Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Tuesday February 6, 2018

Tuesday February 6, 2018

Blog time 1150 at Panera.

We had a light snow overnight.  Temperature was 14 when I first went out.  

Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim.  I did the entire exercise routine at home.  Showered and had breakfast before walking to Panera.  The sun was out so it was a cold but pleasant walk.

Just checked my phone and the temperature is up to 19.  The stock market is also up but 10 minutes later it is down.  The things you can do on your phone.

The snow and cold has limited my activities.  Walking is my main outdoor activity and I appreciate the effort Cascade Twp makes in plowing the sidewalks.  However, recently their effort has been poor. The plows leave 1” of snow.  Walking in this snow is difficult.  I think that instead of using their tractor mounted blower they have switched to a standard blade plow.  Bad move.  The Twp does have a web page that allows citizen’s comments.  I will send a message.

Took the long route home.  Lunch and then I got in the Escape and headed to Dr Kutsche’s office.  I explained my left hip problem.  The Doc moved my leg every which way.  His conclusion was tight muscles around the hip and maybe some arthritis.  He gave me a prescription for physical therapy.  Also a prescription for anti inflammation pills.  I take one pill a day.  Time will tell if his diagnosis is correct.

Stopped at Bill and Paul’s on my way home.  We are going to South America in April and I am looking for a pair of khakis that are stain resistant and wrinkle free.  I see them advertised but have not found any locally.

At home I took a quick walk around the block.  Had to get my 10,000 steps in.

I got my Ancestry DNA kit today so I spit in their cup.  Because Ancestry’s data base is so large I hope to find some long lost Nancy fixed breaded chicken breast with rice and lima beans for dinner.  Good.  
We watched the news, Jeopardy and then NCIS and Bull.  Snow and continued cold for several more days.

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