Sunday, September 10, 2017

Saturday September 9, 2017

Blog time 1650 at dining room table

Slept in until 0700 this morning.  We walked to Panera for Saturday breakfast.  The place was nearly empty.  

It was sunny but cool today.  Temps this morning in 40s.  High temp 67.

At home Nancy started the laundry and then ran errands.  I got on the bike and took a 14 mile ride.  A lot of bike traffic on the trails.

After lunch I spent some time working on our main entrance.  Removed cob webs and cleaned the wood around the entrance door.  Sure sign summer is over because I removed the front door screen and installed the glass.  I always have trouble installing the retainer strip for the glass.  In fact I had to watch a You Tube video on proper installation.  I eventually got the glass installed.  Washed all the windows and glass near our entrance.

Tonight we are going to Vitales for spaghetti.  I will read the news tonight and then continue this blog.  Stay Tuned!

We drove to Vitales in Ada Village and found it was closed temporarily because of all the construction in the Village.  The Village is undergoing a massive infrastructure and building project.  We drove around and looked at the construction.  Ada Village will look great when the project is complete.  

We ate at the Ada Pour House on Fulton.  Nancy had a bowl of soup and I had their burger.  The food was good.

After dinner we continued our drive around the Ada area looking at the apartment and condo construction.  A very pleasant evening for an easy drive.

Took Ms P on a short walk followed by a quick read of the papers.  The hurricanes dominate the news.

Debbie face timed us last night.  Debbie told us that the hot weather continues for the Bay Area.  We are visiting Debbie in mid October.  

We headed to bed early.  I hope all you CA folks, despite the hot weather, still manage to get your 30 minutes outside in every day.  Being outside relaxes the soul.

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