Monday, February 5, 2018

Sunday February 4, 2018

Weekend Update:

Blog started at 1400 Saturday February 3, 2018 sitting in office.

It was cold with light snow this morning.  My weather app said the wind chill was in single digits.  Too cold to walk to Panera.

We had our normal Saturday morning breakfast.  At home I took a quick walk around the block, BRR!  This morning we are attending the 1100 funeral for Jill Buete.  The service is being held at the funeral home.  Pastor Dan from Trinity Lutheran presided.  It was a short but very good service.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I finished yesterday’s blog before lunch.  After lunch headed downstairs for some work in office.

I have been filling out the family tree on Ancestry.  So far I think Ancestry is superior to My Heritage.  I think their data base is larger.  I have also ordered their DNA kit.

I really don’t think releasing the GOP memo is the end of democracy as we know it.  I get tired of listening the the pols grandstanding on TV.  MSU has appointed ex Gov Engler as interim President.  I think it was a good move.

It snowed most of the day.  I shoveled the walk several times.  

Nancy fixed pea soup and hot dogs for dinner.  We FaceTimed with Debbie tonight.  Finished the evening watching a Bond movie on Netflix.

Sunday February 4, 2018

Today is a special day in the Scott family.  It is the tenth birthday of Granddaughter Akerke.  Happy Birthday Akerke!

It snowed most of the night.  I think we got about 4” overnight.  I shoveled first thing.  We did not go to the Y today because of the weather.  I slept in until 0900.

Quick breakfast and then we headed out to the 1000 service at Trinity Lutheran.  Most streets had not been plowed.  I am glad we have 4wheel drive.  As you might expect church was not very crowded today.
After the service we drove to Meijer’s for gas and supplies.  Meijer’s was crowded with folks buying snack for Super Bowl parties.

My how times have changed.  In 1968 when Nancy and I moved to GR most stores were closed on Sunday.  Today Meijer’s is open 24/7.  Today they had a stand that was offering a sample of wine.  Yes folks free wine samples at Meijer’s on Sunday.

At home I unloaded the groceries and then walked around the block.  It was hard walking in the snow.  I also had to shovel again.

We FaceTimed Missy and Akerke this afternoon.  Akerke is having a birthday party with friends at a local restaurant.  Tenth birthday’s are great.  On my tenth I had a party, we had ice cream and cake at home and then attended a movie, Cinderella.  

No nap today because I slept in.  I spent most of the afternoon in the office.  It is now 1630 and I will walk to the mailbox to mail letters to Grandkids.  The temp is 17 and it is still snowing.  

Nancy is fixing chili for dinner tonight.  Yes we will watch the Super Bowl.

The chili was especially good.  I watched the entire super bowl game.  NBC’s camera work was good.  They highlighted some great line play.  The blocking by both offensive lines was great.  

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