Thursday, February 8, 2018

Wednesday February 7, 2018

Wednesday February 7, 2018

Blog time 0930 at Panera

My easy Wednesday.  Slept in until nearly 0700.  It was 15 and snowing when I went out this morning.  I shoveled our short walk.

Dressed and walked to Panera.  With the new snow walking was tough.

I had an oatmeal breakfast and then finished yesterday’s blog and reading the news.

Space X had a successful launch of their Falcon Heavy Rocket.  In the late 50s when the space program was getting started it was unthinkable that a 100% privately financed company could compete.  Times sure has changed.  NASA appears to be an obsolete dinosaur.

The big new word in the financial markets is volatility.  The Wall Street guys are having a hissy fit.  The rest of just keep moving along.

Every day I enjoyed reading the UK papers.  Does this make me an Anglophile?  Go figure My English/Scotch ancestors could not wait to bail out.

The new lions coach, Matt Patricia, is no dummy.  He has an aeronautical engineering degree from RPI.  RPI is a well recognized engineering school.   He started 4 years at RPI as an offensive lineman.  First job out of RPI was as an assistant coach at Amherst.  Daughter Melissa went to Amherst, a well regarded small college, in MA.

About 1000 I packed up and walked to the Y.  I had planned to swim but instead of my swim suit I had packed clean workout clothes.  I did my calisthenics.

Temperature was still in teens when I left the Y but no wind.  Walking was pleasant.  Stopped at Meijer’s and picked up my anti inflammation pills.

At home I took out the trash and recyclables and did a load of laundry.  I took a short nap.  Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon.

Light dinner, the news, Jeopardy and then Netflix.  Does this sound familiar?  We watched episode 1, season 2 of The Heart Guy.

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