Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Monday September 18, 2017

Blog time 1020 at Panera

Heavy fog this morning, with temp in 50s.  Nancy headed out to MVP.  I stayed home and drank a gallon of water.  No breakfast at home today because my Doc requested I retake my recent urine test.  I headed out to Metro Health on Cascade Road.  Doctor Kutsche’s group has just joined Metro Health.  Metro is now part of the UM system.  

With our recent many trips to doctors I have finally figured out that the health industry is a huge business.  I am pleased with our level of care.  I just hope the USA does not adopt Senator Sander’s proposal of Medicare for everyone.  It is costly but I think the level of service will decline.  The London papers are always talking about the UK’s NHS incompetence.

We have a flock of turkeys living in our neighborhood.  They must have found a good source of food.  They keep getting bolder and bolder.

After my test I headed home to get my bike.  Rode to Panera for an oatmeal breakfast.

POTUS has a great opportunity to increase his image if he gives a good speech at the UN this week.  I hope he does not embarrass us.  

After leaving Panera I took the long route home.  Stopped at Macatawa Bank to get some cash.  Next I stopped at Cascade Twp to tell them the street light is still out.  Finally I picked up at prescription at Meijer's.  Also bought supplies for our upcoming trip to UP including two bottles of wine.  My new bike bag has saddle bags.  The bags easily hold two bottles of wine and my iPad.  Who needs a car?

Walk around the block before lunch.  Showered and shaved before a nap.

Light dinner followed by short walk.  Watched an episode of The Heart Guy on Acorn.  Nancy headed to bed early while I watched some of the Lions game before turning in.

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