left home at 0730, it was sunny and cool, 60.

I had my standard oatmeal, along with sprouted grain bagel with peanut butter, banana and coffee.  Nancy drank her coffee and watched me eat.  Total round trip distance to Panera is 1.6 miles.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I put on my bike riding clothes and headed out on an 11 mile ride.  Great day for a ride.

After the ride shaved and showered.  Lunch and then I finished yesterday’s blog and read the news.  Took a short nap in my recliner.  I sleep well in the recliner.

At 1530 Nancy and I drove to Rose’s for an early dinner.  We sat outside and enjoyed a nice summer day.  I had a beer and Caesar salad with salmon.  Nancy had the cherry chicken salad.  The food is always great at Rose’s.  We gave it an A-.

This evening we watched an episode of Midsomer Murder.  Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We got caught up.

Everybody was in bed by 2200.  Light rain this evening.  No need for AC.

Sunday August 18, 2019

Up at 0630, it looks like another nice day.  First thing this morning we took a 1.3 mile walk.  Saw no critters or other walkers.

Breakfast and then a quick trip to get a coffee.  We left home at 0840 for Trinity Lutheran.  As expected there were not many folks in attendance.  Last weekend of summer vacations for kids.  

We made a quick stop at Meijer’s for supplies.  Gas today was $2.69.

At home I stepped out for a walk but it started to rain.  Walk delayed.

The GRP was not delivered today.  Nancy called and they gave us a credit.  Luckily I get the digital edition.  I read the paper before a nap.

After the nap I took a walk.  Spent some time before dinner reading some news on line.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  Also link sausage and spinach pie.  Our standard Sunday evening meal.
Watched 60 Minutes. They had a rerun on plastic waste in the oceans.  Midway Island was highlighted because of its remote location and the amount of waste on its beaches.  Having spent time on Midway.  I recognized the beaches and airfield but none of the buildings.

We watched an episode of Unforgotten on Prime.  Nancy to bed and I stayed up and watched Outlander.