Saturday, September 30, 2017

Friday September 29, 2017

Blog time 1520 sitting in office on Saturday writing Friday’s blog:

I tried to write this blog on Friday at Panera.  I was using the super duper keyboard that I purchased when I bought the iPad Pro.  It would not work.  Maybe it needs fine tuning since I loaded the new operating system last night.

Today was another cool one with intermittent sun.  Bob and Nancy followed their normal exercise Friday routine.  With the stitches out I can now do chin ups and push-up.

Quick glance at the papers because I have to be home by noon.  This afternoon we are heading downtown to see more Art Prize exhibits.  

We parked in the Ottawa ramp and then headed to the Bob.  The Bob was jammed and they had a big selection of exhibits.  

After the Bob we walked over the Blue Bridge to the GRPM.  All the museum’s exhibits were outside.  Nothing earth shattering.

At the Jerry Ford Museum we found several winners.  The Ford Museum was also crowded.  We headed across the Interurban bridge to the Amway.  Nancy and I needed a break so we sat in the Sports Bar and had chips and a drink.  I had a Guinness and Nancy a coke.

We visited the exhibits in the Amway and then took the Skyway to the Convention Center.  Exhibits lined the walls of the hall leading to the Center.  We did not find anything outstanding.  It was now 1630 so we headed home.

I should note that I usually don’t know anyone when out in a large crowd. Today I met four old acquaintances.

On way home we stopped at D&W to get apples.  Nancy fixed me her world famous poached eggs for dinner.  I had mine on a waffle.

Our Direct TV went out last night.  We have a service man coming tomorrow.  Our Apple TV works so we watched an episode of Doc Marten before turning in.

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