Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Tuesday February 27, 2018

Tuesday February 27, 2018

Blog time 1125 at Panera

The sun was coming up first went out at 0715 this morning.  The temperature was 30 but will climb to the 50s later.  This nice weather is setting us up for a big fall when the weather returns to normal.

Nancy headed out for her Tuesday swim and after breakfast I got on my bike and pedaled the 7.5 miles to the Y.  I was way overdressed because was drenched in sweat when arrived at Y.

The Y was crowded this morning.  The Y’s bulletin board says they have 17,000 members.  Did my calisthenics, showered and headed to Panera.

Recently noted at Panera a lot of folks back from warmer climes.  I think March is the month I would like to spent in warmer weather.  I don’t like yo-yo weather.

Comments on news

I really don’t think POTUS’s comments on the actions of the police at the recent FL school shooting are appropriate.  Would he really run into the school without a gun?  He has left itself open to ridicule.

On this day in 1933 the German’s Reichstag burned allowing Hitler to assume control.

The Beast from the East is still dumping snow on the UK.  Good Grief they close everything when only 2” of snow falls.

When will the U.N. or NATO stop Syria bombing and gassing its own people.  It is a disgrace.

The meeting between the President and President of Mexico has been called off.  The reason apparently is the proposed stupid wall.  POTUS should forget the wall.  Stupid idea!

At home I took Ms P on a walked followed by putting out corn for the deer.  Lunch and then I ran errands.  The temperature had risen to 60 so I just wore a sweater.  First stop Sam’s Club for a tub of Pinconning soft cheese.  Next was Costco to buy eye drops and two big bottles of wine.

Nancy this afternoon drove her friend to the Doctor.  They will have dinner after the Doctor’s.  I took a short nap.  

I was getting ready to fix dinner when Nancy texted me to say do not fix dinner because she is bringing home a doggy bag.  It was worth the wait.  Nancy brought home a great chicken sandwich from Rose’s.

Tonight was our CBS evening.  Watched NCIS and Bull before turning in.

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