Friday, September 15, 2017

Thursday September 14, 2017

Blog time 1110 at Panera

Set alarm for 0630.  Nancy is swimming today.  I did all my calisthenics at home.  Showered and shaved before breakfast.  This morning I have a 0920 skin cancer surgery.  I had a squamous cell carcinoma spot removed.  The Doctor cut it out and stitched it up.  The stitched area is about 2 inches long.  No upper body exercises until the stitches come out in two weeks.  I am paying for the sins of my youth.  Skin cancer, the curse of the blue eyes.

Stopped at Panera on my way home to do some reading.

Must stay at home this afternoon because the furnace guy is coming to do a PM on our furnace.

This evening Nancy and I are going to Meijer's Garden for an Art Prize event.

Things I read in London papers:

Russia is not immune from terrorists, 45,000 folks evacuated because of terrorist’s phone threats.  Apparently the phone calls are hard to trace.

 Irma has totally destroyed several Caribbean Islands.

Vegan Cafe in U.K. will refuse to accept the new 20# note because animal fat was used in its preparation.  Good grief will they refuse service to folks wearing leather shoes.

Apple will use face recognition on its new phone.  Is facial recognition the new default for security?

As soon as I got home I took a walk around the block.  Lunch and then did a load of laundry.  The furnace man came about 1400 and it took him only about 40 minutes to do the furnace check.

We have a full length mirror in the master bedroom.  It is attached to the backside of the door.  The mirror is loose.  The mirror is attached by plastic tabs screwed to the door.  The screws were pulling out.  I got out my super duper drill and reattached the tabs and screws in new locations.  It worked.  As Red Green says if your wife does not find you handsome she better find you handy.

I have noted recently that in addition to spelling I am having a problem with tense.  I write my blog for the day before bedtime but do not publish it until I reread it the next day.  I am surprised how many errors I find.  Maybe POTUS should try this with his tweets?

We have Middle East wars, massive storm damage in the South, Korea launching missiles, China and Russia acting up, and the pols in Washington being more confused than usual and yet the economy keeps plugging along.  Go figure!

At 1730 Nancy and I headed to Meijer's Garden.  The Gardens has a Rodin exhibit that recently opened.  The Garden also has several Art Prize sculptures on display.  12 of the Art Prize sculptors were in attendance.  They each gave a brief statement on how Rodin influenced their work.  The lecture was attended by about 500 people.  After the lecture we had an opportunity to view the Rodin exhibit and also the Art Prize sculptures.  A fun evening!

At home we had a late dinner and finished reading the GRP.  No TV tonight.

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