Friday, February 9, 2018

Thursday February 8, 2018

Thursday February 8, 2018

Blog time 0900 at Panera

The cold continues.  15 when first went out this morning with a light dusting of snow.  I shoveled our short walk.

Nancy headed out early for her Thursday swim.  Later today she has to attend at training session at the Gardens.  Tonight we are having dinner at Houlihan’s.  Nancy has a coupon.

Last night I started my super duper pill to alleviate my hip pain.  It helped a little bit.  Today after breakfast I walked directly to Panera.  At 1000 I will walk to the Y for calisthenics and swim.  I am trying to work a swim in my plan during winter months.

This and that from the news:

The President’s idea for a military parade is not popular.  I think it is a bad idea.

 Nancy Pelosi talks for eight hours.  Does anyone listen?

Congress has reached a budget deal but it is a steep price, $300 billion over two years.  How are they going to pay for this?

Will the flu impact Olympic performances.  The Alpena News reported on several local high school sports events where teams had trouble fielding at team because of the flu.

The photos of the collapsed multistory building in Taiwan are another example of the power of Mother Nature.

At 1000 I left Panera and walked to the Y.  I did some calisthenics and then swam for 30 minutes.  As mentioned earlier I am substituting swimming for rowing or running during the winter months.

Walked home and after quick lunch I ran errands.  Stopped at bank to put some records in safe deposit box.  Also made stops at Ace Hardware and Meijer’s.
For dinner we drove to Houlihan’s. I had their salmon and Nancy a salad.  I usually give Houlihan’s a strong B for food.  Tonight I hope was the exception.  Because the salmon was burned and mashed potatoes lumpy.  I even complained.

At home we watched a spy show on Netflix.  It is a guy show.  The cold continues but heavy snow predicted for tomorrow.

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