Thursday, September 14, 2017

Wednesday September 13, 2017

Blog time 1150 at Panera:

Breakfast Club Wednesday so I am up with the alarm at 0530.  Head downtown in complete darkness.  My Optometrist prescribed for me glasses especially for night time driving.  They work great.

Small turnout at BC.  Today’s Speaker was from an organization promoting visiting GR.  Good talk.

Stopped at the Y on way home to do a light workout.  Next stop Costco to buy some long sleeve white tees.  I wear long sleeve tees all year round.

Blog resumes Thursday at 1150:
Stopped at home to drop off purchases.  Biked to Panera for chance to read papers.

I found no news that I want to comment on.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.  She is also having Book Club.  She gave me instruction on how to turn the oven on and put in the Mac and Cheese she is preparing for tonight.  I said I could handle it.

Lunch and a walk around the block before nap.  Very short nap because I had to get the oven fired up.

Tom Moleski dropped Linda off at 1645.  Tom and I then headed to Uccello’s for dinner.  We both ordered light tonight.  Never had a bad meal at Uccello’s.

We got home just as Book Club was winding down.  Nancy said her Mac and Cheese went over well.  Mary Nama attended her first BC since December.  All the members welcomed her back.

Nancy and I started watching a Netflix show.  I fell asleep about 5 minutes into the show.  I have been having problems getting a good night’s sleep lately.  The soundest sleep I get is in my reclining easy chair.  Maybe I should get one of those beds that you can raise and lower.  I think my best sleep is when the head is elevated.

The trees are turning fast.  Next week Nancy and I are going to the UP for a color tour.  Hope we are not too late.

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