Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Monday February 26, 2018

Monday February 26, 2018

Blog time 0925:

The day started on a sour note.  Ms P got sick.  We cleaned it up and vowed to not give her any more eggs.  It was cold, 28, this morning but should be sunny all day.  Sunrise this morning was 0720.  Love these longer days.

Nancy headed out to MVP for either a stretch or step class.  I have a 1100 PT appointment so I did all my calisthenics at home.  I also have included the stretch exercises given to me by the PT folks into my schedule.

I don’t think growing up I knew of anyone involved in the physical rehabilitation industry.  I now know several friends whose children majored in PT in college.  Health care is a major growth industry.  New health care facilities are being constructed all over the GR area.  Health care costs are a big part of the nation’s economy and will continue to grow as the population grows older.  We need more young folks.  Allowing more immigrants in could be part of the solution.

Alpena News reported on a recent charity wild game dinner.  The speaker was the host of MI Outdoors on PBS.  It was well intended.  Hunting and fishing are part of small town culture.  They are the NRA’s base.  

The UK is experiencing winter blizzards.  Today in the The Telegraph were some great photos of the storm.  The storm is called Beast from East.

This and that;

Many investors are buying stocks by borrowing from their portfolios.  This morning on CNBC Warren Buffet said this is a stupid move.  I agree.

We watched the Closing Celebration last night.  A lot of whiz bang action, truly amazing.

Xi Jinping of China is getting rid of term limits.  One man rule returns to China.  One man controlling the lives of over a billion folks never end well.
My PT session lasts exactly an hour.  Stationary bike warmup followed by intensive massage of my left hip and leg.  I say intensive because it hurts.  Wind up the session with a series of exercises.  I think the sessions are working.  No pain at night.

Lunch and then we took Ms P on a short walk.  Great day for a walk, sunny with temp near 50.

The deer continue to sneak in at night and eat the corn I put out.  I haven’t seen them lately but the next morning the cobs have been stripped of kernels.  I put out another 15 cobs.

The bike shop said my bike with the flat winter tire was ready.  I got out my summer bike and headed to Ada.  Picked up the winter bike and left the summer bike for its annual maintenance check.

I took a short nap.  We had a light dinner followed by watching the news, NBC and PBS, and finally Jeopardy.  At 2000 we have our cheese and then we switch to Apple TV.  Boring!  

Watched an episode of The Killing on Netflix.  We both spend a short time reading in bed before falling asleep.  I have a great new Bernard Cornwell novel.

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