Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Monday September 11, 2017

Blog time 1150 at Panera

When will I get it in my head that the days are getting shorter and I will not see early morning daylight until April.  

It was cold but sunny when I left this morning.  Temperature was 42.  Good news a warmup starts today with a high of mid 70s.  I think mid 70s is the normal high for this time of year.

September 11, 2001 I remember it well.  It was another sunny September day and I was getting ready to leave the MAC for work when the Today show announced that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center tower.  I thought it was a small private plane.

When I got to work, our office was in the McKay Tower, Jennifer had turned on the TV and I saw that it was large jet airliners that had intentionally been flown into the towers.  A world changing event.  The events of 9/11 dominated the news for days.   Nancy and I visited the site on a Road Scholar trip to NYC.  It was very emotional.

We tend to remember big events.  I remember vividly what I was doing when told of JFK’s assassination.  It was 0430 in the morning and I was eating breakfast at the military mess in Saigon.  An Army Major Nowak told me.

I also remember VJ Day in 1945.  I was with my Dad visiting my Uncle Bill Hughes when church bells started ringing.  My Dad who was City Manager of Alpena at the time stopped the Fire Chief, Tanky McKim,  and asked why the church bells were ringing.  He said the Japanese had just surrendered.

Irma has totally taken Harvey off the front page.  I think the cost of these storms are going to change Congress’s ability to fund many programs.

BRexit is back in the news in London.  I really don’t know what the UK’s game plan is?

NE Michigan has a problem with Bovine TB.  Most folks say the feeding of deer in winter created a unhealthy environment because of crowding of deer around the feeding area.  The UK also has a potential Bovine TB problem.  They are proposing culling the large number of Badger in selected areas.  Apparently Badger get TB and can spread to the Cow herds.  Of course Animal Right folks are up in arms.  Badgers are more important than people.

More animal news from the Daily News:

Scientist breed world’s most beautiful snake
Monkeys die from heart attack after being scared by tiger
Guinea pigs spread pneumonia 

Watched the Charles Rose/Steve Bannon interview on 60 Minutes last night.  I disagree with Bannon’s position on immigration, trade and of course that stupid wall.  However, I thought Bannon held his own.  Charles Rose is a pompous elitist.

Nancy had lunch with her group from the Blodgett Gift Shop.  As soon as she got home she got in the Escape and headed to Huizenga’s to buy fall potted plants.

I took a walk around the block as soon as I got home, followed by a quick lunch.  

The ACA has promoted getting our medical records on line.  It was a great idea.  I checked my recent blood tests requested by my MG Doctor.  One test result said I should notify my GP about a test.  I was able to access my GP’s on line portal.  I left a message about the test and asked the GP to contact me.  He got my message and called at 1900 and proposed a new test.  Quick response.

Wrote monthly note to Grandkids and biked to mailbox to post the notes.  Also stopped at Bank and then the Cascade Twp to notify them, for third time, that our street light has been out for over a month.

Light dinner, news and then took the Taurus to gas station.  Gas was $2.75 per gallon.  On way home three deer crossed Tahoe by the condo.  Made my day.

Fall weather report:  

12h 40’ of daylight heading to 12h on the 21st.
The maple trees are showing a lot of bright red.
The bike trail is loaded with fallen walnuts and acorns.  How come the critters aren't picking up these tasty morsels?

We watched an episode of “The Heart Guy” on Acorn.  This show is now my favorite.

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