Monday, September 25, 2017

Sunday September 24, 2017

Blog time 1730 Sunday, sitting in downstairs office:

Weekend Update:

Saturday September 23:

Up at 0630 finish packing and then head down to complimentary breakfast at America’s Best Value Inn in Newberry, Mi.  Standard motel breakfast except for the biscuits and gravy.  Also first time I have seen a tip jar.  Tacky.

The temperature today will reach 90+ in all of MI.  Can you believe it: 90 degrees in late September in the UP.

Our first stop was St Ignace.  Nancy visited a shop that sells items furnished by Nancy’s friend Kathi.  Kathi had never visited the store.  Nancy took pictures of the store for Kathi.  It was a nice set up.  I like St. Ignace better than Mackinaw City.  

After this stop we got on I 75 and headed straight home.  Pleasant drive with light traffic.  We did stop in Sand Lake to pick up Ms P.  Arrived home about 1430.  Unpacked and then drove to D&W Gas Station to fill up the Escape. The speed limits on rural 4 lanes in MI is now 75 and I was surprised that our gas mileage still exceeded 25 mph.  I drove the speed limit.

I did take a walk around the block before showering and shaving.  Turned on the AC and then a short nap.

I did watch some of the UM/Purdue game.  UM struggles but still wins.  The Refs rejected two Purdue players for hits to the head.  I watched the replays and think the coaches should be fired.  It looked deliberate.  I still maintain that if you want to reduce concussions, remove the helmet face mask.  

We had tamales for dinner.  Watched a new episode of Doc Martin.  Love Doc Martin!  

We FaceTimed Debbie and gave her an update of our trip.  We will visit San Jose in mid-Oct.  Watched some of the first half of the MSU/ND game before turning in.

Sunday September 24, 2017:

Up at 0630 and prepare for our Sunday trip to Y.  Nancy swam and I did calisthenics and a walk/run.  Hurried home, changed clothes and headed to the 1000 service at Trinity Lutheran.  Just before entering the church lot a big buck deer crossed Fulton.  Church was crowded this morning.

We stopped at Meijer's for supplies.  I took a walk around the block before lunch.  Lunch and then read the papers before taking my nap.

Spent several hours going through accumulated mail.  Checked bank accounts and paid some bills.

Nancy is fixing chicken and corn on the cob for dinner.  We will watch 60 Minutes and PBS if the Vietnam series is on.

We really enjoyed our brief vacation.  The internet at our motels was very weak so we missed much of the news which was good.

I am embarrassed for the USA because of the current juvenile actions of PONTUS and professional athletes.   I think everyone should stand for the National Anthem.  If folks don’t want to stand I would just ignore them.  Calling them out just adds fuel to the fire.  I think the current actions of professional athletes has soured me on watching.  Enough said.

The pundits finally had it correct when they predicted an election win for the German Chancellor.  

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