Saturday, September 9, 2017

Friday September 8, 2017

Blog time noon at Panera:

Up as usual at 0630, dark, 50, but the weather guys promised sunshine today.  Nancy headed to MVP and I bundled up and pedaled to the Y.

Great TV ad for Hurricane Harvey by our five former Presidents.  How many countries have five living ex-leaders?  Their message of helping was a good example.  Way to go Jimmy, George, Bill, George and Barrack.

Hurricane Irma is really destructive.  Hope it heads out to sea before hitting FL.  President Trump’s properties could be impacted by the storm.  

The natural disasters continue, hurricanes, flooding in North America, Asia and Africa and now a huge earthquake in Mexico.  I have seen bad flooding but never an earthquake.  Hurricanes give you some warning but earthquakes are sudden.  

All the smart folks say you should check your credit scores at least annually.  Now one of only three rating firms has been hacked.  What should citizens do, go back to cash only?

Nancy took Ms P to the Groomer earlier today.  Quick lunch and then we head to Costco for supplies.  The place was jammed.

At 1530 we headed to the Groomer.  Ms P looks good with her short hair.

Nancy is fixing Costco’s chicken noodle soup for dinner.  I wanted a baguette so walked to Panera and bought one.  I like Costco’s CNS.

Took a short walk to the corner.  When I got home Nancy said the power was out.  Another non weather related power outage.  Called Consumer and they said our power was out, dah!  Power should be back on at 2330.

Got out our flashlights and checked on our next door neighbor, Sonya, to see how see was doing.  She had just gotten home.  I invited her over for a glass of wine.  We all sat in our dark living and drank wine and talked until 2230.

We were lucky because our iPads had plenty of power.  We both read until nearly midnight.  Power finally came back on at 0130.

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