Monday, February 19, 2018

Sunday February 18, 2918

Weekend Update

Blog started on Saturday 1435 while sitting at Dining Room table

It was cold this morning 20 when first went out at 0700.  It was Saturday so Nancy and I bundled up and walked to Panera.  Panera was nearly empty.

I had my usual oatmeal breakfast with banana, bagel and coffee.  Nancy only had a cup of coffee.

We laid out our plans for today.  Most important is dinner.  We agreed to try the new Vitales in Ada.  Nancy will do laundry and I will take a bike ride.

I biked 7.5 miles which was my longest Feb ride.  As soon as I got home we headed out to Horrock’s Market.  Nancy wanted to buy indoor plant fertilizer and apples.  We ended up with only apples.  I bought a 35# bag of corn and a bottle of wine from Chili.  

At home I used the sled to move the corn to the back yard.  I picked up yesterday’s cobs and put out new corn.

Lunch, emptied my laundry basket and now am writing this blog.  Spent some time reading the news.  I think most news outlet take it easy on Saturday.  They are saving the big stories for Sunday.

Nap and then we headed to the new Vitale’s restaurant on Fulton.  I had spaghetti and Nancy had a salad.  The food was average at best.  We gave Vitale’s B-.

We watched an episode of Call the MidWifes before switching to the Olympics.  Spent some time on FaceTime with both Debbie and Missy.  Love FaceTime.

Sunday February 18, 2018

Blog time 2040 sitting is den watching Olympics.  

Temp was at 32 when first went out today.  High today was 39.  

Headed out at 0745 for the Y.  Nancy swam and I did some calisthenics and tried out the Y’s stationary bikes.

At home we changed clothes and headed out in bright sun to Trinity Lutheran for their 1000 Celebration Service.  This service was billed as the First Sunday of Lent.  Good turnout.

Stopped at Meijer’s for gas and supplies.  Gas was $2.46 today.  At home for the first time in what seems like ages I took Ms P on a walk.  The temperature was high enough that she did not need a jacket.  

Lunch and then spent some time reading the GRP before taking my Sunday nap.  After the nap I set out more corn for the deer.  Spent some time paying bills.  I also filled out a stupid Medicare Questionnaire.

Finished the afternoon with a two mile walk.  I did make a diversion to mail the Questionnaire and bills.  

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I had mine with spinach pie.  

We watched the 60 Minutes and finished the GRP before switching to the Olympics. 

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