Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Tuesday September 5, 2017

Blog time 1200 at Panera

We had an early morning shower roll through this morning.  Nancy did not go swimming because she thought the pool would be closed because of the electrical storm.

I did my normal morning stuff and then headed out to get my bike.  Surprise! the bike with the new tires had a flat.  I got out the Bianca, pumped up the tires and headed to the Y.  The rain had stopped but it was cool, mid 50s.  

The Y was crowded this morning.  Folks are back from their cottages.  I did a reduced exercise routine this morning because I am a little under the weather.  I have a 1500 appointment with Dr Kutsche’s Physician Assistant.  Last night I had some major stomach pains.  I thought it might be my gall bladder or an air bubble from my CPAP machine.  However, I now think maybe I just have stomach flu.  I hope to find out this afternoon.

The US Congress is back in session today.  I hope they get something done.  

Speaking of legislation the UK legislature is now thinking of making Upskirting Photos a crime.  

French President Macron has as bad a relation with the press as our POTUS.  He does not give many one on one interviews.  He thinks reporters are only interested in themselves.  Sound familiar.

Hurricane Irma could be a very serious storm.  

Single engine prop planes are being used in Iraq and Afghanistan.  A prop plane is better than a jet for close air support of infantry.  They were used successfully in Vietnam.  Low tech is sometimes the best.

Ike warned us of the Military/Industrial Complex.  Is the purchase of Rockwell Collins by United Technology an example?

Quick lunch and then headed out.

Dropped my bike off at Ada Bike to get flat fixed before heading to Dr.

At Dr Kutsche’s office met with his Physicians Assistant.  She examined me and recommended a plan of attack to resolve my stomach issue.  I agreed.  Stopped at Meijer's on way home and purchased medications.  Also picked up my bike.

I sure hope congress resolves the DACA problem soon?  As I have mentioned many times I am a big fan of immigration.  We always need new blood.

Took a quick nap and then a light dinner.  Did dishes, followed by the news and a walk around the block.

We watched some TV before turning.  The cool weather continues through Friday.

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