Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Tuesday February 13, 2018

Tuesday February 13, 2018

Blog time 0915 at Panera

It was 10 degrees when I first went out this morning.  The weather folks say we having a warming trend coming.  Wednesday and Thursday will have highs near 40.

Tuesday so Nancy headed out early for her swim at MVP.  I had breakfast and left at 0800 in bright sun.  Sun is good.

Walked to Panera for coffee and chance to read news.  At 1000 I will walk to the Y for a 30’ swim.  My new winter routine.

Read with interest that the small rural NE Mi school district of Hillman has received a grant to install WiFi in school buses.  Good idea.

I did some calisthenics before my swim.  Swimming wipes me out.  The 1.67 mile walk home was tiring.  I will be glad when the walks are clear and I can ride my bike.  In fact I just sent an email to Cascade Twp on their bad snowplowing.

I had a quick lunch. During the day we have been using our living room for reading and watching TV.  On sunny days it is very bright and comfortable.  Nancy sits on the couch and reads and watches TV.  Today I joined her and finished reading the WSJ.

I am so tired reading about the infighting in congress and in POTUS’s administration that I skip all articles dealing with these conflicts.  Am I in the majority?

Will the UK ever get our of the EU.  The BRexit negotiations seem stalled.

Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and other Social Media outlets are getting some bad press.  I am glad I quit Facebook.  I can bore folks with this blog.

We have been watching the Olympics.  The USA speed skaters are disappointing.  Back in the 40s and early 50s Michigan had some medal winning speed skaters.  I would get to see them because they would race at Alpena’s annual Michigan Outdoor Speed Skating finals.

Growing up the Winter Olympics were not a big deal.  I think the reason being that we did not have TV until 1956.  The Winter Olympics are made for TV.

I did take a nap this afternoon.  After the nap I headed downstairs to my office.  I spent several hours on the computer.  

For dinner Nancy fixed pork with dressing.  Also Lima beans and spinach pie.  Good.

Early this evening we watched the news, Jeopardy and finished reading the GRP.  Finished the evening watching the Olympics.

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