Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Tuesday September 19, 2017

Blog time 1000 at Panera

It was dark and gloomy when we got up this morning.  Sunrise is at 0727 and will continue to get later until DST ends on Nov 5.  We now have 12h17’ of daylight heading to 9 hours at the Winter Solstice, Dec 21.  I don't like to ride my bike in darkness even with lights.

My phone’s weather app said it would rain this morning.  So my plan was to exercise at home and then walk to the Y and eventually Panera.  After my modified calisthenics routine at home I rechecked my phone and it said no rain this morning.  Fickle!  

I got on the bike and took a nine mile ride to Panera.  It was very dark so I needed all the bike lights.  I really should not complain because we have had a spectacular bike season.  I think I have only missed two days because of weather.

Very interesting article in the Alpena News on former AHS football and baseball coach Bob Delaney.  He coached at AHS from 1945 to 1952 and had a 52-9 record.  After a brief stint as an assistant at MSU he became head coach at Wyoming with a record of 35-10-5.  His final coaching stop was Nebraska.  He had a 82-18-5 record, two undefeated seasons, two NCAA titles and a Coach of Year honor.

I think his success was because of his attention to detail.  He organized touch football league for the four elementary schools and a tackle league for the middle schools.  He knew the name of every boy on every team.  He also was very persuasive in getting boy’s with talent to go out for football, especially the kids from the rural schools.  I remember as a freshman that on Thursdays before a game he would make us freshmen scrimmage against the varsity.  If a play was not run properly he would run it over and over until the varsity got it right.  For us freshman it was a black and blue scrimmage.  I did not look forward to Thursday’s practice.

What is with the stock market it just keeps plugging along?

President Trumps speech to the UN got mixed reviews.  Israel said it was bold but France and several EU countries took exception to parts of the speech.  America First was given major emphasis.  I don't think calling the North Korean leader “Rocket Man” was appropriate. TR had it right speak softly but carry a big stick or as I was taught in the Navy “chew out in private and praise in public”.  Enough said!

At home we took Ms P on her walk followed by lunch.  Finished packing for our UP trip.  Ran errands including buying small bottles of wine for our trip.  Red for me and white for Nancy.

This evening we are going to Noto’s for the monthly get together of our condo groups.  It is always an enjoyable time.

The natural disasters keep piling up.  Hurricane following hurricane and now another earthquake in Mexico.

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