Friday, February 2, 2018

Thursday February 1, 2018

Thursday February 1, 2018

Blog time 1130 at Panera

It was cold, 29, and windy when first went out.  Nancy left early for her swim at MVP.  Breakfast and then waited for the daylight before getting on the bike and heading to the Y.  I took the five mile route.  Pedaling into the 24mph wind was not pleasant.  For a Thursday the Y was crowded.  I think folks have settled into their winter routine.

The temperature had dropped to 24 when I exited the Y.  The temperature will continue to drop all day.  At Panera I checked the morning headlines and finished yesterday’s blog before heading home.

The temperature had dropped to mid teens when I left Panera.  Wind chills in single digits.  Luckily I had the wind at my back.

As soon as I got home we got in the Escape and headed to Costco.  Nancy picked up a prescription and we bought naan and lotion.

Quick lunch and then I headed downstairs to finish reading the WSJ.  I had a nice long phone conversation with Jennifer Dougherty.  Jennifer’s Engineering business is going great.  She and Phil are also raising turkeys and they will sell their first batch in several weeks.  It is always great talking to Jennifer.

Nancy has been wanting us to take a spring trip.  It is sort of an 80th birthday trip.  This afternoon we booked a trip to South America.  We are going to Chile and Argentina.  Leaving April 19 and returning May 2.  First time in SA for both of us.  Stay tuned.

It was too cold to take a walk.  Wind chills near 0.  Spent most of afternoon in basement reading.

Nancy fixed pea soup for dinner. Perfect meal for a cold winter’s day.

Watched news, the media is having a hissy fit about the release of the classified Nunes memo dealing with the Russia investigation.  The FBI is especially vocal on their opposition.  My faith in career bureaucrats at both the FBI and CIA is not high.  Enough said!

We watched an episode of Pie in the Sky on Acorn.  This show started on BBC in 1994.  Nancy headed to bed early and I watched an episode of The Tudors before turning in.

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