Friday, September 1, 2017

Thursday August 31, 2017

Blog time 1100

The bat did not show up last night.  We all slept in until nearly 0700.  Nancy had to hustle to get to MVP for her Thursday swim.  

I headed out in bright sun at 0830.  Pleasant 7 mile ride to Y.  

Noticed that several classes at the Y were very crowded.  I assume it is because many mothers have some free time now that school has started.

I cannot believe it the last day of August.  Most weather folks consider this the last day of summer.  

Snippets from London morning papers:

Gene therapy is looking like a successful cancer cure

60,000 folks were evacuated in Frankfurt, Germany after a WWII bomb was uncovered.  Will WWII ever end?

BRexit talks are becoming nasty

France’s President Macron is facing a union backlash after he announced his labor reforms.  Labor promises a nation wide strike.  I hope Macron stick to his guns.

Quick lunch and we got in the Escape and ran errands.  First stop was Bed Bath and Beyond.  We are looking for a reading pillow for our bed.  No luck so we headed to Russo’s.  Nancy bought three bottles of wine and I bought a bottle of single malt scotch.  

Took a walk around the block and then a short nap.  Skimmed the WSJ and watched the evening news.  Harvey still dominates the news as it should.  It is almost impossible to get a handle on the scope of this disaster.

Tax reform is a hot topic but who knows what will happen when congress returns next week.  Special Prosecutor Mueller is zeroing in on President Trumps first campaign manager Paul Manafort.  Who know what will come of this.

I have a dislike for all Federal attorneys.  Too much power and ego.  

Nancy fixed chicken, baked potato and corn on the cob for dinner.  Tasty

We watch an episode of Vera on Acorn last night.  Very good.

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