Thursday, February 22, 2018

Wednesday February 21, 2018

Wednesday February 21, 2018

Blog time 0935 at Panera

Today is my easy Wednesday.  The rain finally stopped early this morning.  It was 32 when I first went out.  Ice might be a problem this morning.

Nancy headed out to MVP at 0730.  I did the exercises that the PT folks gave me yesterday.  

I was thinking of riding my bike today but decided against it because the temp was 32.  My super duper winter bike with the studded tires is in the shop.  No outside biking until I get my winter bike out of the shop.

Walked to Panera.  Noted water was everywhere and if the temp drops several more degrees driving will be treacherous.

Ordered an oatmeal breakfast with coffee.  Smart phones are great.  I paid for my breakfast using Apple Pay.  I forgot to turn off the outside lights at the condo so while sitting in Panera I brought up my security app and turned the lights off.  Tech can be great but in the wrong hands it can be a disaster.

This and that from the news:

It was just announced that Billy Graham died.  He was a very popular evangelical minister.  His contact with Queen Elizabeth as shown in the Netflix show The Throne was very interesting.

The Florida High School kids marching for Gun Control appears the be gaining steam.  Nancy said it is great how these young folks have mobilized.

I sure think the President’s son visit to India is out of line.  It appears to be a conflict of interest.

The sidewalks were nice and dry on my walk home.  I will take out my Cannondale Bad Boy to run some errands later this afternoon.

Busy Wednesday afternoon, laundry (two loads), take out trash, put out corn for deer and did my PT exercises.  I also took a short nap.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon.  The butterflies at the Gardens are just starting emerge.  The butterflies are one of the Gardens most popular exhibits.  

I pumped up the tires on the Bad Boy and headed out to run errands.  First stop was the P.O. at D&W.  I bought four books of stamps.  Next stop was Macatawa Bank to get money for Kim.  She cleans on Friday.  I took the long route home.  Total miles traveled six miles.

Light dinner and then watched the news, and Jeopardy.  Acorn has some interesting new shows but lately we have not been able to open the programs.  Stay tuned!

Blog resumes on Thursday:  after a light dinner we got a call from our next door neighbor.  She said look out the window.  We did and counted 11 deer eating the 15 ears of corn I set out earlier. Great sight.  

I think one of the reasons we see so many birds and wild animals in suburban area is the enactment off leash laws.  Dogs love to chase wild creatures.  Every spring in Alpena pack of dogs would drive deer over thin ice areas where the deer would break through.   Then  just for sport the pack would kill them.  Of course the leash laws eliminated dogs running free.  Some laws are good.

I finally got our Acorn system to work.  I unplugged the TV, Cable and Apple TV boxes and then plugged them back in.  Everything is now working.  We watched The Heart Guy before turning in.

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