Saturday, September 2, 2017

Friday September 1, 2017

Blog time 1130 at Panera

We all slept in until 0700 this morning.  Lately my CPAP mask has been giving me trouble thus interrupting my sleep.  For the last two night for whatever reason the mask has worked fine.  Two nights of great sleep.

Bright sun this morning but it was cold, high 40.  What do you expect for the first day of fall.

Bundled up for my bike ride to Y.   I wear five layers and I pass runners wearing only a tee.  I do not feel over dressed or become over heated.  Must be my old age biology.

The USA is not the only area experiencing serious flooding.  South Asia and parts of Africa are also having records floods.

I read an article on Bitcoins.  I still don’t know how it works.

The Daily Mail had an article on the Aliens from the 1947 encounter in Roswell, NM.  Dead and living aliens are being housed in tunnel at a secret location in Ohio.

The comedian Shelley Berman passed away at age 92.  In 1965 Nancy and I saw Berman perform at the Top Hat in Windsor, Ontario.

After lunch I loaded my Bad Boy bike in the Escape and headed to Ada Bike.  I have 25mm wide tires and they are too narrow for the rough trails I encounter.  Road construction and just bad maintenance have made travel difficult.  I had them put my 32mm tires on.

They said the bike would be ready in 20 minutes.  So I headed to the Farm and 
Fleet store in Lowell and bought a mineral block for deer.  Last night I saw a deer finishing up the block I put out last winter.  

Nancy and I met Mary Namey and her daughter in law Mary for dinner at Houlihan's.  Mary arrived back in GR yesterday.  She has completed her chemo treatments and looks good.  She stayed with her son in VA while undergoing treatment.  She was glad to be home in GR.

At home we watched two episodes of the Heart Guy on Acorn before turning in.

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