Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Tuesday February 20, 2018

Tuesday February 20, 2018

Blog time 0850 at Panera

It rained almost all night and the rain will continue throughout the day.  The outside temperature is 58.  Yes folks 58 in mid winter.  

No bike ride today.  After breakfast I drove to Panera.  Will leave Panera at 1000 for a swim at the Y.  Following my normal Panera routine I checked email, proofed yesterday’s blog, read digital Alpena News, the Apple News app especially top news stories and started the WSJ.  

Still pouring down rain when I headed to the Y.  The pool was crowded today but luckily I did not have to share a lane.  

Lunch and then headed downstairs to work on hanging some memorabilia that I had framed.  Nancy helped me select a wall to hang my pictures.  The area is large so I have to dig out some more items I want hung.

It was still raining hard when I left at 1500 for my appointment with the physical rehab folks.  Growing up I don’t think I ever heard of Physical Rehabilitation.  Judging by the activity at the rehab place I would say that it is a big business.  In fact I know several friends whose children work in the rehab industry.

I was assigned to Dave Tyler and he wasted no time in performing an evaluation of my problem.  He jerked and stretched my left hip and leg and explained the cause of my sore hip.  His explanation made sense to me.  I was given a set of exercises to do a home.  My next appointment with Dave Tyler is Friday.

Nancy fixed chicken breast with a great chopped vegetable salad.  I also had several slices of a baguette that Nancy purchased this morning at Trader Joe’s.

Read the GRP, watched TV news and Jeopardy before watching NCIS and Bull.  I did switch to the Olympics during commercials.  It was still raining when I went out at 2200.  Flood warning are up all over West Michigan.

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