Saturday, February 24, 2018

Friday February 23, 2018

Friday February 23, 2018

Blog time 1035 at Panera

It was raining when first went out this morning.  Temperature was 36.

This morning I have a 0830 session with the PT folks.  Several exercises at home and then I head out.  The PT folks had me ride a stationary bike and other warmup exercise before the PT man started pulling and stretching my left hip muscle.  He hit several sensitive spots during his massage of the hip.  I suppose this is a good thing.  I spent 60 minutes at this session.

Drove to Panera and had an oatmeal breakfast.  Finished yesterday’s blog and now will read some news.  At 1100 I am heading to the Y.

Gun laws, Olympics and the Mueller investigation dominates the USA news.  In West MI the big news is the flooding caused by recent rains and snow melt.  

Calisthenics at the Y and then was planning on going swimming until I looked in the pool and saw all lanes were full.  Rowed 2K instead.

Lunch and then Nancy and I headed to Horrocks to buy corn and some veggies.  At home I put out more corn for the deer.

The dark gloomy weather exhausts me.  I took a quick nap followed by a walk around the block.

Nancy fixed me a chicken pot pie for dinner.  She also had a frozen chicken and potato dinner.

Just before dinner looked out the window and saw 9 deer eating the corn I had just put out.  The deer only eat the kernels.  I put out 14 ears and wonder how much nutrition is available to each deer.  Doesn’t seem much but all the deer look well fed.

Followed our normal routine this evening.  No Olympics instead we watched an episode of British series Murder in Suburbia on Acorn.

Yesterday was President George Washington’s birthday.  I checked my files and found a letter I wrote my mother on Washington’s birthday in 1961.  Washington’s birthday was a Federal holiday in 1961.  I was a federal employee so I had the day off.  I wrote the letter to Mom as I was waiting for my tamales to get hot.  No car so I walked to downtown Detroit and ended up at the library.  Of course the library was closed.  Got back to my apartment just before the rain.  Spend the rest of the day reading.  Time magazine from cover to cover and the Detroit News.  I had a radio but no TV.  Life was simple in 1961 for an impoverished recent CE grad.   

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