Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Monday February 19, 2018

Monday February 19, 2018

Blog time 0930 at Panera

Some times it does not pay to get out of bed in the morning.  My iPad said it would be raining at 1000.  So I adjusted my schedule.  I am trying to minimize my walking so swimming and biking are my preferred method for aerobics.  With a 1000 rain I decided no swimming or Y but I would try to get a bike ride in.

I did my calisthenics at home, ate breakfast and headed out on my bike.  Every morning I first ride my bike around the block before heading out.  I take this time to make sure I have not forgotten anything.  Great idea because this morning I had forgotten my two front teeth.  Stopped at home and inserted my partial plate.  No one wants to see an old man with missing front teeth.  Perfect stereotype for someone from the cedar swamps of NE MI.

On my six mile ride to Panera I ran over a large pile of dog poop partially covered by snow.  When I got to Panera I checked my tires and found a nail in my rear tire.  So now I have a bike with a poop covered flat tire.  I will walk home and grab the Escape and haul the bike to Ada Bike.  It would be just my luck that Ada Bike is closed because of President’s Day.

Happy President’s Day:  I don’t know how long we will have a President’s Day because the PC folks are up in arms because some of our President’s owned slaves.  Also several recent Presidents have been accused of inappropriate sexual advances against women.  

Congress is thinking of a new FBI building at the same site as the existing building.  The projected cost $3.3 billion.  Why not just put them in trailers like many schools use it will save money.  The FBI is not my favorite federal bureaucracy.  

Why can’t POTUS just stop tweeting.  What good comes of insulting folks.  Good grief didn’t he go to Sunday School.

We are watching the Olympics but so far I have not been overwhelmed.  I like watching long track speed skating but not short track.  Also not a fan of the snow board events.  I do like the hockey and cross country skiing.  I don’t think NBC has enough cameras for the ski events.

I have read Special Prosecutor’s report on Russian involvement in our election.  It is fascinating but wonder if the FBI can penetrate the Russian computer networks why haven’t we retaliated.  Truth is stranger than fiction!

Walked home to get Escape.  Drove back to Panera and loaded up the bike and headed to Ada Bike.  They said the flat would be fixed in an hour.

Headed back home but made a quick stop at Ace Hardware.  Bought light bulbs and nails.  Lunch and then put a new light bulb in the fixture on our front porch.

Dr Kutsche gave me a prescription for several sessions at Center for Physical Rehabilitation.  Their offices are near the Spaulding/Cascade Road Intersection.  I pass it most summer days on my bike ride to Y.  I signed in and filled in a ton of paperwork.  What happened to a paperless society?  I have an appointment tomorrow at 1515.

Stopped at Ada Bike to pick up my bike.  The mechanic told me there was a flaw in the front tire and recommended not riding the bike.  I left the bike at the shop.

I spent some time in the office printing 1099 forms.  We now have all the data we need to get our taxes done, I think!

Light dinner and then we watched the news and Jeopardy.  The Olympic lineup was not very interesting so we watched an episode of Inspector Lewis before turning in.

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